“Dumb” things you thought as a newbie? Thread

Don’t know if there’s a thread like this one I just thought of this rn and decided to make a post about it. if there is one may @Lady_Eva delete this one.

if not…

I’ll go first,
I really thought spells to become a mermaid, vampire, werewolf were real. I really did. this was however when I was a child around 13yrs old.

I thought people who summoned entities and talking to them actually spoke to them and they talked back like you would a human being. figured out a very long time later you guys were using tarot cards, pendulums and other divination tools💀

ofc people talk out loud or in their minds to the spirit I mean more of the spirit talking back to you. I thought you guys were hearing them talk right in front of you and not through cards or voices in your head etc.


I couldn’t summon a demon in my house because they were “too big” ie: house-sized. I thought they wouldn’t come because they couldn’t fit.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: oh that’s good


I thought you just found secrets and had the answers. I learned you have to work and develop… like everything else in life I guess


Wait really? Interesting


How did you figure out that that’s not how that works?


Yeah like I thought you just got told here… do this. Done. It’s much more of a journey of development than that…


I fucking wish it was that way!!


I thought the “true grimoire” was fake (haha, that thing drove me crazy, after Astaroth possessed me and filled in the blanks…)

I thought that in order to get anything from the lesser key, you would need to actually make things out of gold silver etc, and have all the tools or nothing would happen…

I thought that the only purpose of orders and covens was to kiss up to someone and get taken advantage of sexually, and that magick was fake and thus they couldn’t teach you anything.

I thought that you couldn’t really drive yourself insane with spiritual practices, that that was a myth. (and people who were “driven insane” were already psychotic to begin with.)

I thought that magick was something that you could only use to effect the outer world, and that it would have little to no effect on your own state of mind (without just effecting the outer)


Yeah they do. Only you hear them with not your physical ears. Your subconscious hears them and tells you what they said. If you’re not getting that kind of message from your subconscious, try automatic writing for a bit to help make the connection?

It can feel a lot like imagination to start with, and sometimes it does start that way, but just go with it - that exercises the right psychic ‘muscles’. After a while they start giving you ideas you know you wouldn’t have thought of yourself, and that’s when it gets really valuable.


Or when you see other members validating those ideas with their own experiences.


Yes! :smiley: At this point it’s not UPG anymore, it’s verified. Love it when that happens.


Stupid things I thought as a newbie back when:

  1. If I called on a demon, they would instantly materialize in a poof of smoke right in front of me with red eyes, red skin & a deep voice (like they do on tv :roll_eyes:)

  2. Tarot cards were “the work of the devil” and if I used them I would have bad luck. I was taught this growing up. We weren’t allowed to play with any type of cards or any card games for that reason as well. At age 18 I bought my first deck and haven’t had any issues since.

  3. If I simply chant what I wanted over a candle, it would happen. I didn’t know about intent or focus and didn’t think it would matter if I didn’t have it. I just wanted what I wanted NOW.


Really depends tbh. Maybe most people start here, but it’s not the end all and be all of spirit communication.

Most of the communication I get comes in visual impressions, audio impressions, clairsentience, claircognizance. Some of it like clair knowing has to be interpreted into words, but other times you can hear clear as day, some jack assed spirit laughing at you. The difference is knowing it’s non physical, and honestly it was rather freaky at first, hearing something you know isn’t a physical sound- but now I wish it was the preferred/easiest method cuz it would be easier to put into words, if it started as words- I always find myself struggling to relay what I’m trying to, because knowing doesn’t usually equate to easy to say.

For me what type of communication I get, depends on what type of spirit we are talking about :slight_smile:


Hmm my list would be embarrassing, so I’ll just list a few:

1. For awhile I believed that all the occult books you’d find online were equal to the spell books I used to get as a kid in credibility. I was convinced that any real occult book couldn’t possibly be that easy to find.

2. That demons were big and scary, however I unlearned this one pretty quick. Plus surprisingly it didn’t really actually stop me from trying to petition my first demoness, didn’t cause any real fear more like the “will this actually work?” Then the “Wow!”.

3. That people who could communicate to spirits, could hear see them as I can another human. Lol was disappointed to find out that this is NOT the norm, but you can get some very real communication’s from spirits - just not like the movies…


I thought that people would evoke spirits, and that when done properly and with enough force, the spirit would manifest physically. And, I was pissed off that I couldn’t make that happen, and that no one could teach it to me, since I thought that meant I was simply doing it wrong the whole time and was learning it incorrectly.
Like or example, I got my hands on a pdf of some necromantic voodoo grimoire that detailed some dude named Dante invoking Akasha Subterfuge. I thought that he summoned that spirit as a physical snake. I blame my schizophrenic period on the stupid language used by all you black magicians lol

I got that from the term BALG liked to use, which is “evoking to full physical manifestation”. And honestly, I’m not actually that emberrased about that misconception, because that phrase is misleading as hell.

Now, I actually do know that it’s possible for spirits to dip down into the physical plane for short periods of time, but they typically only do so if it’s actually worth it or necessary. Like, to kill someone for instance. And sometimes animals like spiders or mice will sorta… pop out of thin air during a crazy ritual, but that’s still not the same as what the phrase implies.


I don’t really think as a newbie I thought much on many things. I was fascinated by everything but I didn’t really put much thought into everything in that way.

I self taught myself for the longest, the Merlin books were part of my inspiration so I guess maybe me thinking I could make a living animal my familiar was dumb to a degree.



Yeah exact wordings like that on BALG got my hopes up too.


Merlin is awesome, well I was always a HUGE fan of the tv show merlin and knew about the myths surrounding Merlin.


Yah, dont get me wrong, a lot of the crazy “superpowers” of legend are legit and real. The problem is, its damn near impossible to learn them without an actual teacher.

You wanna learn how to blast someone back using concussive force from your hand? Yep, it’s real. How about using your fingers like they’re goddamn tasers using your bio electricity? Yes, that’s a thing.

Are you gonna be able to learn it on your own? Almost definitely not.
Are you gonna be able to find a teacher without moral or religious baggage attached to it?
Still almost definitely a no.

So, I was pissed when I learned that the language of black magic culture was mostly due to arrogance and seeming more powerful than you are.