Ex using baneful magic against me need help

I would suggest learning how to sever your ties to these people that way they will have a hard time energetically attacking you


Quick update:

Things were going really good after all the help. Iā€™m hoping this is nothing I wont post the pic publicly but out of no where I have a large red mark on my chest and itā€™s not fading. Been that way almost an hour. Have not been outside much at all (prefer dark donā€™t do well in sun anymore).


Have all physical conditions been examined? For example, have you been overheated? That can cause the skin to turn red, even without sun exposure

Iā€™m in my house where we keep it set to 65 Fahrenheit even have a fan blowing on me. I actually have a medical background which is why at first I thought the same thing. Then mind went to blood pressure its fine. Everything medically I can think of I can rule out. No other part is turning only there I removed all my neclaces just in case it was them (which I have worn months with no problems like this before).

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Okay, good. It could just be something weird your body is doing.

Fingers crossed.

Whereā€™s that gif of an exploding volcano I love so much when I need it. :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


You know I love ya I know what ya mean

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How was it going? Are you still feeling being pestered by someone?

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Things are going better. Thingā€™s starting to return to normal. Thereā€™s still some odd things. Migraines coming back and getting ill again but that should change soon. I canā€™t thank everyone enough. Now if my body stops being a pain :sweat_smile::joy:


Take it easy then. I wont explain on the details, but know that there are spirits guarding you.


What I asked was only for your protection, because I dont have any experience with baneful magick. Now if you wanna ask what I did you may DM me, because its a pre-colonial thing here in our country. But the spirits I evoked were considered gods before Spain and Christianity took over our lands. Ask @Yaskm to have Leviathan help you if you want to return the favor to your ex.


Wrong thread, sorry guys lol

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Its all good :laughing:

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Ask pazuzu for help. He is known for protecting women and children. He can also heal you and your daughter. He is also great in ruining him financially.

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They got him to run scared for a few and heā€™s trying to come back again definitely time for more offerings.

Interesting, pazuzu is nobody you want to have as your enemy. Baal Kadmon talked in a podcast how he released a curse nearly over night.

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This ex is also a black chaos magician by trade but does do more then he says. His ultimate goal is my death. Not going to happen.

Hi how are you doing. Are you still dealing with this issue