EA's very Powerful Incantations

In my personal workings I found these two incantations to be very effective and powerful. I came across this incantation while reading one of Lady Eva’s post. She credited EA with the incantation, so I went back and viewed the youtube video in which EA gave these incantations.
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdtH5bANEJc]- YouTube

The one in which he says is to summon forth an entity, works as he says. Very good. But through my own workings, I find if you say this incantation while you’re in the theta (TGS) state. The results are just profound. Saying the first two lines, you feel the entity’s energy starting to build. Then by the time you get to the end, it’s a full blown manifestation of the entity. A spectral image in front of you. You see, hear, feel and communicate with the entity, with amazing control of yourself.

The other one in which he says is the summoning of all magickal powers. Works even more powerful when in this state of mind. You the sorcerer becomes puissant, to say the least. Archangel Gabriel told me, the mind when focus or directed at any malevolent or inimical entity can subdue it. Which I put to the test in a waking dream I had and it worked. But to even get a more powerful effects of EA’s incantation. When combined with Gabriel’s advice, this incantation can… and I mean literally dissolve malevolent entities. Once again, my own experience tried and tested.

So, I’m mentioning this because BALG is a source of help and information for people like me, so if this helps someone coming up. Then I paid it forward.

P.S For those who are struggling with evocation of any entity. I was told by one entity that after the first couple successes and telepathy was the method used to communicate between the magickian and the entity. Then “The Linguistics” is the next step. So sometimes the entity wont show up until you work your ass off to master or at least learn… in their own words, “The Linguistics”. This linguistics they told me, in no uncertain terms, is learning how to speak to them and hear them. After this second phase, they start showing up again with another step in your progression. Again, my own personal experience.

Thanks EA.


Would you mind “writing out” what the incantation is? I guess I am stupid, but I do much better if I can see it on paper and then commit it to memory. It just doesn’t sink in when I hear it. Thanks!

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Here are all 4, straight from the newsletter:

4 Demonic Incantations To Conjure Limitless Power

#1. To Initiate or Enforce Spiritual Pacts (Tacit or expressed pacts)

“Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu”

#2. Summoning of All Magickal Powers

[i]“Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu

Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu

Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza”[/i]

#3. To Rouse Vengeful Destruction

[i]“I’chalaz Itz’rechel

Ahn’tal Ah’tan’tel


Me Vaskalla Pert’ent’itzu”[/i]

(Repeat this over and over, calling forth sick spirits of destruction, directing them through a link to your victim)

#4. To Summon Forth

[i]“Etsel Mala’kel

Test’zel Sam’tan’el

Itz Retz Nama’tel

Itz Hel Asta’Rel

Kama’Kala, Kama’Kala

Kama’Kala Satan’el

(Spirit) Kama

(Spirit) Kala

(Spirit), Kama’Kala Vel.

Me Vaskalla

Me Solvalla

Me Res’Alla Ah’tan’tel”[/i]

(Repeat several times, as a conjuration of any spirit)



You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

I posted some spiffy artwork here:

Seal Of the Sorceror (with Alash Tad Al’Ash Tal Ashtu)’

Summoning Of All Magickal Powers.

In the Summoning of All Magickal Powers, I assume that I am also supposed to after the incantation verbalize the request and not just assume that they know it?

IMO, it’s best to verbalise it, especially if you don’t at that point have a strong and long-term connection to the being you’ve called on.

Wait so with the summoning of all magickal powers, it’s meant to be used after you’ve summoned forth an entity? Is it not practical to just try to summon magickal powers on your own without an entity there to help? Secondly, is it absolutely REQUIRED to verbalize the incantations and requests out loud? Or can you make things happen through telepathy alone? I’ve been practicing my telepathy quite a bit lately with certain friends, and I’ve noticed that it kind of works like a staticy radio that gets more & more clear the more aware I become. Jus wanted to check to be sure, cause I’m currently in a place where if I were to start verbalizing incantations I would more then likely disturb the peace and frighten and cause problems with the people around me unfortunately. I plan on getting much more serious within the next 8 monthes though when I have my own place to live. Sorry about all the spam lately… I hope to be able to share my experience and knowledge in the near future.

Thanks Eva for all your help!! :slight_smile:

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Before, mostly - that’s how I use it anyway.

Is it not practical to just try to summon magickal powers on your own without an entity there to help?

I don’t know, I don’t have a concept of “magickal powers” but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work, I use different things and don’t forget my stuff was created by me and not from books so it might not apply to anyone else.

You need someone else’s input here anyway, not just mine. :slight_smile:

Secondly, is it absolutely REQUIRED to verbalize the incantations and requests out loud? Or can you make things happen through telepathy alone? I've been practicing my telepathy quite a bit lately with certain friends, and I've noticed that it kind of works like a staticy radio that gets more & more clear the more aware I become. Jus wanted to check to be sure, cause I'm currently in a place where if I were to start verbalizing incantations I would more then likely disturb the peace and frighten and cause problems with the people around me unfortunately. I plan on getting much more serious within the next 8 monthes though when I have my own place to live. Sorry about all the spam lately.. I hope to be able to share my experience and knowledge in the near future.

