Free love readings

PM’d your reading.

Ok. I am PMing you now. Thank you. I appreciate it

Hi longlostredemption, is this still available?

If so then:

  1. Relationship Problem Solving Spread
  2. Seven times
  3. Blue
  4. Some Say by Nea has been really speaking to me lately: Nea - Some Say (Lyrics) - YouTube
  5. I’m cool with the results being public
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Uuumm…Mad World seems like the best 1.

I want one.
-Coming love interest
-five times
-Wings of heaven- Tiamat.
-Can be public


I’d take a Useful Relationship Spread
4 shuffles
Too Good To Say Goodbye–Bruno Mars

Coming love interest. Sorry i didn’t make that clear

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Hi, I’d love one!
Useful relationship spread
Shuffle 10 times
“Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears
Private message, please

This is generous of you, thank you!

Edited to add: I just remembered I’m new here, so I probably can’t do PM yet, so public is fine, maybe someone else can benefit from it, too. Also, I’m a she, partner is a he, if it matters

Hey, I’d like one.
• Coming Love Interest
• 77
• Black
• song : Imagine Dragons – Next to me
• You can post It here, but be sure to @tag me.
I’ll be more than happy to provide a genuine feedback.


  1. Useful relationship spread
  2. 7 times shuffled
  3. Green
  4. Drowning by Sixth June
  5. You can reply here

Can I have one please ?

Here are my information

  1. Coming Love Interest. The name of the guy is George
  2. color : blue
  3. 8 times
  4. song: Photograph by ed sheeran
  5. Private please

Thank you very much, @longlostredemption

This whole reading is a confirmation to me.

Some of the cards you put it stalked me during days, and I’m not a great tarot reader, actually I am begginer in the art, but I felt that somethings was missing in what I was intepreting.

Although I have to figure out the final message bc it’s one of this you work during years :upside_down_face:

1 Like

Note: That song totally reminded me of Ice Nine Kills – The Greatest Story Ever Told. It brightened up my day reminiscing. It’s been easily 10 years since I listened to it.
Ice Nine Kills - The Greatest Story Ever Told - YouTube

Coming Love Interest Spread

1 - Who is your coming love interest. Reverse King of Cups.
2 - His/her work, job. Knight of Swords.
3 - His/her quality. Reverse 10 of Swords.
4 - His/her flaw. XII The Hanged Man.
5 - His/her look. XV The Devil.
6 - What he/she will think of you the first time you will meet. Reverse 7 of Swords.
7 - What you will think of him/her the first time you will meet. Reverse 9 of Wands.
8 - His/her feelings for you. Knight of Wands.
9 - Your feelings for him/her. Reverse 4 of Wands.
10 - The strength of your relationship. Reverse X The Wheel of Fortune.
11 - The weakness of your relationship. Reverse 3 of Swords.
12 - Love potential in long term. Reverse King of Wands.

Putting It All Together:

Your coming love interest is an unethical and manipulative person.

Their job is one where they need to be blunt, fearless, and action-oriented. Intuition says this may possibly indicate a skilled trade such as underwater welding, public service such as a firefighter, or a member of the military.

Their quality is of one where they are either recovering from a hardship or let themselves still be affected by a hardship with their victim mentality.

Their flaw is their willingness to sacrifice or let go of their time and energy. Intuition says this is related to their occupation.

Your coming love interest’s look is a little harder to understand. Traditionally, XV The Devil features a fat, half-naked devil along with a naked Adam and Eve. One could interpret this person to have a counter-culture aesthetic of the sort upright Christians would judge as wicked by appearance alone.

The first time they meet you, they’ll think of you as a conscientious person who wants to put out good into the world. The first time you meet them, you’ll think they are burned out from taking on too much.

Your coming love interest will feel impulsive and energetic towards you. The desire for an intense yet short affair. On the otherhand, the feelings you’ll have will be ones of instability and lack of attention – common with domestic problems.

The strength of the relationship is that you won’t feel like you’ve been blindsided with bad luck and being disappointed. The weakness of the relationship is that you may go through denial and prolonged grief regarding your relationship woes.

Love potential in the long-term is bleak: an ineffectual relationship where ruthlessness and domineering occurs.

Seems like it might be good for a one night stand. Otherwise, run.

  1. Useful Relationship Spread
  2. 5 times
  3. Violet
  4. The song: Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine
  5. I don’t mind a thread reply.

Also, thankyou so much for doing these. I know it’s to hone your craft but still, it’s pretty awesome to do.

Beautiful music…and one of my favorite readers in action. Ah, life can be sweet.



Hi @longlostredemption thanks for offering this to the community, it is appreciated!

For me you can consider

  1. Coming Love Interest
  2. The number of times you wish for the deck to be shuffled = 7
  3. Orange
  4. Something that touches your soul. I work best if I can tap into emotion. This means that something like a song that really speaks to you right now (ex: Svavar Knutur’s Emotional Anorexic), a poem (ex: The Highway Man by Alfred Noble), or a maxim (ex: momento mori) is what I need. MAXIM= Carpe Diem
  5. If you care if the results are private. If you don’t mind, it’ll be a thread reply. I don’t care if the results and private and I will give you feedback

Thanks again!



The exact opposite of what I wanted to hear, but at least I’ll know to run like hell when this guy comes along (I don’t do one-night stands).



Hi, Thanks for offering this.

I would like the:
Relationship problem solving Spread
7 times shuffled
Song : please be mine

I’d like the result to be private

Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:

Please be mine by Molly Burch? Or the Jonas Brothers? :joy: