Empire Building With Xag


Over the years I accumulated enough information from upg that truly resonates and gives me a clear sight to my highest, furthest potential.
In so doing, I am chasing it.

Here is some basic info:
I am 19 male, who lives in Cyprus paused ongoing war island who is in conflict with Turks. I currently work with my father as an electrician , which is a quite , with magick I am able to manifest great opportunities.

I am contemplating between going to university (private) for electrical engineering or spending another three years studying the basics of programming so I can get into computer science and become a digital nomad. The goal is making a lot more than enough $$$ so I can secure future for those beyond me. My goal is to be like lucifuge. Luci and fugus, my goal is aslo to flee from the light of the world and be completely self sufficient in all forms, I do not believe in the most common notion of compassion, compassion in my terms is like a large fire who is powered by individual torches unlike the most common that is more like sharing thd big flame.

When I started my path of dedicated meditation three years ago, I liked it so much
That I day dreamed of when I grow older and have the cability, leave and become a yogi in the Himalayas. Azazel proved me wrong, this is not the greatest thing that I can do. Its not physical but more inner but if that inner is strong enough then you can bring the spiritual in physical (philosopher stone). So my highest potential is having a physical black pyramid that I can be a rich monk.

The Basics of my Magical system
This hierarchy is inspired by king paimon’s presence. I am grateful for him and later I will say how he further helped me.

This all for now, I will add up and clear things later.

The empire rises by building the emperor!


The Three keys of liberation, The three keys of damnation.

i came across this knowledge by refining the proccess of black renuncition which the purpose of that proccess is basically achieve a state of non-attachment and to open the dragon’s eye. this is my expansion of the topic.

the three keys of hell are meant to achieve a state of self sufficiency. these two different process can be in practice very dramatic or subtle meaning that you simply change your being which the goal itself.

the first key is the renunciation of bliss.

bliss for the black master is not enough, we look for results here and now and as we seek to bring the black diamond in the physical plane then it demands our full strength everyday for every moment that is brought into existence by the pulsation of the eye of the dragon.

here is some of my terminology on this. pulsation of the moment means making a moment spiritually active, literally inseminating it with the black light of our being either by enjoying it with maximizing or add our forceful will. this is about making the moment sacred. this connects with the second key.

the second key is accumulates into the sentence of the sun is dead which my way of saying death to world. here my philosophy is parallel with the great schema, a sect greatly respected by me even tho its RHP. i still love RHP but i seek more than simply being.
the external world is blackness! the sun is dead! means closing yourself to the outer world, the weather does not mean anything to your mood. dead cold stillness is the goal here. move yourself out of here. this is a play. the only sacred light in blackness is the pulsation of the dragon’s eye this is when you know that the moment holds weight. the byproduct of this dead way of seeing the external world is living life to the fullest.

the third key to hell is disconnecting with people.
become desolate , if you cant do it inwardly then seek refuge in a temple or in nature. this is what i do, i desolate myself in a village and like a kemetic priest i sit there and do nothing and be absorbed in that stillness.
the deeper more mental aspect of this, is the mere disconnection of your needs and the meaning of other people in your consciousness.

a word of caution - power dynamics of being and chaosophy:
i never use methods, instead those rise within me intrinsically. but i do not disregard the power of imbedded methods because through a method is simulating the dynamic of to do in order to be while i operate more on i am so i do
so its in my humble opinion of…

liberated consciousness and karma:
liberated consciousness aslo known as atman by the hindus is consciousness that is freed from karma meaning a discriminated bird’s eye view and perception regarding material life.

the result of those keys of hell:

consciousness- feeling of stillness, disconnection and clarity. you only are.

the higher purpose that it serves: through that discrimination, you have the freedom to learn and transcend your karmic lessons.
in real practical life, this meant to be grateful for everything this is not about being the darkest dark darkness not at all, edgy is not of my interests but instead i seek true change and true evolution in my life.

discrimination brings clarity in order for you to learn, be grateful for the world, the people, and for your spiritual level so you may transcend it. this meant to let go of my monstrous all consuming ambition and live the moment, to not allow this sensation to overfill my mind but instead learn from it so i may serve my duties well.



The secret to your success is found in your daily regimens how dedicated you are towards your goal. Nirvana is easy when you do nothing and you are a old man living in caves. When you are young living in the city is harder, I do not care about they say about it. I achieved high levels of samadhi and silence even While working and grinding in my life.

