Free love readings

Great! I would like the following if you have time. Thank you in advance :heart:

  1. Math of Love Triangles
  2. 7 times shuffled.
  3. Navy blue
  4. Damien Rice - Volcano (live) - YouTube
  5. A public reply is fine
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That was a sentimental lyrical statement. I need her. I was expressing my feelings. Now it’s up to the OP to select which singer she likes the most :smiley:

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Hahaha :wink: I considered listing the molly burch song for my own :joy:

I clearly remember asking for a reading in this topic . But the whole thing has just vanished :roll_eyes: is it too late to ask ? @longlostredemption

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No. You sent me a private PM instead of replying on the thread 23 hours ago. I’m doing readings in my free time when not taking care of my children in the order asked.

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I mean lol… I didn’t wanted the results in the thread.

Anyways . I’d appreciate it if u could give me one .

How do I fix my relation with Nina ?
Color : sea green
7 times shuffled
What touches my soul Her healing abilities for me .


Coming Love Interest Spread

1 - Who is your coming love interest. Reverse 7 of Swords.
2 - His/her work, job. 7 of Pentacles.
3 - His/her quality. Knight of Cups.
4 - His/her flaw. King of Pentacles.
5 - His/her look. Reverse King of Wands.
6 - What he/she will think of you the first time you will meet. IV The Emperor.
7 - What you will think of him/her the first time you will meet. X The Wheel of Fortune.
8 - His/her feelings for you. Reverse 3 of Swords.
9 - Your feelings for him/her. Reverse 4 of Cups.
10 - The strength of your relationship. Reverse 9 of Cups.
11 - The weakness of your relationship. Reverse Page of Pentacles.
12 - Love potential in long term. Reverse Page of Swords.

Your coming love interest is a conscientious person who has a healthy outlook of the world. The desire to leave the world better than they found it.

Their job requires them to make an assessment on progress and determine if it successful or a failure. This could mean being employed in quality assurance, non-destructive testing, statistics, managing social welfare and community programs, et cetera.

Their quality is of a true romantic at heart. They are idealistic and long for a peaceful world. Their flaw is pressure to maintain a conservative, honorable, and financially stable appearance. This may be internal or external expectations.

Your coming love interest may be bald or have light-colored hair (blonde, red, or a very light shade of brown). Bright eyes. They may come across as an emotionally mature yet intimidating presence.

When you first meet, they’ll view you as an effective authority figure who values the structure following rules provides and that you care about those they are in charge of. The first time they meet you, they will think of good fortune and things getting better.

Their feelings towards you is the reverse 3 of Swords. This means that the energy of the upright 3 of Swords – betrayal and heartbreak, is blocked. This could mean they either undergo prolonged grief or that their heart is beginning to heal. Your feelings towards them will be one of radical acceptance and acknowledging a missed opportunity. This indicates that at this point in your lives, it isn’t the right time for a relationship between you both.

The strength of your relationship will be recognizing your your wishes for a relationship won’t be fulfilled. The weakness will be that the relationship isn’t mature enough for a serious relationship and that the passion you feel may turn into feeling frustrated from boredom or it being too much work.

EDIT: I just realized I screwed this last card meaning up by assuming I didn’t need to double check the photo. Running on about 2 hours of sleep. My apologies.

Long term potential says lying, being defensive, and backstabbing. Refer back to the immaturity of the Reverse Page of Pentacles

It’s up to you whether you want to still try despite ill timing.

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I’ll bite.
Coming interest, red, 7, tear you apart by she wants revenge, and let’s keep it private.

I ll take one please.

  1. Useful Spread
  2. Times shuffled: 26
  3. Song I currently feel Lana del Rey: Dark Paradise
  4. On private please

@longlostredemption Thanks!

Hi there! First of all I want to say thank you for your efforts. Me and all the people in the comments really appreciate your help.

  1. Coming Love Interest
  2. The number of times you wish for the deck to be shuffled = 13 (58 ==> 5+8=13)
  3. Yellow
  4. Something that touches your soul =
    Poem: Femmes Damnees by Charles Baudelaire
    Maxim: memento mori
  5. I don’t mind the results being private or not

don’t run. walk. you might trip into his ding dong. j/k. stupid jokes these days… haha. I read somewhere that a rapist use that excuse in the past news… He said it was accidental. she trip and landed on me. Can’t recalled if he got away with that excuse.

You can always do 2, 3 ,4 ,5 night stands and then it will turn into a thing. =o) and cancel out the one night stand.

Coming Love Interest Spread

1 - Who is your coming love interest. Reverse 4 of Pentacles.
2 - His/her work, job. 3 of Pentacles.
3 - His/her quality. Queen of Swords.
4 - His/her flaw. Reverse Page of Wands.
5 - His/her look. XIV Temperance.
6 - What he/she will think of you the first time you will meet. Reverse XIII Death.
7 - What you will think of him/her the first time you will meet. V The Hierophant.
8 - His/her feelings for you. IV The Emperor.
9 - Your feelings for him/her. Reverse 4 of Wands.
10 - The strength of your relationship. Reverse 3 of Wands.
11 - The weakness of your relationship. Reverse Page of Cups.
12 - Love potential in long term. 2 of Pentacles.

