Working with gnostic Archangels/Luminaries


Since I’m studying gnosticism I’m very intrigued by the existence of the four luminaries/archangels that are incredibly powerful beings and are direct emanations of the first monad, (the God above the demiurge). Finding any magickal material related to them is almost impossible. I’ve only stumbled across this only topic on the forum that calls them for a variation of LBRP.

If anyone ever seen mentions about these entities (Harmozel, Oroiael, Daveithe, Elelth), in their occult literature, or maybe has any clues on how to reach for them, I’d be grateful :pray:


Hey! I haven’t looked towards the gnostic mythos for a while, but Michael Cecchetelli’s Book of Abrasax had ‘some’ info on them; also some sources on the gnostic emanations listed them as qualities of the Divine:

In the ritual you linked I just used intuition and some logic to work out correspondences between the Luminaries and the 4 directions/elements. To find out more about them, you’ll probably have to dig through a bunch of ancient texts (translations of course), and academic commentaries as I haven’t really seen people working with these beings (aside from that grimoire by Michael Cecchetelli).


Glad you’re still active on the forum ! I’ll make sure to check out the Book of Abraxas, it actually has an evocation of Eleleth, which is exactly what I’m looking for. Also, It feels like the book is more appropriate for an experienced magus, some rituals require to go to the astral world for example. After searching here about the book of Abraxas, no one here yet tried to work with it to forward any results, but as for me I’m hyped ! Will order a copy, thank you !

Recently I’ve been studying the Kabbalah, and was impressed how similar is the structure of the first 3 sephirahs to the gnostics trinity that is displayed on the pic you posted. The One, The mother and the Father could correspond to Kether, Binah and Chokmah respectively…

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Happy to help! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I only skimmed the book for ideas mostly, but another good resource on PGM/gnostic/hermetic stuff is this blog: michael cecchetelli « The Digital Ambler

The entities are very obscure to be honest, as they weren’t given anthropomorph form as Jewish personifications of “Divine Qualities” (which became the archangels after their contact with Zoroastrianism). Kabbalah is a very good system for both sorcery and mysticism, although I tend to favour it’s non-dualistic, non-theistic, non-religious interpretation.

The One/Mother/Father and Keter/Bina/Hokma is basically the Tao/Yin/Yang principles Boundless infinite, open potentiality (seen as empty to the mind at first glance)/it’s feminine, passive, receptive, nourishing etc. aspect/it’s masculine, active, creative etc. aspect - I’m currently re-reading some of the ancient texts and you’d be surprised how many different religious, philosophical, and mystery currents have the same 3 basic building blocks! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Edit: If you’re interested in that version of the Kabbalah, check this video out!