Gatekeeper QnA! With Special Guests!


Lilith is criminal, shes breaking laws of singularity and dressing(to seduce people) to beings that doesnt belong to her, thats why i asked “satalos” about her “currents”

but hey, it will be like 150 years now and they dont remeber you anymore.

just a note to beings you are working right now, if you are with them, you are not with me.

lastly, ask lilith what happened to samael, and what happened to system “satan”

Oh ok :blush:
Another question would be:
Some people like to stick certain attributes to you f.e patient, short-tempered etc. Are these attributes accurate or do they misunderstand your energy?

“Samael is always with me.” I don’t know what you are referring to “system”.

Me specifically?

I want to ask a question but I need one that doesn’t end up with a cryptic answer, those tend to be sketchy to me lol.

Request no cryptic nonsense.

Nope ,them :smiley:

“We are what the practitioner thinks we are.”

Does that mean you are a part of us or rather “formed” according to our expectations?


May I ask… What does Satalos represent exactly? Is it just a “fuse” of all the others? Can you explain it to me?

Satalos is THE outer darkness. He’s not just an amalgamation of the gatekeepers. He is deep space.

Ok thanks for clarifying :smile:

No Problem!!

Any personal advice on how to continue my path? What should I work on? It doesn’t matter who of them answers :slightly_smiling_face:

“You are doing good. Do better. Continue working on what you are working on. You aren’t done yet.”

For whomever chooses to answer. What can we as practitioners expect to be the most difficult part of the change caused from beginning this work with the gatekeepers? In your opinion, what does the human consciousness struggle with the most when trying to integrate and absorb these concepts?

Thank you.

Ok, I have one last question.
I have heard some people say they called upon an entity to help them but they weren’t deemed worthy. What does that mean ? Again doesn’t matter who of them answered.
(Also, just out of curiosity who answered my previous question? :laughing:)

"The sudden change in approach from these entities going down the list in Matthew’s order.

You humans often can’t fathom that 1 DNA and RNA can be shifted and 2 the idea that more elaborate doesn’t always mean more powerful."

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