Putting It All Together:

Your coming love interest is somebody generous with their money; sometimes recklessly so.

Their work is one that they use their talents. They possibly may work in collaboration with others. Something like a graphic designs artist, journeyman cabinetry, et cetera.

This person is insightful, intelligent, and independent. Their flaw is that they are directionless which leads to stifled creativity. They will look like a peaceful person – maybe even angelic.

The first time you meet, they’ll think you struggle with change. If you had a major heartbreak, such as the death of a beloved parent, this may be expressed as difficulties grievings and moving on. The first time you meet them, you’ll think of tradition and the beliefs or values you were raised with.

Their feelings for you will be fathering ones. They want to be the more authoritative one, protect you, and enforce rules to provide structure in your lives. This may be in response to them perceiving you struggling with change and wanting to help you by taking lead. Your feelings for them will be ones of instability and the negative emotions that arise with domestic problems.

The strength of your relationship will be in how you both deal with setbacks and lack of foresight. The weakness of your relationship is emotional immaturity and blocks in creativity.

The long term potential is one where you can be in balance with one another if you’re flexible and focus on prioritizing. But still, you cannot juggle forever.

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No…no I can’t. I’m not wired that way. Not everyone can just rip off their clothes and sleep with someone. I don’t develop sexual attraction right away, and without it, my body won’t cooperate.


thank you very much for that great offer =)

  • Relationshio Problem Solving Spread (if that works with an now-ex-boyfriend…)
  • The number of times you wish for the deck to be shuffled: 8
  • Colour: Light blue
  • Song: Lux Aeterna (Clint Mansell)
  • Please send me the result via PM/private.

Thank you very very much!

Thank you very much. The reading is comprehensive and makes excellent sense. The time and effort you have put in is greatly appreciated.

Man or girl i am in .
I had a long time no love relationship going.

1 Deck of love interest
2 7 Times
3 Darkish Neon Pink (:joy:idk why)
4 when it comes to emotions in relationship Empire of the Sun~First Crush song
5. I would be Happy to assist you more if you need something.

With friendly regards Serpentslight.

Hello, thanks for doing love readings, first time I hear of those and im interested!

1.Coming Love Interest
2.3 times
4. Trevor Something - Viral Lust
5. Thread reply will be cool

Hi longlostredemption! Thanks for doing these readings. I would like the Coming Love Interest spread. Shuffled 3 times. Color is blue. Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card is a book that touches my soul. I’d like my results to be private.

Coming Love Interest Spread

1 - Who is your coming love interest. 5 of Swords.
2 - His/her work, job. Reverse 9 of Swords.
3 - His/her quality. King of Pentacles.
4 - His/her flaw. Reverse X The Wheel of Fortune.
5 - His/her look. Reverse Knight of Wands.
6 - What he/she will think of you the first time you will meet. Two of Wands.
7 - What you will think of him/her the first time you will meet. 10 of Pentacles.
8 - His/her feelings for you. Reverse 10 of Swords.
9 - Your feelings for him/her. Reverse V The Hierophant.
10 - The strength of your relationship. Reverse Page of Swords.
11 - The weakness of your relationship. Reverse VII The Chariot.
12 - Love potential in long term. 2 of Cups.

Your coming love interest is someone who continues to fight to “win” even when they know they’re in the wrong. May be too proud or ashamed to currently to say, “I’m sorry. I thought about it and realized you were right.”

Their work involves helping other people to improve their moods and to forgive other people. They may work in the mental healthcare field such as a psychologist, in rehabilitation such as helping ex-felons reintegrate into society, or in spirituality/self-improvement program such as teaching guided meditation.

Their quality is of a honorable, financially stable person. Their flaw is of a person with a string of bad luck, setbacks, and disappointments. As they say about suffering with bad luck, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” Appearance-wise, they’ll likely have light-colored hair and bright eyes. They may come across with a quirky fashion state and appear frazzled. Think college student or artist running on little sleep, holding a coffee, stain they failed to see on their shirt, going on a loud rant about something they are deeply passionate about while they talk waving their hands all about.

The first time you meet, they’ll see you as a very determined individual with the ability to bring forth your will through planning. You’ll see them as a person that shares your family values and can build a stable life with.

Their feelings towards you will be that of things are finally improving despite their series of bad luck. Your feelings towards them will be non-conventional and challenging the status quo. My intuition says you’ll feel they are a person that challenges you in a good way – stimulating conversations regarding the deep topics of life.

The strength of your relationship is a little less clear. Either you both struggle with discussing emotions and prefer to keep them quiet, or that you’re both okay with intrusive and personal questioning. The weakness of your relationship is poor self-discipline which can cause delays as well as being pushy.

Your love potential in the long term is one of harmony and affinity. Two of Cups is a very promising card as an outcome for love relationships.