I aslo don’t believe that you can achieve states of gnosis without putting the effort in your spiritual pursuits, some levels ok. But you will still be in an arm chair. My goal is everything in so doing I assembled this regiment.
I serve it well, like a slave
And it serves me back.

Some days hit different, but I inwardly command myself “I am going to live my purpose Today!” Then I bow to the one true god of my reality - I am

With this, I am able to refocus, redirect myself when I caught myself lacking. Not everyday is perfect, but I fight for it.

I operate based to my three duties godhood (spiritual) genesis (spiritual) and empire building (physical). Godhood and genesis are double bound to each other.

The basic template is

Conditions: 23 hours fasting everyday. Semen retention.

Wake up - 5am
Spiritual duties:
King ritual
Japa meditation
Hatha yoga
Yoga nidra
Result: silence, appearance of the godstar
Empire building:
Writing, studying (maths and physics)
When I have the time I run for like 3k then always cold shower.

I go to work.

If I have no spot meditation then I do this: How I stayed Consistent with Meditation Even While At Work

If I have them I do Qi qong and then Japa meditation with the duty of seeing the godstar.
Then I do a sporadic workout for instance I put a socket then so 10 straddle pseudo planche push ups
This can be rearranged to fit the schedule of the day. In the end I did my fucking work.

Come back from work
If I have time then I go MMA/Krav maga class or run for 5k. In the weekend I run for 20k then always I break my fast with real nutritious food.
All this ends at somewhere at 21pm then I study again till 1am. From 21-23pm I work with MatLab and from 23-01 I work with paper. I may throw some writing there too.
I study with cycles of 30 to 45 minutes with 15 minutes of boxing and footwork and some stretching.

I end the day with japa meditation starting from 1am.

This is the hard version of the program. Hard means optimum, not above optimum. Things may change but in the end of the day, I served my purpose and I can now die gracefully.


The Self-empire Diagram.
This is the current new gnosis that I got inspired to make by the presence of king paimon. As said before every time that the king arrives he brings a New sense of purpose and clarity.

The Palace,
The ego self which is the current emenation of my being.

Eternal essence, atman, the strong soul that will bring the philosopher stone.

For these to happen then strong walls and towers must surround you. My terminology is very metaphorical Indeed but this self inflicted delusion serves to clear the mind out and direct it to serve the duties.

There is two walls and two rings of towers.
The inner ring which protects the palace and the pyramids, have towers associated with self mastery.
The strength and health of the body is a tower, the sharpness of the mind is a tower. I can name things and add more indeed.

Some towers manifest in physical, mental forms, and spiritual forms.
for example lethality. Lethality will protect you from the dangers of your fellow man. With that I am able to fight with my hands. With that I am able to engineer a weapon of war by the mind. By the power of the soul, I can do magick upon them.

The outer walls and towers are associated with worldly life so things like wealth, relationships , etc.

Caution: yes this may sound like complete Outer roleplay bullshit Indeed, I agreed. Like I said this only serves as analogy for you to get things very clear.
The way that I think about them is like virtues, and as stones that are waiting to be turned.



Yesterday was the carnival, I did not attended instead i was in the field of war to pay my debts. If I was stable without any further action where would I go? Nowhere.
So I partook action, I was contemplating between going out or choosing the hard thing which was studying and running. The whole day was a fluctuation of things like this.

I did not attended any things from my regiment, I went off. Stability was not desired because I wouldn’t reach anywhere. So at 5pm I did the king ritual - something that I would do in the morning. I breathed in a new purpose for me and even if I was late, I Rejunivated myself.

I went for a run while connecting with Beleth. I put her sigil and I was gazing at the whole run.
Originally, I said to myself 15 minutes are enough. Instead I ran 100minutes and 11.1 km.


Labour | mid-day 19/03/04

Morning was served well, with mental resistance but I prevailed.

This is a good thing to remember. The actions of yesterday don’t matter now and today.
Solidify your best self.

The empire rises by building the emperor!


I apologize for talking about politics in this forum, but I am annoyed by Xag’s insistence on bringing this up in his threads.

Turkish people have enough problems. I only see these kind of stroies in online forums from people who feel threatened.

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Yes I am.,Will stop for the political reason.

End of story.


Ok sorry for my mistake here.

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The Palace

The reason why these practices are added to the very heart of one’s inner kingdom is that they are very self oriented.

