Ex using baneful magic against me need help

Needing advice and help. I have someone using baneful magick against me in that their ultimate goal would be my death. I have done everything I could possibly think of to fend him off. Just when he gets weaker somehow he gets one of his buddies to help. It’s becoming worse again. We did not part on good terms.

How can I continue to fight against him and beat him?

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Can I add stuff?!?!?!?

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Please do you have been helping me.

What are the effects from the curse you are experiencing?
P.s. You can try rune protection and also a mirror spell.

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So this little shit hit a necklace with his power in her house. 2 bead bracelets with his power in her daughter’s beads!!! Said some curse on her house. Had a deer almost killer. There witches pots she needs to find when in better health and other charms and hexes that I can’t get a feel on… I am about to drive up there.

My health is going downhill. I was recently in a car accident that totaled it. I’ve been off work because of it for 2 months. I’ve had surgery that ended up being a 2 for 1 special. He’s still actively trying. @Angelb1083 is going to explain a little more as she’s been trying to help me as well.

I have tried a couple different mirror spells but it seems he found ways around or I wasn’t strong enough.


Didn’t I mention he had also spoke in latin and directly over me one night… What’s interesting is he was only a 2 month relationship.

Oh and Voodoo he is using or having someone using Voodoo on her.

No matter what we find or try he breaking through it. He is really powerful but I was finding he was breaking his pacts and running away.

I am too closed to figure out how to protect her.

After we split I was able to find more about him. I found out he was and still is an addict used and uses many different things. I also found out he had multiple domestic violence cases as well. He changed his name spelling when he gave it to me that’s why I never found anything at first.

Hey Britt,

Just reading your posts. Sending you some healing energy to speed up the recovery. I’m still working through the story as there’s a disconnect for me, but I’ll figure it out.
How old is your daughter? Approximate is good if you want to avoid personal details :slight_smile:


I don’t mind sharing she’s only 9 and she’s my everything. She will be 10 this year. My daughter is also autistic. I am a single mom. I have to beat him somehow she needs me.


Tell me more. I have a soft spot for single moms because I was raised by one. So I could perhaps help you.


I have raised my daughter alone the last 7 year’s. Im thankful this ex causing me issues is not her biological father, but he did try to attach to her quickly. Even tried to get her to calm him dad. He got very pissed when I told him don’t you even think of teaching her that. For granted biological father shit as well but hes not magical just a dumbass. The one I’m having issues with has called himself a black magician. He did that the day we broke up. Me and this guy have been split for over a year but he wont stop attacking.

I don’t think I can pm yet. More detail then what I and angel have already put out would be giving a little more away then comfortable where everyone reads.


Do you have any experience with invoking or evoking? Have you tried seeking Archangel Michael with this? Or any entity known regarding protection?


We tired this from the archangels to Lucifer. There is three of us trying everything we know. He is just really really strong.


By “he”, who do you mean?

The ex attacking me.

Protect and attack back. That’s what I suggest in this case. First protect yourself and your daughter. Next step, is to concentrate on “ending him” not punishing.

You can do that yourself if possible, many rituals and spells for that, or get assistance from an experienced sorcerer/ess. Just make sure that you start with protection first.

I would recommend “Santisima Muerte” for that. She hates those kind of people and great protector of mothers and children. She will take care of both your protection and getting him out of your way forever. But you need separated rituals or spells for each goal. I have good resources for working with her, I could send them to you if you wish anytime.


If he is a voodoo practitioner, best way is negotiating with entity he sent against you.


Have you tried the jar spell, where you fill it water, vinegar, candles you used, nails and glass etc… combined with a binding spell to prevent him and the people helping you from hurting you?

Also Litlith is really helpful for this kind of thing.