Enochian-Gnostic Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

I’ve been digging through gnostic and hermetic texts and experimenting with different versions of the LBRP and put together this version - I just did it and my room feels just as balanced and clear as after the traditional LBRP, but without the “like walking on clouds weightlessness” feeling I get from the traditional one. Here goes:

Stoicheia Exercise

I would like to thank Lady Eva for posting this, it’s a great exercise and wonderful replacement for the Kabbalistic Cross!

I also do similar visualizations like what you do with the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual.
At the end I make the Sign of Silence:

Formulation of the Stars


  1. Face East if you changed your position, otherwise carry on.
  2. Draw the Banishing Pentagram of Air with your hand in sword mudra or with your athame while visualizing the pentagram appearing before you in white light.
  3. Stab your hand or athame through the center of the pentagram (Sign of the Enterer) and vibrate: EX-AR-PE (EXARP) (and visualize the pentagram shining brighter and turning yellow)
  4. Make the Sign of Silence.
  5. Turn counter-clockwise to the North and draw the Banishing Pentagram of Earth in the air with white energy.
  6. Stab your hand or athame through the center of the pentagram (Sign of the Enterer) and vibrate: NA-EN-TA (NANTA) (and visualize the pentagram shining brighter and turning green)
  7. Make the Sign of Silence.
  8. Turn counter-clockwise to the West and draw the Banishing Pentagram of Water in the air with white energy.
  9. Stab your hand or athame through the center of the pentagram (Sign of the Enterer) and vibrate: HE-KO-MA (HCOMA) (and visualize the pentagram shining brighter and turning blue)
  10. Make the Sign of Silence.
  11. Turn counter-clockwise to the South and draw the Banishing Pentagram of Fire in the air with white energy.
  12. Stab your hand or athame through the center of the pentagram (Sign of the Enterer) and vibrate: BI-TO-EM (BITOM) (and visualize the pentagram shining brighter and turning red)
  13. Make the Sign of Silence.
  14. Turn counter-clockwise to the East and vibrate: AH-HAY-EN-BAY (EHNB) (and visualize yourself and the pentagrams shining brighter than before)

Evocation of the Four Luminary Angels

  1. Face East.
  2. Visualize a yellow sphere of light forming in the center of the pentagram in the East and feel a light breeze coming from it’s direction.
  3. (Vibrate) AHR-MOO-ZEHL! TOH-RU-ZUH ZAH-KAH-RR OD ZAHM-RAN RAH-AH-SS-EE! (ARMOZEL! TORZU ZACAR OD ZAMRAN RAASY!) [Harmozel! Arise, Move and Appear in the East!]
  4. Stomp your right foot.
  5. Visualize a blue sphere of light forming in the center of the pentagram in the West and feel moist air coming from it’s direction.
  6. (Vibrate) DAH-VEH-TAY! TOH-RU-ZUH ZAH-KAH-RR OD ZAHM-RAN SOH-BOH-ELN! (DAVETHAI! TORZU ZACAR OD ZAMRAN SOBOLN!) [Daveithe! Arise, Move and Appear in the West!]
  7. Stomp your right foot.
  8. Visualize a green sphere of light forming in the center of the pentagram in the North and feel the earthly energy coming from it’s direction.
  9. (Vibrate) OH-REE-YEL! TOH-RU-ZUH ZAH-KAH-RR OD ZAHM-RAN LOO-KAH-EL! (ORIEL! TORZU ZACAR OD ZAMRAN LUCAL!) [Oraiael! Arise, Move and Appear in the North!]
  10. Stomp your right foot.
  11. Visualize a red sphere of light forming in the center of the pentagram in the South and feel the warm air coming from it’s direction.
  12. (Vibrate) ELL-ELL-ETH! TOH-RU-ZUH ZAH-KAH-RR OD ZAHM-RAN BAH-BAH-JUH! (ELELETH! TORZU ZACAR OD ZAMRAN BABAGE!) [Eleleth! Arise, Move and Appear in the South!]
  13. Stomp your right foot.

Take a few moments and feel the Luminary Archangels/Aeons around you and do the Sign of the Coronastrum or as I call it, the Pentagram Mudra.
Pentagram Mudra or the Sign of the Coronastrum
After that recite the following:
(MICMA! LAP ZIR IALPOR AOIVEAE CASARMG BIAH CA!) [meaning Behold! For I am as a flaming star who stands among you!]

To end the ritual repeat the Stoicheia Exercise.

It’s my third version, but I still think of it as a work-in-progress, what do you guys think? Also, it can be modified to be the Enochian-Gnostic Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, you just have to use the invoking pentagrams and go clockwise instead of counter-clockwise.


