E. A. Koetting's Youtube Channel Suspension

Yeah I get that, different gnosis and all that. I disagree with what he said but right now I think that we all need to stand behind him regardless of whether we agree with him or not. An injury to one is an injury to all. I’m with him and I would be with one of his detractors if YT banned them. By the end of the day we’re brothers in arms.


Unfortunately, and I could be misunderstanding, but as far as I can tell, the “special interest group” are LHP. We don’t need to go looking for scapegoats elsewhere… people who were traitors to their own community did this, for persona reasons. Maybe even the same people, who hired a gunman to fire at JD’s house when children were in it… who was LHP. Tell THEM to get thier act together and not fuck up the LHP community from within.

The channel was taken down on a phone call, but who riled up the reporter who made that call? He wouldn’t have got there on his own, people in the UK are mostly not religious. My sense he was was a patsy.

At the very least, we don’t have enough information to be throwing blame around.


@Mulberry On that I gotta pm you why I worded it that way so before I can answer your reply

Okie. I was thinking of a different special interest group one not of the LHP but known to protest the LHP & the music group ICP but I see your point we ARE a special interest too :v:t2::slightly_smiling_face: and I agree with your point.

I do struggle commenting on this subject while maintaining some trace of a civil tone, as anyone who had read the book they referenced as “proof” (Works of Darkness) that mentions the dreaded subject was a quote from Aliester Crowley’s Magic in Theory and Practice, which emphasized self sacrifice. Not to mention EA’s mentioning of a symbolic representation of blood being just as powerful. Not that I expected the reporter to mention that little fact, as sensationalism sells in terms of the news. YouTube does not give a damn about their creators so long as a profit can be made, so I cannot fault them for their actions. But observing comments from videos talking about that further strengthens my less optimistic beliefs in humanity in general. Less gods in flesh and more the hominid versions of a tumbleweed, lost to the winds of their own emotions.


@Dralukmun You still have optimism about humanity? Nice. I salute you for that. I long ago gave up hope for the human race as a whole now I reserve optimism and hope for specific individuals instead of humanity as a whole.

Woops edit corrected a mistaken direct
& leave a note to myself here double check that you click the right direct aka @ before hitting send in the future.


Oh, I lost a majority of it long, long ago. But I try to maintain a sliver of it for my own sanity. However, that is becoming very difficult as the years go by.

That being said, nothing promotes creativity quite as much as hardship, so I am interested to see where BALG takes things.


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: This Forum being reported in a negative light in the UK

@DemonicOmen here’s the official post on this. We are trying to keep everything here.


I’m still about to get rid of my pretty little face of a profile pic lol
Even if Balg isn’t targeted there’s plenty of stupid self righteous individuals who may target us individually in a retaliatory sense


Ok sorry I used the search button before I posted and couldn’t find it. Also thank you!


I might do the same; not sure how wise it is for me to continue to be so public. I’ll always be willing to be RFH for BALG but showing my face might need to pause.

It’s a shame that it has come to this. People have burned and hung for what we do. I don’t think they imagined a day where we would be where we are and if they did, I’m sure they couldn’t imagine us turning on one another like this. That’s just me though.

I grew up here, the murderer was never really here as far as I remember (what I mean is he wasn’t on much). BALG and EA shouldn’t really be branded, for lack of a better word, for someone else’s lack of understanding.


•blows the referee whistle for a time out•

And: I’m wondering why if people are in agreements on some stuff while the back and forth banter about agreeing? And also why we can’t be adult about things and agree to disagree on what we disagree with.

Add: and then I go for a coffee break while everyone’s hopefully on a time out :stuck_out_tongue:

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Where will Koetting communicate to his followers now? At this forum? His personal youtube channel? Does he have any social media account that is still up?


I know he has Patreon
An I receive alot of vids and info through there on my email


That’s why I picked an eye avatar not my face for my avatar m. Everyone’s got eyes but I’m the only one with my face as far as I know so if I don’t want relatives or the boss or whoever to know I’m into magick to save myself grief well I do as I did pick an innocuous avatar (aka an avatar you can’t tell who I am by hopefully without lining up everyone and microscopically investigating everyone’s eyes to see who owns the culprit avatar).


Hey there, @Nhoj Please properly introduce yourself. It is a rule of this forum, so PLEASE CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you rpactice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:



Hey pm me lol I’m a visual learner and don’t want to forget your profile when you change your pic​:rofl::rofl::rofl::metal:


Wish granted :smirk:

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You know I’m watching the strain on hulloween and find myself :thinking: thinking
“Wow no one blames horror movie” :rofl::rofl::rofl: