Evil name

The most common explanation is that this is a “worry dream” - you’re anxious about something in your life. When you dream you subconscious does a lot of things, mostly memory sorting but also problem solving. faceless beings represent not actual beings, but issues in your life.

For safety I would recommend you banish and cleanse, and then ward your sleeping area and ideally your whole house or apartment for that the uninvited do not interfere with you.

The astral is full of useless and time wasting entities, as common as the birds in the trees. You don’t let wildlife wander in and shit on your floor, and you don’t let the astral beings do it either. (Unless like most you can’t see them and then you don’t care, although they are probably not helping you anyway)

So this is between you and her, whatever she is (and she could be representing a part of you) is not red-eyed guy’s business. This sounds like a pleasant transaction, you are not afraid of her, and you have a lot of healthy symbolism - a safe and fortified home (castle), a woman (nurturing) and a plant (health, food and beneficial nature, a gift of time and effort), and you are in the provider role and in control, you and the woman are safe with your resources and interacting peacefully.

Are you working on something in your life to improve it and better your situation? I mean most of us are it’s not a stretch to guess you are taking care of yourself.

Then red-eyed guy seems to be the one out of control, losing his temper over something that’s got nothing to do with him, and behaving badly. It’s not up to him you you give your work to, and his opinion seems questionable. Why couldn’t he walk up and just talk reasonably? Did he want the gift?
You felt fear which sounds sensible - angry people demanding things are less predictable and maybe not safe to be around.

I think the woman is representing an aspect of you or someone in your life you are working with or close to, but this this red-eyed guy is not an entity we lknow, it’s perhaps one of the trillions of nameless thoughtforms and parasites that exst in the astral, and it wants something from you.

I say don’t even bother wasting your time on it - banish it and cleanse. kill it if it won’t go away peacefully. You called it “evil” so there’s your first impression of whether it’s useful to you or not.

Then if you want to start working with useful entities that are reasoned and helpful, with your spiritual protections in place, you can do a petition to invite an entity you choose, by name, to bring you information using dreams.