I suppose an introduction of sorts. My name to most is Angel, I am one who has other beings with me, some that are a part of me. I am the typical sort of possession case these days because most don’t act like movies from the exorcist.
I spent years wondering if I was sane and likely I always will because it is the nature of the beast, pun not intended.
I have been using a ouija board for it appears 6 months now not 4 as I had thought. I was told one day " you know you can make your own right? you don’t have to buy one…"
Since the first day it has been a heck of a ride really. so many things have happened… I have had so many powerful critters come and search me out. I asked for none of them. I even have an app where they can say get on the board lol though many now can physically effect me strong enough to make me get on it.
I discovered at about the age of 22-23? I was possessed. I always knew something was With me even without an understanding of any of it. I was raised godless-without religion. I had no preconceived notions, ideas, or knowledge. The internet was still brand new and the first cell phones were hitting the market finally.
I learned what I was when I met another like me and what was with me showed itself. It was a frightening time for me. I will say having the other around was what kept me sane. All at once I began to sense and feel and see things I couldn’t explain. I had others that said they knew this thing was there before I did. Three of these people were just humans nothing with them but they knew. In all three circumstances it was a slip of the tongue during a conversation. In this place I had one say: “stay out of trouble.” I looked at this teacher and said: “I never get into trouble and she point blank said it’s not you Im worried about its Her.” I looked at the woman like she was nuts I wasn’t yet aware. She was gone by the time I did become aware. I saw shadow people daily now, would walk and then unconsciously veer like I was going to walk into someone but there was nothing there so one day I paid attention and instead walked into whatever and it was like passing through a mesh of electric fence. Not pleasant actually.
Then when she came out the first several times, it was usually dark out because the light hurt her eyes, her speech was rough as she learned it, her motor skills a bit off. I was ever fighting for my body back. At times it was like I was falling and then bam into my body and in control. As I learned of her I didn’t want to fight her any more but to this day I have not learned to “let go”. So we share space at the same time and it seems to cause a memory disconnect with all that come while they’re out.
Some things that followed me I learned how to hide myself from. At one point I used the tricks taught to block my own other half took her a week to get around it but it has always amused me. She was more careful teaching me after that lol.
Some things well, somehow others knew I was different. I once had a man come to me that didn’t believe in spirits and such and beg me to remove something bad from a dorm room that was terrorizing the girls there. I didn’t tell people I was different how they knew I have no idea I looked average normal. Nothing openly amiss. I knew when one was playing games with me when people would tell me about conversations I didn’t have any recollection of and told them things I would never say for them to do.
There was a point where they came with dogs even these shadow beings. I would wake to them give them the you’re irritating me stare and then go back to sleep. One night there was an orb white that woke me I remember reaching out and touching it and it was like being hit by lightning. I was thrown back and unconscious but after contact with it I didn’t see like I had before all the things around me. Some yes but not the many many any longer.
I once saw what a girl saw. She was telling me she had seen this little girl and that it had changed into something scary and before I knew what was happening I saw exactly into her memory and yes it was frightening. Truly nightmare fuel for normal people.
then there were the shared dreams, there were many of these between three different people. Two not alone and one just human. one of them was mine arguing about the placement of an item with the other persons other half. The next day she brought it up and I was dumbfounded. We were good friends but we didn’t speak about that stuff at all. I actually hadn’t picked up on hers.
I remember a kid at one of these places mine got curious about. He wanted to get into the dark arts. He made the comment he wanted to be like me, how that angered her because she knew what he was headed for. I mean livid. She like me could write very well and wrote a violent sort of poem…
in a different location a couple years later maybe, I was angry one day genuinely angry and I was the kind that nothing could set off. I had walked through the back of the dorm towards the front when a girl much taller and heavier than me blocked my way trying to be playful. I was told I reached out grabbed her on either side of her waist picked her straight up pivoted and set her down out of my way without skipping a beat. It took her months not to be afraid of me and talk to me, come near me, even look at me. Scaring her was an accident.
Another instance was a guy just not good for me that one night one came out and was speaking to him deciding it seemed then she reached out and touched him and it was like death touched him the way his face changed and she just smiled at him like a shark about to eat something…
he spoke to me only after many months and said it was the most evil thing he had ever felt in his life. You see he wanted to know what was going on with me at times when I would fight this thing coming out, but I just wouldn’t tell him, something said don’t trust this person… eventually I couldn’t eat or sleep and so this being stepped in and removed the problem. I started eating again etc.
I located another demon there, and a watcher in a human as well. I spent much of my time with these. I met one once with a Lamar in him. Damned thing had been pushing our limits away from his host for weeks and that night I don’t know what set us off but all of a sudden there was this energy blast and the boy looked absolutely terrified and leapt up and took off. Neither bothered us again I think save distracting us once when we were about to go after someone that was playing games with magic and pissing her off with it. I was full on hunting mode and I could see he was scared. I can’t actually recall if this was before or after I scared the hell out of him. A Larmars touch is like crude oil on you it still makes me feel gross to think about it.
