Futhark That

ty. its was the offensive nature of Thurisaz that i was concerned with when i think of frost giant and thorns i dont think plesent thoughts.

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So I had this thought that occurred to me that if lets say there was a spirit you wanted to bind seal a spirit in an object you would use fehu, and other energy runes to stop it and its energy from escaping. Correct me if im wrong

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I don’t see fehu as a particularly good rune for imprisonment, no. Most of the protection runes I mentioned above funnily enough should make good rune prison material, as should any bindrune in which any of the ill-portending runes (e.g. hagalaz, thurisaz, naudiz etc.) are coupled with Raidho.


Right. Someone showed some pics of a cool wooden box with futhark and some other probably Sumarian runes. The futhark were all very baneful.

As far as a purpose for that item, either keeping a terrible thing inside or putting something inside to curse it.

You could write “The Song that Never Ends” or “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” in futhark runes in a spiral around a vessel of some sort. If you continuously sing the song while crafting you might have a serious artifact. Try not to go crazy and fall in though…

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Wow Sumerian Runes you said ? Really ? Do you have the pictures ? Honestly i think runes are way older than WE think and what you said might prove it.

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That’s the thread. I think the box was crafted in modern times rather than being ancient, but still cool.

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I was wondering has anyone used Gebo to attract something in their life? I know you can use it for giving and receviong

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Many swear that Gebo bound with Ansuz brings good luck.

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website i forgot to post

ok some of the wording is a little confusing when the attributes for the runes are described. what the hell does increase of active and passive magickal and divinatory skills mean? I know what divinatory
skills are but active and passive magickal power cant mean physic power right?

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Haha, occult vocabulary is a huge challenge. Every now and then a few of us get together and try to work out a common set of terms and concepts. That usually becomes a religion for crazy muggles with anger problems.

I think I understand what is meant by Active/Passive/Divination.
Active magic is spell-casting and ritual. Active magic is done on purpose as a specific event. Passive magic is more like magical health and status. A person’s aura is a passive act of magic. Divination fits into a special spot between the other two. Divination is active and passive at the same time. Imagine how sonar pulse is reflected back to a submarine. Noise and silence are both used to gather information.

thank you. I’m creating tat bind rune for physic powers.

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Fehu sowilo Mannaz laguz ansuz these are the runes i was planning on using after i ask for some help with divination.

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so does anyone encode their runes with special purpose? You know when Edred Thorsson suggests you stand before the talisman in the algiz stadha and tell it the requirements, restrictions,
and purposes.

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Divination’s an inherently passive or receptive form of magic, so I’d parse any delineation of active from passive WITHIN the divinatory arts as referring to divinatory spellwork and praxis (cartomancy, scrying, etc) as opposed to gnosis received from one of the latent divinatory senses (clairvoyance etc.)


So bookmarking this and going to go back thru with a fine tooth comb and multiple dictionaries for my ignorant butt. Also well done @Zapdubious!

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Wanted to share this video of chanting with the elder futhark with you! Aka galdur


Damn! I did a better job at this than I remembered. I was already talking about Odin and identifying magic objects. I’m so glad I made this thread. It’s a grimoire.

Good job yesterday self👍

Can fehu also mean “reaching high heights?”

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This song is about Odin.
Interpret these lyrics and tell me what you think.