Extremely Powerful/Harsh Magickal Trance Mantras In Enochian and Demonic Tongue

Hello Everyone I’m am looking for an Extremely Powerful And particularly HARSH Demonic Trance Mantra, As I believe that lighter Mantras won’t do, I simply wish to use something more…HARSH POWERFUL and DANGEROUS shall we say to achieve my desired goal (my desired goal is to enter into a trance)

@DarkestKnight I will be linking the Azazel one you gave me

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Why are you so acting so obsessive with being “dark?” Even if someone gave you something that was supposedly “powerful” and “dangerous” you wouldn’t have any clue about whether it was or not or how to use it since you refuse to even learn the basics. You’re just trying to be an edgelord rather than actually learning magick.


@DarkestKnight What do you mean? You said to learn the basics of magick, isn’t trance one of the most basic parts of magick there is?

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@DarkestKnight I’ve been seeking out effective meditation for myself,
I do have to use a meditation that suits my mindset so I can achieve the meditation part of the basics of magick.
I believe YOU DarkestKnight Sir did suggest both trance and meditation for me to start with
I apologise since I do seem to give off the wrong impression

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You’re too obsessed with being “dark” and “harsh” and whatever other edge lord words you want to use. Every thread you make is just you wanting to be edgy and [insert favorite adjective here].Trance is trance. It doesn’t matter what technique you use to get there as long as you do get there.

I have a perfectly simple mantra that can get you into an alpha state in less than fifteen minutes but it’s angelic and you’re too worried about being edgy.

If you really want a harsh method to get into trance, then simply go without sleep for four days. That’s it. That’s all you need to do. Sleep deprivation is an ancient method for entering an altered state. Trance will begin to come on somewhere around the third day, and will deepen by the fourth.


No it’s not, you are just as much a magickal being and capable of becoming a god like anyone else on this forum or the occult world, for that matter.

We are all very special and as such no one is truly special… If you don’t know what I mean, don’t worry you will…

If you want harsh. Don’t look for the darkest means possible.
Look for discipline. Train yourself spiritually like a buddhist monk would train physically. Bite into it and keep at it. Record/ journal your successes and more important your failures. Meditate on them, improve.

If you want really harsh. Do a deepdive into yourself, uncover your darkest parts your deepest fears and insecurities. Get to know where they come from, process them and evolve from it.
You can start as “easy” as silently looking at yourself in the mirror for 15 to 30 mins.


Hey pookie would youmind channeliging some more mantras for us?for some purpose that everyome can benefit ofc👀


What people are trying to tell you, is this is not a thing. It’s not what you do it’s the way that you do it. The practitioner personally, that is.

But if you try to chant any mantra “harshly” it isn’t going to work. The reason is you must be loose and relaxed to allow the energy to flow, tension creates blockage, and blocks the magick from working. You cant try harder by being harsh about it.

Pick a mantra and recite it repetitively hundreds of times, all the while keeping your mind on the intent, and your body asleep while your mind is awake (which is the trance state) that’s how you do a mantra “harshly” if at all… Stay focused with your mind.

To experience trance use a youtube video of a guided meditation and it’s not that hard.
This is a good one:


Ok Thank you

…About Trances and meditation, what do you do if you have inability to concentrate stay focused on anything or if you have trouble while attempting to visualize?

Practice. Everything improves with practice.


Ay…Alas there be no cure to it?

Practice is the cure. You learn to concentrate and focus by…concentrating and focusing. Stop looking for shortcuts. There’s no getting away from doing the work.

Gaze at a candle flame. When your mind wanders, continue to bring it back to the flame. Start with 2 minutes and add a minute each day. Work up to 30 minutes.

Chant a mantra in your mind. Give it your complete attention until the mantra crowds out all thought. You’ll know when you you’ve reached proper concentration when the mantra starts to ring in your mind of its own accord, even in sleep.

Draw a dot on a piece of paper. Put the paper on the wall and gaze at it, keeping your focus on the dot. If thoughts arise, just let them float away. The dot should be your entire focus. Start with 5 minutes and add a minute every day until you can gaze at the dot for thirty minutes without your focus wandering.


I’m NOT looking for shortcuts

Hi DarkestKnight I meant to thank you for all of the information you have provided for me and please know that I’m writing down what you said in my journal.

What is “ Enochian” tongue? Language from book of Enoch? Or ancient language of the Watchers?

It is an angelic language channeled by Dr. John Dee and his seer Edward Kelly in the late 16th century. It was rediscovered by members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn 300 years later and reconstructed from Dee’s private papers.

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Can Kundalini Practices, Chakra Practices, or Tantric Practices be used to induce trance?

Most definitely. Kundalini is one of the most powerful :snake:. But you need to be careful with that

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Oh really?
Thank You…wait why do you need to be careful with Kundalini?