For all the conspiracy nuts!

Whats so bad about lizard people? And whats so great about humans that you have to try and force your kids to be “more human”?

If he was a reptilian shapeshifting as a human and he wanted you dead don’t you think you would’ve been killed in a freak accident involving a wild animal by now? Its not like anyone can trace it back.

Seeing things as “against” or “for” humanity is like saying you’re against ticks because they suck blood, or that you’re for sponges because they help you wash dishes.

And trying to get your kids to ignore being a reptilian if they are one? It’s like when people used to beat left-handedness out of their kids, or when a christian sends his child to an exorcism because he had “sinful thoughts”. Absolutely useless and even harmful if that’s what they really are.

What would be so important about you that a powerful shapeshifter with extreme intelligence, strength, and power that can travel the universe and has knowledge beyond understanding would spend his life married to you and keep up his human play for the rest of his life?

Instead of being afraid and trying to work against him, try to see what he really is without all this altor good reptilian and bad reptilian crap made by people who probably have never experienced or talked to a reptilian in their entire lives. And try to see what YOU are that would attract a reptilian to you.


Them too👌
But then again there is The Lusty Argonian Maid…:wink:


Ahh, so you too like to read good pieces of literature!


@thatrandomguy If reptilians wanted to kill humans, they could have done it. But their plan is different I believe. I don’t have the whole picture, only small pieces of it for now. But I do understand a few things.

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That’s an interesting theory, and maybe a possibility, but I don’t think it is applicable to my situation. Thanks though.

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Sure. In a short version, I feel the reptilian thing is a psy op. There are aspects of that myth that are likely true, and certain groups do not want the true aspects delved into, namely intelligence agencies. So they blanket the truth with a smokescreen consisting of reptilians, aliens, and conspiracies against humanity, so that anyone who might delve deeper is mired in the falsities. Even if they do successfully uncover the true aspects, society will never believe them because of the association with reptilian monsters from (?) that have a hidden agenda. Thus a genuine conspiracy is hidden behind a concocted one, with anyone supporting such claims being relegated to the realm of conspiracy theorists.

In other words, I feel that there are aspects of the reptilian story that are quite true, but it is being covered up by the fantastical. And I am not denying your experience, nor am I suggesting my opinion is objectively correct. I am just saying it makes more sense to face the monster that is right in front of a person than it does to speculate on the theoretics about the monster. Either way, it sounds like you defended yourself.

Sociopathy really is psychopathy, but the running joke called mainstream psychology wants to lend humanity to people that have none, so they avoid using that label. It’s the same reason that psychopaths are referred to as ‘narcissists’ in that field, even though it is entirely misleading. While there are slight differences between a sociopath and a psychopath in theory, the effect on the lives of those around them is the same. The main difference is that a sociopath is usually made, while a true psychopath is born into the role. A sociopath can potentially be redeemed, while a psychopath is stuck for life.


It’s not really the problem, whether they’re reptilian or not. I don’t want them to end up like the soulless elite, which involves the Astor line, who are on a continual mission to enslave humanity and run it into the ground.

My ex has nearly killed me twice in the sort of freak accidents you mention, but he is not so powerful and high up his actions would go completely unnoticed, especially by my family, who are aware of the situation. I fight against him because he has done many wrongs to me and others. Also, he was very manipulative and charming before we married, and it took me several years to figure out exactly what kind of game he was playing, because he completely mindfucked me.

But, we are no longer together, and due to our long family history, it would be a detriment to him to move against me now. I don’t want my kids to turn out like him, but you don’t understand the history behind this, so that’s ok. Thanks for your opinion.

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I have heard this before, as well, and have considered it. Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Regardless of the reptilian theory, my ex is almost certainly a psychopath labeled as a sociopath, and having known him since childhood, I can tell you he has always been this way.

After seeing the things I’ve seen, though, I still hold my belief.


Also, as far as why he was attracted to me in the first place, that’s a good question. I tried to get that answer out of him for years. Like many people, I suppose, I was hoping to hear he married me because he loved me, which he never did say. This was, of course, before I realized his true nature.

I was told our marriage was set up for genetic purposes regarding our offspring. So there ya go.

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If he is not human how could you have children?


Who said that reptilians can’t breed?


They’re called HYBRIDSSSSS


@GODHUMAN Just to get this out of the way, reptilians can breed.

@Woodsman81 So, reptilians are a thing since the ancient times, there’re Sumerian records about them and they exist in the emerald tablets of Thoth the Atlantean too. So, it’s not something the elites thought. It goes way back and there’re stuff about them. I don’t know if what I know is true, there may be lies too, but we can have a first picture about them.

@elena Remember that it’s just a theory. Don’t think that it’s 100% true no matter what you see or feel. You may hate him more than anything in this world, but that doesn’t mean he’s no human. Not even his roots make him a non human being. Remember that you have no proof about it, except that you once thought you saw his eyes. Don’t let your hatred get to you. Test your theory. Make your children say that word (if they’re old enough to speak, I don’t know their age) and see what will happen. They may be humans which kinda nulls the theory of him being a reptilian. Or perhaps it doesn’t work on hybrids? But I think it does work on hybrids.

In any case, first facts and then results. Don’t change the facts just because you hate him. If you simply want revenge or anything, just ask a spirit or put a curse on him or something. But if you want to know if your theory is correct, you can’t blindly accept it.

I’m with you in this, don’t get me wrong, that’s why I want you to make sure and not make a mistake about this. His roots doesn’t mean anything. His family were one of the original illuminati. But as I said, the illuminati were good…probably humans too. However, there’s that possibility that their blood got mixed with reptilian blood…I’m just saying…


@Manosman- thanks for all your help. I will try the word, as you’ve advised, when I get a chance.

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You call yourself nephilim, and you’re asking me this question? Lol. Believe what you will, and I’ll believe what I will. Thanks for your reply.

Ohh… That was a clever one…:rofl:


There is absolutely nothing to suggest that the emerald tablets are of ancient origins, any more than the Key of Solomon was actually written by Solomon the wise.

Records translated imperfectly by the literal handful of people who can read them, 5,000+ years after they were scribed. And those few vastly disagree with each other’s translations. Also, to semi-quote Pine, you give me a handful of subjective historical facts that present any given scenario, and I can interpret them into an entirely different one. Where are the reptilians, then? How could they be driven off? Why would they not reclaim our world during the dark ages when our military capabilities were at their most pitiful?

The more rational questions you ask, the more holes get blown clean through the reptilian psy op.


No big deal, my uncle is also married to a devil, she has been making his life hell since marriage. Stuff like this happens, not uncommon. While arguing many couples also transform into weird violent creatures!!!


That’s funny, Goku, not for your uncle, but whatever.

It’s really not a big deal, like you said. When I posted, I was hoping just to share a piece of my story with interested parties. I didn’t realize it was going to become a debate. But whatevs.

I’ve said what I wanted, gotten some great advise from some, and I’m outta here. Others can continue the debate if they wish.

Peace out.

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Dr. Stephen Thomas Ward was a friend of William Waldorf Astor II, the 3rd Viscount Astor. And there are still reverberations.


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