And I posted them outside of this journal because I think they are too important and helpful to be hidden inside a journal, magick is about the transformation of the self to make it stronger in order to bear the crown of a God and weild the scepter (LBRP reference, it would aslo made the list but I don’t practice it that often and self transformation is more like a byproduct)

The enlightenment oriented RHP practices rather seek it’s dissolution.


Manifestion practices 1

I came across this while I was scrolling through the gram

Sounds very similar to what I been doing for those big long term/seemingly impossible goals that I have.

Tukalan, A Field marshal of Beleth who is an empire builder himself when I asked him what I can do now to manifest them ( since I know indeed that they must be built upon small steps, I just seeked a way to make it more possible) said:

Right now, simply serve your being. Hold the ideal and push it to the false. Do not get caught in the process for it is excessiveness that throws kings out of their thrones. Remember to be, be, be.

Thank you Tukalan, I am grateful for you and for everything in my life and for the possibility of life itself.

You build the empire by building the emperor!


Days feel like this…


40 km, marathon for Beleth and for myself too.

Beleth’s channeled sigil to gaze upon as I run. Normally I growl and cuss in runs like this but now under her calming and subtle influence I did not. This the nature of the energy of female Beleth, the underlying current of power that does not need to flex nor conquer with wrath and forcefulness but instead conquer with softness because it is needed in order to balance the world around.

but I dedicated this marathon to Beleth and I currently I came to know her as the the wind of the Storm, as the femine part of the being behind what we call beleth. There seems to exist a Shiva-shakti relationship between her aspects because when I first called Beleth I came into knowing a mighty demonic king and god of storms but now she shape shifted into a female goddess.

Skull face, shaved beard and tired. This is the aftermath.

There should be another photo at the 55min mark but I forgot to take a pic lmao.


Another fight won.

The empire rises by building the emperor.


Morning ritual notes 26/03/2024

Guided by sekhnioz , a magician field marshal of beleth. Breeder of the Black earth. Whom I can alternatively call set’nioz.

In the manifestation phase:
I saw the empire, because I am the empire builder
I saw the pyramid, because I am the pyramid builder
I saw the Black cube, this is my godly act
My eye is opened, this because I am god

The italic words are meant to be visualised and after each visualization say the words of spell casting. Because I am.

Set’nioz message of the day
Seek to become more, these grounds are your play. The refuge of stillness shall be no refuge but instead the great furnace that melts the crystals and ice.

Grounds of play, What you are now is proven. You can’t dream of unproven things.
Refuge of stillness, simply being. And the first key of hell says that being and blissfulness is not enough if you cant smite the world.
Great furnace. Becoming also known as kheper in Egyptian , the Great furnace is one’s heart as the above power command solidify in one’s bones.

The solidification in your bones is important since it is what you are and what you get, so decide clearly what you want.
Crystals and ice may signify the current concrete reality, they enter the furnace and be melted and moulded to what you want.


Natural Inclinations

One of my concerns about magick was about finding truth in those many upon many magical systems and mythologies, this was my concern in the morning and now as approach a new day (lit: now it’s midnight) I settled for following my truth.

I don’t think that a unified universal truth exists, or more so it is not proven to me yet but from personal experience by my own meditations and contemplations also guidance by spirits I came into the knowledge of some truths.

Spiritual existences: etheric, astral, formal, sound what ever you may add. My experience proven otherwise and it resonates with the ancient greek notion of the three universe govern my Zeus (spiritual, formlessness) pluto (afterlife, astral -etheric - mental, places which are only possible because of isolated conciousness that may not be pure and returned back to the source so they only live in the reflection of their past Life) and Poseidon (the physical world)
I saw a video about this https://youtu.be/g8X-L4TzKos?si=5tf2zdcYg42RwZlL

Which resonates with what Teh’Akh’Mah a field marshal of beleth who governs the mental round.

Qi qong, chakras, energy centers: many times in my pathworkings I been inclined to an alternative system who uses three main energy systems more similar to the meridian of the qi qong rather than the seven chakras. I now adopted the meridians as recently as I started working more heavily within set’nioz.

This is all for now, I listened to that video as I was doing my mathematics and the realization that I am inclined in a more and more personal system of magic was Severe.


You’re only 19?

Yes , sometimes I have to remind myself too.


Aren’t you a BALG author? What age did you first publish with them?

In a month I am reaching my twenty.

Yes , I first contributed for the compendium of Beelzebub when I was 16 I think. Today, in the morning I thanked all nine gatekeepers and kings that continuously “point the way” so nice that you brought this up.


Damn. Respect.

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