Gatekeeper QnA! With Special Guests!

Hello! Do you have a message for me? Thank you!

“ask your questions”

I don’t think they mean it as “ask a question and I shall answer.” I think they mean it as start asking yourself more questions

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Not sure if this is still open or not. Here’s my question for the gatekeepers or anyone that comes through.

What should I expect to happen with the next two years of my life. Physically, emotionally and spiritually? Do you have any advice?

Lol I thought so as well.

What does it mean to get Doxxed?

It comes from a spelling alteration of the abbreviation “docs” (for “documents”) and refers to “compiling and releasing a dossier of personal information on someone”. Essentially, doxing is revealing and publicizing records of an individual, which were previously private or difficult to obtain.


“Expect challenges in belief.”

Any general messages please

“Know thyself.”

Whichever feels like answering. What are your thoughts on the current direction of my path. Crypticness aside.

I got an image of the Tower tarot card

The tower card is pretty positive despite the idea of it being bad. It’s just more of a sudden unforeseen change or awakening :thinking: interesting.

My questions: Will the three main intents I work on be accomplished? When can I expect a major breakthrough? Which spirit helps me the most?
Thank you.

I didn’t feel the bad part of it.

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Good advice. :+1:

I replied on another topic about the overall validity of Q&A offerings, going to copy that reply here:

I strongly recommend anyone, especially people with the least experience in magick, bear this in mind here, and on any Q&A. :thinking:

No-one is your free oracle, but working together, we can make some awesome shit happen, provided we are all honest, cautious, and sharp. :+1:


What is my strongest magical helper

I’d say 99%


Did I come late for the party?

a little yeah. Sorry.
