E. A. Koetting's Youtube Channel Suspension

Again, and this was also called out by D. H. Thorne in his livestream about it yesterday, this was one writing that was 20 years ago, he doesn’t support these views now, and there has been a lot of change since. It seems very flimsy to point to that as “inspiration”.

It’s much more likely that he watched too many Hollywood horror films and allowed that to feed into his existing mental imbalance.

But nobody is jumping up and down trying to ban gore horror films. That’s why it’s personal. It’s hypocritical and I suspect an excuse, mostly, in the cancel culture types, it’s a way to bolster a lack of self esteem. Someone with low talent has nothing to give, and doesn’t want to create, so they think taking from others makes them look better. If everybody could be brought down to thier mediocre level, the painful comparison is not so stark… It’s a very broken, low iq and low integrity effort.


If the murderer had been inspired by the pope or jesus, nobody would go after the corresponding catholic channel, right?

This is utter nonsense, and Koetting didn’t deserve this shit.


There are channels from mexican satanic sorcerers of Catemaco, for instance, that do animal sacrifices and rooster decapitations with bloodbath in front of the camera, yet they are still on Youtube.


I believe you are overthinking this. Its all about views and engagement, and a story about slaughter and satanism will easily get that. Money is the motivator.

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I might be talking about the people that fed the reporter the story there… :slight_smile:
He certainly wasn’t smart enough to find it or ask the right questions about it’s credibility himself.

Nothing is as it seems.


Well 1 thing is as it seems. His (the reporter’s) and YouTube’s stupidity (if they even believed 1 micron of the bulkshit).

Add: meh meant bullshit but bulkshit is appropriate too since they’re spewing it in bulk quantities so… leaving it as bulkshit. Since both are appropriate to the situation I don’t care which term is up there. The point comes across either way they they’re stupid for believing the crap.

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I’m guessing if this person had actually stuck around and practiced black magick, they perhaps would have found the inner strength and wisdom (a strong word for lack of utter stupidity) to not do something so stupid.

I never advocate violence, only being honest with yourself about the emotions which you may have within you as a result of the world being a corrupt, rotten place. But self-knowledge is scary for most people, as are people who know and have experienced how far petty human malice can go. People looking for someone to attack because they are bored and hate themselves and their lives I generally find, off-putting.

I’d be the first to admit that BALG’s a bit of a rough crowd, but that doesn’t equate to violent, out of control maniacs. People come here seeking knowledge to make their lives better. Demonic magick can topple tyrants and create strong people who can lead the world around them to a better place.

Oh no, but then it sounds like you’re not just prostrating yourself before the established power authorities! Societal norms gives me mega bullshit propaganda power over you, stop trying to fight for your equality! Let me squish you! How could you do this to me???

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened. It probably won’t be the last.


@shinri Rough crowd huh? I dunno some of us may have had rough times sometimes but I don’t see too many word rumbles going on here I think in spite of everything we’re a pretty chill group as long as people don’t lie and larp round here or break the no politics or no belittling people rules.

Add: translation of word rumbles = nasty verbal fights (& I don’t see any of those round here).


By “rough crowd” I mean it’s usually more like the Mos Eisley cantina than a mountaintop temple. It’s more fun when your chill spot gets a bit more lively every so often.


Ah yes. Well someone did hang the everyone & everything welcome rule out so ya do get a variety from white light to black magick people to demons by proxy of their pals here & all sizes shapes and cultures . Kinda one of the things I like bout this ‘cantina’ :slight_smile: :+1: @shinri keeps it interesting doesn’t it?

Anyhow I’m gonna just wait and see what happens next with whole YouTube shit in the meantime & avail myself of the plethora of knowledge here while waiting to see if they put his channel back on.


All youtube cares about is ensuring they can retain advertisers on the platform. It doesnt matter what they believe, if something could threaten their financial stability it needs to be shut down. They dont want a media shitstorm on their hands


I agree. Besides I’m pretty sure this killer must be someone who doesn’t understand what is written in the books.


I hope E.A. puts those videos back up somewhere. I have found them to be very inspirational.


This is an extremely disturbing turn of events. EA’s vids converted people to the LHP and we can’t have anything that goes against feel-good neofeudal corporatism where every Abrahamic religion is placed on the pedestal. Be happy, take your happy pills and shut up. Don’t challenge the status quo.

EA, may I suggest uploading to https://www.bilibili.com/ ? They let you upload anything, just use google translate to navigate the site. They sure as shit won’t delete anything because of an article made by a BBC “journalist”.


I’ve just found out E A Koetting has been banned from Youtube and FB because of some nutter who thought he understood the occult.
It looks like they need a Patsy to blame. Rather than say he was evil, they blame EA for being a bad influence. i doubt they asked him which specific video taught him what he claims.


Also, really disappointed by the reaction of several LHP influencers. Cool, you disagree with EA, I get it. But ultimately what he does is convert people to the LHP and he was immensely successful at that. Yeah, I get it, it’s an individualist philosophy but pretending that you have nothing in common with fellow travellers is idiocy. You want to be alone? You’ll be crushed by the Abrahamic mass.


you have to understan that just because we all practice magick doesnt mean we are all equal in ideologies. People hate E.A, conner and others because its not so much that they can do things that they cant its human nature. Everyone wants to claim that ea is wrong and that they have conversed with some (insert spirit name or god here) and that they are the way. None of us are equal the reason why ea and others like him have these platforms is because they sacrificed everything to get it. Just because people on other platforms silence practitioners dosent mean anything

Personally I completely disagree with EA’s Lucifer-Amaymon theory and I utterly dislike anything DH says that is not related to the LHP, I find it utterly moronic and Anglocentric. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t back either of them if anyone, be them a megacorp or an Abrahamic church, would go against them. I am disappointed by the utter lack of unity amongst the LHP. Hopefully this event will force the adherents to become more cohesive and less divided.


You make some real good points.


@yaldaba0th Since spirits don’t exactly us language Ike we do in the same way we do there’s a lot of room to say that the Lucifer-amaymon gnosis is how how he understood the information he was receiving to be/mean someone else could interpret it as something else like how Aesenath interprets Lucifer to also be Prometheus.

Because it not directly English from one native speakers mouth to English in another native speakers ear but it’s mostly non verbal and transmitted sorta for lack of it a better term telepathically with the entity using our concepts to try and explain it to us the gnosis relies on the success or failure of the transmission of the ideas from one source to another and it may not always be interpreted accurately and another person may interpret the same data differently because they have a different erm viewing glass they’re looking through.

So just follow your own gnosis. No one said you have to have the same gnosis as EA has after all.

And to everyone reading…:arrow_down:
As to the issue of the ban, it’s too damn bad we LHP people aren’t more numerous cuz then we could fight fire with fire and complain bomb YouTube back that we want EA’s channel back.

But since we aren’t a large group compared to the prissy ass complaining special interest groups against EA and us Left hand pathers generally speaking it wouldn’t work. For every hundred of us they can muster a 1000. Too bad.

That said maybe someone on the LHP with the $ and know how can someday form their own LHP version of YouTube and post only LHP stuff and stuff against the haters on it.

Until then… keep on trucking and give moral or actual support to EA and other LHP practitioners and sites I guess.

Since that’s about all we can do (give moral and/or actual support to our kind in the face of this attack on the LHP ) unless one of us on this forum secretly is YouTube’s owner incognito in which case I’d tell them dude put EA back on he didn’t commit any crimes it’s wrong to ban someone who didn’t do anything wrong. If he was here to tell it to.

So… in closing support the/your LHP people (whether it’s buying, joining or viewing. In whatever way you can )