For all the conspiracy nuts!

My therapist says it’s not good for me to be reading this :astonished:

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@Woodsman81 whether you believe reptilians exist or not, is out of this topic, especially since the OP has already got the answers she needs. Debating this, is meaningless. However I’ll give you a quick answer.

Whether no one can be certain yet if the tablets are of ancient origins, there are some things that lead us to believe that they’re really old.

One of these things is that the tablets were translated to latin once they found. That indicates that people in order to know them and to understand what they found, they had to translate the text into latin. So, the main language of those who found it was latin…just how back does that go?

I mean, even if you want it to have that mystical vibe, you’d first translated into English…even so the first English translation was of Isaac Newton much later. Both of these translation I told you about, currently exist in a museum.

As for Sumerian records, I can’t disagree with you here, there’re many ways to understand them. Even so, they have some pretty cleared out pictures too.

Leaving that aside, me and many people have asked many spirits about these things. And more than once to be honest.

Not being able to understand it doesn’t mean that it’s not true. I also know that this answer gives born to more questions, but that’s how everything works. There’s no end path or dead ends about anything. This is just a human concept because some are tired of searching about things. I also do understand that…not being able to find something useful after years and years of searching is tiring. But you can’t just blame it on the universe or the ancient ones…(I’m talking in general ofc)

As for your last question. Reptilians already control Earth. They have all the power and they control the elites. Perhaps some elites are even reptilians, I don’t know that. This happened back in Atlantis too, the reptilians tried to take over by trying to control the kings or taking their place. And not only then. To many ancient kingdoms too.

In the medieval ages reptilians had the most control over humanity. I mean, they were killing any awekened they could find…and they made humans do the same. They do currently control the planet and us through means we don’t always understand.

Now, why they haven’t come up and taken us down? I don’t really know. Some believe, it’s because they want to take our emergy and they feed off our negative energy. Or perhaps, if they try to do so, our allies will counter them. Or perhaps they’re waiting for something? Or they have an agenda that we don’t know about?

Anyway, that’s all for now. It turned out as a long post.

I’m confused, by literal definition wouldn’t anything draconian be reptilian? As in ‘‘relating to or characteristic of reptiles.’’ But I guess I see what you’re saying, there’s different races of highly intelligent extra terrestrial reptiles and some are more peaceful towards humans than others. That wouldn’t surprise me, since different types of reptiles native to earth can vary in personality to, some are very peaceful.
I think it’s very probable highly intelligent reptilian extra-terrestrials exist somewhere out there in the vast cosmos.
And I’ve wondered for a while now if demons can be classified as extra terrestrials. Maybe it’s a semantical issue.
I imagine in some cases it would be difficult to differentiate a case of being in contact with highly evolved biological extra terrestrials and demons if it was a psychic encounter.

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You’re correct in this actually! In your way of seeing this.

Also, it’s my bad, I meant that reptilians is a draconian race, but not all draconian races are reptilians (at least not with that kind of meaning).

Interesting. Well if there is malevolent reptilians out there influencing earth then I hope I can be their ally. They sound cool

Actually, they aren’t really fond of humans, no matter how friends they want to be with them…I mean, they’re the enemies. Those who went near them, didn’t have a good end. Except if you know how to deal with them. A master of light can easily defeat them.

Being afraid of reptiles or enemies with them reminds me of christianity and demonizing the serpent, what do you think?

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Well, normally, when we ascend we’re much stronger. However, they still are enemies. It’s not about fearing them, it’s about them wanting us dead XD. I mean, they can’t achieve it like that, but still…

I mean, their actions can’t be left like that either.

I don’t know man, still reminds of a christian paradigm or a ‘‘white light’’ paradigm if you will. Seems most who talk about reptilian ETs being the enemy are christians also or at least are very influenced by that way of thinking

I mean not that most people talking about something is an argument but that’s where I feel it probably originated from, that line of thinking. People like David Ike for example clearly have a christian agenda

No one said that the ETs are the enemies. I mean, not if by ETs you refer to aliens in general as most people do.

To be honest, I don’t know what Christians want to believe. However, these guys, simply want us dead. I mean, their agenda is clear by now. They caused the destruction of Mu and the fall of Atlantis. They keep working in the shadows for stuff. I mean, they don’t give me something to defend them…

Okay, I understand that no one said all ETs are the enemy. Anyone I’ve seen talk about them seems to believe in all kinds of vastly different ETs, I’m somewhat knowledgeable about it. Though some people that have done a lot of research might say I know nothing

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So is there entities such as demons or pagan gods you refuse to work with due to being reptilian entities? Satan or Lilith, perhaps?

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Of course not! I never said that I don’t like the draconian race in general. That’s kind of racist XDD. I don’t like the specific reptilian race due to their intentions. But I never said that I don’t like draconian beings and spirits of that origin.

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Okay. Cool. Do you not define draconian as meaning inherently relating to reptiles? Sorry I’m just unclear about that part.

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I mean, draconian means of dragon origin (the word is of a Greek root and I’m Greek, so I can understand it’s meaning without any research). Reptiles belong to the draconian races I believe but they’re not dragons. If you define them as a type of dragon, they’re a really undeveloped or fallen type of dragon.

There’re many draconian races I believe.

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Ah, okay. That makes sense to me. Thank you for clearing that up

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Khajiit will sell to you, only when the store is open! Khajiit doesn’t like your impatience traveller!


Or it could be because they are not real. This is what I am trying to explain. I understand you want to believe, but you cannot produce a single shred of evidence to prove the existence of ‘reptilians’. How convenient for the people who started this reptilian agenda. At that rate, you might as well tell me humans were created from clay in an ancient garden by an invisible man in the sky.

Look, I’m not trying to bash your beliefs, nor am I trying to debate to prove you wrong. I am simply offering an alternative view for those who may read this thread, so they avoid what I genuinely feel is a fruitless line of research. As I said, it is a psy op, so the only way to counter it (from my perspective) is to expose it as false. Otherwise the subhuman POSs disseminating these lies really do win.

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