Feeling pregnant?

Gross. Note to self: Never marry a demon because you’re too hard headed for that to work.

I like being in charge :+1: just ask my lovely husband :blue_heart: oh how I love him so.


When I used to go to church as a child, I didn’t know why back then, but I would get heavily disoriented. Like I was going to pass out or have a seizure. It only got worse when I started my path. I only experienced this inside churches…


Lol! That is not gross!! Lolol! You’re so funny! I am a handful and need a strong spouse. No weak human could do it for me. Lol!


Me too. Like i was going to pass out and puke at the same time. I guess that’s because we are not just human. Never were! And oh the TORTURE!!! I couldn’t even stand up straight!!


Oh @nikki my man ain’t weak at all lol! He is simply a passive go with the flow people pleaser type. I don’t like submissive people, I like passive people and there is a huge difference lol.


Monday I felt sick and I just vomited out of nowhere and I kept vomiting! The first thing that popped up was “Am I pregnant?” I kept thinking it :frowning: But I haven’t slept with anyone since November 30th 2015…But I have been thinking about having another from adoption when my first son gets older. Hm.


Yes! When I would stand, I would be wobbly. Like my legs were jelly, but all I wanted to do was run out! As soon as I was outside, strength would return.


Hun. If he makes you happy that is ALL that counts! I never said he was weak. I just meant for me, I’m just not drawn to men. I like demons. And the men I HAVE been with were actually possessed by my demonic spouse. I just didn’t realize it at the time.


Nice!!! I’ve heard demons are good for…you know. :metal:


For sex? Lol! Omg tmi!!! Lol! You have me blushing!! Yes I am very happy! Lol!


Same here! I’ve never been attracted to humans. There was one exception; however, he had connections to the demonic as well. Allowing them to possess him. He was the first and only human I had been with. We are no longer together, however.


I’m sorry about your relationship. I waited 10 years between my exhusband and my daughter’s dad. Ok. I gotta say it. He was just used to make a baby and when his role was not needed anymore the relationship was ended. Not by me. It may be the same for you @HermDemon. You might be "special " (for lack of a better word) too and very protected by a possessive loving demon.


That’s quite alright. I think I’m better off. :slight_smile:

As for your relationship, I understand. Sometimes that’s what happens when certain people come into our lives. They simply fill a role and that’s it. :stuck_out_tongue: And yes, I am protected by at least one possessive, loving demon. You are spot on about that!


Hey! We have eachother! And i just thought of something! We can get together and have a demon kiddy play date!! Lol! That would be a cool experience. Group meditation while texting so we can confirm what we are all seeing and doing. Just a thought. … Too crazy? Lol!


Ooooo, now that’s quite an idea! :thinking:


Naval chakra… So congrats. Boy or girl? Or infernal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not pregnant. He gave me some of his energy cuz he wants to bond with me but he said it shouldn’t be enough to get me pregnant.

Thank goodness!!! Still hurts like hell though.


Lol you dodged something there.

Hope the pain becomes tolerable


I just ran into someone myself that his wife thought she was pregnant for months and they had bought a lot of new items, but luckily they were able to return everything and get a refund.

I asked him if the Dr’s thought it was a phantom pregnancy as that is what it sounded like to me from the questions I asked him, and he was shocked that I knew. I try to keep a low profile for the most part as you can’t un-ring that bell when you work with and follow the laws of magick.

Interesting subject and you see this come up in a lot of alien abduction cases and witch trials given to thinking the baby was sacrificed as they had seen the mother pregnant and a few day’s later it’s gone.


I recall in Lady Eva’s account that she was instructed not to feel maternal and loving towards her gestating demon child, as it would be bad for the child and it’s future endeavors/purposes/etc. Perhaps that’s why they would make your whole pregnancy secretive and then take the child.

I doubt birth control would work, huh? I have a copper IUD, but I would never “feel pregnant” because the dues I pay for 99.99% protection from human pregnancy, is random cramps and pressure that can occur at any time in my cycle…and there’s never a time when I don’t want pickles.

Good luck in your potential inter-realm pregnancies.