GET Free Familiars!(SEATS LIMITED)

Thank you. I am happy you too received your familiar in good condition. Take care of it and be mindful as she also has feelings. Goodluck man.


Yes, I will take the utmost care to see that she will be well treated


are you still doing this? I would like to have one

I checked my pegasus over and he is legit. He helped me earlier deal with a spirit harassing me. Kicked him in the face and trampled his companion. I got to say that is one badass pegasus.
Thank you MorpheusDarkson for my new companion.


Iā€™m glad it worked for you.


Hello please I need one a dragon

Why i am always late!!! :slightly_frowning_face::neutral_face:

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Lmao ik


I must say I like your initiative and your willingness to share with the community!
Familiars are truly great being lost one that I had this summer he was with me for twelve years!


I love helping others.


Can i ask for one too? <3

I do have some questions and I would love my own familiar, but is it similar to a servitor or more on a physical level of being? Iā€™ve always felt very close to cats and maybe even foxes, but there was one moment in my past where a cat basically ā€˜spokeā€™ to me. Not with a voice but with its actions; I was around 12 years old when it happened. It was a feral cat that I had little interaction with, but my pet cat had dominated the cats in the area and was basically their boss, lol. So, I had a stupid idea as a kid that I would try to train my cat how to walk on a leash, i used a jump rope because i didnā€™t have a leash at the time. Anyway, he didnā€™t like it one bit so he ran off into the woods with the rope on his neck. A few minutes later, one of the cats comes up to me and is crying and calling to me like something was wrong. Iā€™d never seen it do that before. I ignored it at first but she just kept coming back to me. I got up to pet her and she ran off, so again I thought nothing of it, until she came back a third time, so i decided she must be trying to tell me something, then i realized I hadnā€™t seen my cat in a few minutes, and she was leading me into the woods. Soon we found my cat choking on some metal he had got caught up in because of the rope. If I had gone inside like I planned, my cat wouldā€™ve choked to death and it wouldā€™ve been all my fault. Iā€™ve always had a fondness for cats, but that day made me love them even more and feel a strong connection to them. So, I guess long story short, Iā€™d love a cat familiar.

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sorry the seats have been finished and my free service is closed

Did u mean me ?

No, i think he meant @maxwell


Oh big surprise you got the entities from yahweh

Yahweh hates me, and half the members on this forum. What the fuck


Maybe you should work it out with him

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/i would do that if he wasnt a vindictive angel who wanted to put a collar on me.

i can feel him angering. good.

Heā€™s not an angel, heā€™s a storm god

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