Thanks Eva for all your help!! :slight_smile:

No probs, stick to mental commands and requests is speaking aloud will cause you problems, I think there’s power in the spoken word but we all have to tailor things to our own circs. I didn’t speak aloud with anything magickal for years because I kept it all secret from my family!

But a lot of this is stuff I can’t answer because my own way of working is weird and different, soz. :slight_smile:

I thought Eric said in his video for the destruction chant to repeat to call forth SIX spirits of destruction? I recall him saying to repeat that 6 times (so each time a different destructive spirit would come until you direct them to your target) but the quote I saw before my post said to call forth SICK spirits of destruction. So is it six or sick?

Voicing aloud can be helpful but, here’s a little secret. I spent my entire childhood living with christian parents with a mother that was
VERY VERY (<— can’t say that enough) nosy!

So I had to do most of my spells in silence in my mind, or in very light inaudible whispers and I never had any problems. I still whisper spells to this day if I am not alone and need to recite something and no one ever hears me, and this does not cause any problems with the results. Actually, my belief is that, if you think it won’t work as good just because you have been told to recite everything out loud then it won’t work as good if you hold that belief. So why believe that and hold yourself back?

I do many things with my magick that other magicans have said are big NO-NOs or they said this won’t work unless you do this or don’t do that, and so far I have found that not listening to the other magicians tell me what I can and can’t do and tailoring things so they’ll work with my current situation, never hurt a thing. I mean some things are best left unchanged, yes this is true, but little things like speaking in your mind or in whispers versus speaking out loud, or using a green candle because it’s all you have on hand even though the spell calls for a black candle (unless of course the spell is association or emotion specfic), these don’t make a difference in the effectiveness of my workings. The key is, you just have to be able to recognize when doing things your own way will actually makes things worse.

And besides, a vocalization is still just that, a vocalization. So why would the power be any less potent because it’s spoken in a softer voice or in your mind? Thoughts have power too.


^ Exactly. Try it and see - if in doubt, do some divination beforehand. :slight_smile:

I copied that directly from the newsletter here - no idea which is correct, sorry! :slight_smile:

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This is the ‘flame chant’ for students of the O.A.A. After every initiation, you gain a little more through the order and the recitation of this brings up all the power you have acquired so far…The calling forth of the flames seems to bring up a feeling of adrenaline and support from all others within this. A bit like the Great white brotherhood my friend.

These conjurations are amazing though, I’ve used the one to ‘summon forth’ and its always worked. I love them and that’s pretty amazing in itself as I friggin hate spoken spells and atonements because they never worked for me in the past but these ones do. I wait up until the early hours, light a candle and whisper the conjurations as I think about my desire and the results are always practical.

I either get the motivation to do whatever is needed, receive workable ideas or have doors held open for me…I still have to put those ideas into operation however and take those opportunities given (Don’t ever forget that last bit)!

Thats when you tend to hear people saying that magic never works. In my experience, magic always works, its the operator who tends to short circuit the process. Magic always works and it always follows the most simplest path at that moment in time for you to take?

I also agree with RavensAscent & Eva regarding your own creativity. Magic is very much a creative pursuit that is open to your own input, imagination and personal perception…We are all different and unique and the nature of magic allows for this.

I always make my own path in life

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I have to add when I first used that one, it was before I’d worked through any O.A.A. stuff and it still worked, so that’s not a pre-requisite IMO. :slight_smile:

I don’t usually like to use other people’s stuff, but that one works a treat.

Yes Eva, it worked for me as well…It seemed to give me alot of energy and put me in a good mood. I used to recite it as I imagined volcanoes erupting and lava moving!

Its better than cocaine…and cheaper lol!

Lovely, quite lovely I must say. One more thing, what is O.A.A? Sounds quite intriguing.

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The Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis was a movement set up by E.A.Koetting years ago offering a pathworking in ritual magic, I’ve attached a word document at the bottom detailing its structure.

Order of eternal ascent.doc (38 KB)

For #1, what is the definition of a pact (tacit/expressed) in this context? For example, If I was to summon a spirit and issue it a task - Would you recite this to enforce its completion? Or is it only when we are entering a long-term teaching relationship of sorts?

#2 I had a fascinating experience with this one. I’m not clairvoyant by any means, but after reciting this intensely for a few minutes with my eyes closed, a deep blue light just appeared in my inner-vision. It wasn’t like a regular imagined image, it was persistent and I had no influence over it. It was like a blue light was being shined on me from behind closed eyelids. And then it faded. Not sure what that was about, but something happened.

Would this incantation work and be appropriate for summoning Lucifuge
Rofocale ?

#4. To Summon Forth

[i]“Etsel Mala’kel

Test’zel Sam’tan’el

Itz Retz Nama’tel…”

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Would like to know the application of “
#2. Summoning of All Magickal Powers“… are you summoning beings ? Are you tapping into chi? I’m
Not clear about this one . Practically how would you use it?

With the “Summoning of All Magic Powers,” you are calling upon the 18 Flames to empower you. In the OAA Discourses, the incantation is referred to as the Flame Chant. No spirits involved.

Yes, you can use the summoning chant for Lucifuge Rofocale. It works for all spirits.