Extremely Powerful/Harsh Magickal Trance Mantras In Enochian and Demonic Tongue

I will say this again, what @Rav said can be applied to practically anything. These days, AI (artificial intelligence) is the ‘new magick’ now.

“AI is most dangerous and extremely powerful. In lots of IT circles and universities, it is even forbidden. If used correctly, everything is possible. It needs profound study.”

Enochian magick is like calculus. It is complex, can be used for everything, and is very dangerous if you’re not careful.

Corwin Hargrove is a great author in my opinion and his books are very easy to understand. And yes, there are occult gatekeepers like the Vodon (Voodoo) ones that threatened E.A. Koetting.


A Spirit or Human?

What do they do?

In Regards of my…self…that which I am revolted by
I was wondering if I could call upon Azazel to dispel any form of emotions within myself as well as dispel any interest in humans…in other words make me a walking souless corse of void

[quote="Azazel66613, post:67, topic:184634

What you want is to be a soulless husk.

This my friend is very dangerous. Because it invites major parasites who’ll gladly feast on you.

Azazel is a strict teacher. He’s like professor snape in a way.

I am loathe to the thought of becoming violent
Would becoming a lifeless, souless, monster make me violent?

It wouldn’t necessarily make you violent (violence generally requires emotion) but it would make you lonely, isolated, unempathetic, and rather pitiful. If you have some childish fantasy of such a state giving you some kind of power, it won’t. It would, in fact, greatly limit you by removing everything which propels humans to achieve greatness. You’d be better off dead as life would hold no meaning for you.


Ah Yes. Thank You!
I’ve no fantasy of it giving me power, only that I can be tormented by an interest in certain humans, as well as tormented by a…product pf emotions is all

Concentrate on building strength, not removing what makes you human. Humans are powerful, even if most of them don’t use that power or even know it exists. Azazel can teach you how.

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Ay…thank you

To add onto what @DarkestKnight said: in order to become stronger you can question yourself why certain emotions and interests torture you.
I consider this to be the first step in many endeavours and especially in one where you feel that emotions are a “problem”.
Tread carefully though and dont overexert yourself. Even thinking about this stuff can potentially be hurtful, depending on what the reasons are.

My Thanks…I shall hearken to your words

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Regarding …

I believe this refers to humans that tell other people what they can and can’t do with their magic. They are people who set themselves up as being right… nobody gave them any kind of authority, they just make it up as they go along like all of us do. It’s about how they feel.

I would say, listen everyone’s arguments, why not, they might have good ideas, but continue your research to see if you agree when knowing more than what they know.

In this case, I see no reason for the claim at all, and I don’t even do Enochian just because it seems a bit fiddly with all the charts and squares and such, and I’m more of the “low magick” (non ceremonial) type, but it’s said to be very powerful and effective. Look up ESOTERICA on youtube on the subject of Enochian magick in it’s historical, scholarly context and you’ll get info that you can use to make such a decision.

This is not referring to spirits such as the Gatekeepers in E.A. Koetting’s Gatekeeper series of books with this name.

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Ah Yes…Thank You for the information

I’m but a chaotic atrocity, can Azazel help me fix it?..if I ask


Hello Everyone! I wanted to thank all of you for all of the time you’ve spent giving me information and advice on these spiritual topics, and please know that I read them thoroughly and often revisit your advice in these threads.

I wanted to tell you guys two things
#1 In regards to trance work I’m going to engage in minor forms of sensory deprivation techniques to induce trance as it was practiced in Celtic Imabs Forosnai. I believe this and shamanic drumming will effectively help me achieve trance.

#2 In regards to making offerings to spirits, I want to offer my energy to spirits, and since I can’t just say into the thin air “I offer you my energy oh (name of spirit) please accept my humble offering” I think it’s a better idea to put my essence (blood,hair, etc.) on their Sigils/ and Talismans.


Whatever you feel drawn to will most likely help in your ascend. Dont be discouraged if results arent showing right away, for me it took years to get to a point where I finally start believing in this stuff.
Its paramount to get up again every time you get knocked down.
Good luck and enjoy your beginner time and the exploration of the occult :))

Thank You

Last night I made an offering to Lilith.
The Offering was liquid and I put it on her Sigil
I also wore her Sigil
and Prayed

What if I worship Azazel, Erebus and Maybe…Pazuzu?
@DarkestKnight What do you have to say?