Oh I forgot to add - vibrate what’s in bold text!:smile:

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Great stuff. I know the powerful feeling that just a few Enochian words or phrases can give when incorporated into ritual. Have you looked at the SIRP?

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Not yet, I’m currently reading through the Book of Abrasax and found out that I accidentally remade the LBRP there… :sweat_smile: I searched for SIRP, but couldn’t find it - is it in a book or can it be found online?

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Sure, here is an online version

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Thanks! The first thing that I noticed that it has different elemental pentagrams at different corners (spirit at the corner of air, and also at the corner of fire), what’s up with that?

Edit: Nevermind, I think I see the pattern - first invoking spirit in that corner and then invoking the corresponding element… it still makes me think :thinking:

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Active Spirit is used at the Air and Fire (‘Male’) elements
Passive Spirit at the Earth and Water (‘Female’ or ‘Negative’)

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I see, the ritual doesn’t use angels, instead it calls on the elements directly :thinking: Sorry, after reading the notes on the New Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram I start to look for blinds in everything…


Well it uses Enochian God names. But

Is a very good character trait. Don’t just do something because Jimmy Magikk does it :laughing:

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Yeah… last night I started banging my head in the wall after reading this and going through all the ‘flavours’ of LBRP I came across so far and realized that everyone copied the wrong homework (which is wrong on purpose)… They still work because of the intent I guess, but only banishing earth at every corner was always fishy to me.

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No you don’t banish Earth. You stop the ‘thing’ / entity (whatever…) thaat is outside of the circle from manifesting. That is why you draw the Banishing Earth pentagram as seen from ‘their’ perspective.

The pentagram is
Head - Spirit
Left foot - Fire
Right foot - Earth
Right hand - Air
Left hand - Water.

So when you draw the pentagram in the classical Banishing Earth style, you banish THEIR earth with YOUR fire.


I have some more thoughts on the LBRP, send me a PM anytime if you want to talk.

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Hm, I didn’t think of that… I was thinking along the lines of this:

The circle is warded in each Elemental quarter by a banishing Earth pentagram. This bias against the element of Earth is the third blind, based on the misconception that the material world is evil and inferior to the higher, more spiritual realms. The LBRP only works with one Element when four Elements are clearly defined.

The solution is to banish each element in its appropriate quarter. When using four banishing pentagrams, each is visualized in the color appropriate to the element: yellow for Air, green for Earth, blue for Water and red for Fire. The circle that unites the pentagrams is drawn in white to represent Spirit, the Element that binds and separates the other four Elements.

With the four Elements banished only the Element of Spirit remains, itself conterminous with the magician and the center of the circle5. Spirit is the Element that both binds and separates the other four Elements and must be present to formulate and balance the Elemental circle of the Elemental quarters.

Yes I read that some time ago. I don’t agree with all of it. But that’s me

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It gave me a major A-HA! moment and makes much more sense to me than any other material I came across so far, but yeah in this field it’s normal to have stuff you agree or disagree with! :smile:


Thank you for sharing!
( @Lady_Eva so you also know, )
I would just like to mention something interesting, the word stoicheia is exactly how we write in greek στοιχεία , which means elements.
Regards :butterfly:


Thanks for the info! :blush: It was funny how the Book of Abrasax has a ritual called “Calling the Sevenths to Induce Equilibrium” and it’s basically the same thing as what @Lady_Eva posted as the Stoicheia exercise :grin: (The first part of the ritual to be precise)


I’ve been using an Enochian version of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual from the work of Gerald and Betty Schuler. Have you read any of their stuff?

I’ve been experimenting with the elemental correspondences in the cardinal directions, based on the sources given for Damon Brand’s Circle of Power.


Not yet, but it sounds like a nice addition for my research-to-be-read list :grin: I’m currently reading multiple sources on the Qabalistic Cross and what someone made called The Geomancer’s Cross, which seems to be a well-balanced opening, idk if it can be fit into any other systems… It assigns different planets to directions/body parts than in the Thelemic/GD/Enochian system :thinking:

Oops, I forgot to add the framework behind it.

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I have found a few contradictions in the work of the Schulers. In their book Advanced Enochian Magick, they present their version of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual, where one ends in the North, but in their book The Angel’s Message to Humanity, they present the same ritual, but with attributions facing East. I don’t know if it was a typo or if they changed their instructions, but they keep referencing their other book so I have been assuming it was a typo, and have been facing North.

In their version, instead of the Qabalisitc Cross, a pentagram is traced over the body, starting at the forehead, then to the left breast, up to the right shoulder, across to the left shoulder, then ending down at the right breast.