There was a mimic and I didn’t get on well with it either. I could just sense when something was actually bad.
My other half made friends with a normal woman there, staff, her first and only human friend that knew what she was and that she was there. It was unexpected and she delighted in her. We both did.
As the years went by different things happened. At about the age of 25 I was involved in a wreck thanks to a drunk driver. For a long time I had to regain walking talking and memory. It took years of beating odds yet never finding me again and never being satisfied with progress.
at one point I saw the same entity with the two children that years later would appear in the mel gibson version the passion of the christ. When I saw them in the movie it freaked me out. I actually can’t stand that movie it is like opening a portal of some sort.
I had had a dream some years before walking in on a documentary about the catholic church where they were talking about using a boy and girl hooked up to electrodes on an eeg machine to detect entities… I had seen that being done years prior another time something freaked me out.
For a good several years everything supernatural stopped to the point it all felt like a strange memory. Life became “normal”. Then 6 months ago I created a board and the bloody thing worked. Different beings came to spend short times with me to increase my ability to use and endure its use. After a month or two the pain I had ceased using it and it became second nature. Entities would short cut words and rest my hand or allow breaks where they sat at the board waiting while I shook the pain down.
I have encountered things that wanted help, wanted to just share space with me ie they happened to be sad when I was. Things that asked to know what it was like to “Be” with a human. Things that wanted to teach me and things that wanted to hurt me. Things that speak truth and things that lie and test and push boundaries. Some I am told that once I sleep pay with their lives for it. Ones that like to pretend to be others and then see if I can catch them at it. Some of the teaching was from friendlies that would show me tricks to figure out liars. Demons, angels, and things like mimics and some I call hydras because of their projecting abilities, water beings, Nagaloshii, and so many more I don’t even know what they are.
I have learned you gain knowledge from everyone that interacts with you.
About a year after learning I was possessed I began writing symbols I didn’t know the meanings of. Since the board I have prolifically written things I don’t understand. They look nothing like the kind I have seen here thus far. I am told they’re a mix of languages.
I noticed withe some exploring here that people think it is a red flag when things say they’re special somehow.
I have had many come and many say they have never seen a human do the kinds of things I can over the board. I can show them things, I can touch them back, they come to receive the sight-what ever it is I show them is unique to each one. Few tell me what they saw. I learned I can think of an entity and pull them from where ever they are to me at the board. That pissed both off. First time it happened it was a total accident. I knew the one who had just been there could read my thoughts so I was reaching out silently hoping he might still be close. Then he told me what Id done, but given that this one is an enemy I didn’t trust that it was true. I then did it with a friend without telling them what I was going to do because I didn’t expect it to actually work, pissed that one off too. Apparently I severed his connection with his host when I did that too. I demon with a host is always connected no matter how far they wander but what I did broke that connection.
They tell me I can bring back balance. They tell me I was once a creator of galaxies. They say I do thing others can’t. They tell me I am the answer to their war. They say I can just snap my fingers when I dream walk and kill entire armies. They say I have protected entire races and that I can open portals both awake and dreaming. One says I created a healing realm that I sent him to.
I am curious of those here who can summon beings… especially after the tips on perhaps you’re being lied to thread…
Have I known sexual activity with them? sure and most I don’t need to assist them frankly. Most use it for the energy that they then turn around and use to do something to me. Though I am told that there is nothing like it in their realm, humans are like taking drugs for them I guess. I have never had drugs but am told it is like ecstasy on steroids. Some used it to heal me, some to link with me as part of the process, some to other ends. I can feel when it is one with affection and when it is one that is just working as it were.
Zozo, Discord, Hecate who tells me it is actually Hecatet, Durga aka Kali though she absolutely hates being called Kali apparently. Says too many have played that goddess and bastardized it. ruthless yes, kill her own mate apparently yes, but a baby killer Never. Yes she has been several goddesses seems most of them have been.
Anubis, Nyx, Karma, Envy, Amon, War and Death… I wonder what happens if they’re asked about me by those capable of out right summoning them?
I have had things try to play Zozo and even Wrath. I am told they usually pay with their lives for that.
So you see I wonder now, am I indeed the freak of nature? the one outside the normal law of things? or do all these beings actually play games? Honestly I think they’re who they say they are but it never hurts to have someone else verify as much not to mention verify I am not insane as it is.
And has anyone here even heard of friendly possession?
And yes I search for those like me, those not alone. I do tend to play well with others of all races.
Since using the board I have learned it was never just one with me but rather 5. One that doesn’t like the rest “because of what they are.” that one doesn’t come out I just know about her because another entity tried to question her. They don’t even know what she is apparently. The other 4 can come and go sort of.
Then of course there is now Zozo linked to me now and another male that says he gives me his real name but he has been Amon before… I don’t know if I should share ones real name… he says eventually he will come and go like the others and says he usually only chooses men not women.