“Dumb” things you thought as a newbie? Thread

Then there’s the dude who could just chill submerged in freezing ice cold water somewhere up in the artic or something… All by using his breath to control his body temp/etc…

I’d like the shocking people (in self defense) with my bioelectricity… Not that I’d do it, lol. Just would be cool… To see something like that…

Besides I think there would be better uses to bioelectricity then shocking random people lol.

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I actually thought the whole tagline “become a living god” was marketing bullshit. (I mean, yeah it is marketing bullshit, what they don’t tell you is that you could actually start to believe it and go insane.)

I wondered why anyone would do spells to get their ex back, and I actually thought it would be easy.


Yah but thays kinda the issue with “powers” like that.
“It’d be cool”
Damn right it would be cool. But is it worth it to work so hard just for what’s essentially little more than a party trick or a tool for self defense that you could achieve the same result with for about 20 dollars on ebay? Probably not.
You can learn those things a lot faster with a teacher, but on your own, it’s just not worth the time.

Dont get me wrong, if someone told me I could learn a potent version of telekinesis without spending my whole life on it, I’d be interested. But seriously… am I gonna devote a good chunk of my time and energy to the craft, just to be able to roll aluminum cans or maybe have a bottle cap hover between my hands? Uhh no. I’ve got better things to do than learn party tricks.


True, that’s where effort vs reward comes in. You have to weigh whether the amount of effort you put into something is worth the reward your gonna get.


Yah. If I were a street performer, I’d probably be a lot more into it, since I’d have a greater incentive and application. Cost versus reward, like ya said.


As a preteen I believed everything written in a book of folk magick: the possibility of having devil servants born in form of lizards from 2 eggs, an hair in water becoming a worm etc. plus, indeed, visible and talking Spirits appearing at the end of a conjuration. Nonetheless I don’t know what extent their manifestation may reach, so…


Hehehe I thought that too!!!:anguished:


I suppose that my magical idiocy arose early. When I was a little kid, I thought I could change the colors of various objects with weird rituals of my own devising. Adults would point out that the colors didn’t change, but I’d find a tiny speck that I’d claim was somehow different after my enchantment. Really, I almost drove my family to drink with that.

In my teen years, I thought certain magical artifacts could hold power in their own right. I was told from a church pulpit that certain occult books could open up the portals of hell by simply touching them. It took a while to figure out that various books and magickal tools are (more or less) inert, until you, or someone else, “programs” them. I own boxes full of books I was assured would assign me to hell, but you know what? They’re just books. Simply ink on paper, until I choose to apply personal action to what might be written in them.

I still have weird beliefs and superstitions that were pounded into me as a kid, and for still occasionally reverting to them at this late stage of my life, I’m still a “newbie” thinking “dumb” thoughts. But at least I try to analyze my beliefs a bit more these days. Still, I don’t necessarily think that a “beginner’s mind” is a bad thing.


The first “spell” I ever tried to do and thought was possible was one I found online when I was probably 11/12. I was obsessed with avatar: the last airbender. The spell promised to give you water bending abilities. I think I sat in front of a bowl of water staring at it for quite some time literally expecting something to happen… :raised_hand:t2: :sweat_drops:

I still to this day… have no water bending abilities except in the shower lol.


I didn’t really have any idea what to expect. I did screw up though because I started practicing evocation from the beginning which was a bit dumb.

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I remember some of my first spells involved staying up till 11:11pm then reciting the spell 3x or something. Which I think actually wasn’t a bad start, but most of the spell goals were unrealistic. I was also a fan of some fantasy shows and some of my spells were “inspired” by those.

I also remember falling asleep before it was 11:11 or missing the time by like a few minutes and being frustrated lol.


That I could summon 30 spirits to do the same thing and that they’d see that as proof of my commitment! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That everything was a sign from a demon

That I was exempt from the 3-fold rule (magical backlash)

That I didn’t need protection (dumb, dumber, dumbest all in one on this one)

That magic doesn’t require hard work…


i was really shocked when i first started looking for other like minded people on how academic everyone was within the community, and that most were far more focused on tradition and ritualism instead of abilities like seeing auras, scrying and trance. for me this was a huge deal, and it kept me away from the community for quite a long time.


Believe me or not, but I give you my word that I speak the truth.
Before I ever started evoking, or even serious ceremonial Magick for that matter, I was really into shamanism and the field of psychonautics.
One time, while getting ready for a trip (mind you, I was GETTING READY, aka sober as a judge) I was weighing out my dosage of shrooms and I’ve literally just swallowed my dose, when I heard a voice speak into my mind say “eat the rest bag”.
Now, take me at my word or not, but I’ve NEVER heard voices or anything like that before in my life, until that moment. So, naturally, I think “that was weird, what a bizarre intrusive thought.”, and continue with my business. But then it says it again, but louder and clearer. “EAT THE REST OF THE BAG”
So this time, assuming it’s something spiritual (or a psychotic break :sweat_smile:), I say “why the hell would I do that??” And the voice says “you’re running out of time, eat the rest of the bag!!”
Now, this is 21 grams of prem-o shrooms we’re talking about, so I naturally had some reservations, but for some reason I fuckin did it!!!
The SECOND I swallowed the last cap, a fully physical manifestation of the baphomet came walking out of my wall. She was absolutely beautiful, and spoke in a woman’s voice, telling me all kinds of wonderful things I had no hope of remembering accurately enough to recount faithfully.
I have no idea how long we talked, but sometime around dawn our conversation woke up my mother (whom I live with, and who had no idea about anything that was going on), and she actually HEARD about 20 minutes of the conversation and was about to recount it back to me (including the baphomet’s parts).
So, in short, I know that it IS possible to achieve a literal physical manifestation, but you have to LITERALLY lose your mind to do it. :sweat_smile:


Reminds of the time i tried doing a time sensitive spell when an ex broke up with me because his female friend was too much of an attention wh- … seeker… and she couldn’t handle him not fawning over her instead lol.

It was to ruin their friendship. Consisted of something like shoving their pictures in the halves of a lemon, burying it (where the sun hits it during sunset - which i didnt do i just buried it lol) and then pouring vinegar over it at exactly sundown every day while saying some sort of rhymes. I got a lot of strange looks from my step mother during the time I lived with my parents taking a cup of vinegar outside.

Did it work? Probably not. Lol.


I used to believe in many fantastical things, over time the more I practiced I grew in wisdom and started to realise those things could very much be possible

Oh and I was scared of Infernals, now I’m friends with some


Hmm, dumb things ? The only one I can think about is I thought I would be able to speak to a demon or a ghost the moment I would get my hand on a ouija board, never worked 🥲



The first time my wings grew, I could have taken physical flight.

Believe in yourselves.

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this was just what I was thinking as a beginner. Now I hear them in my head/ get thoughts but I do not as I wrote actually hear them out loud as I thought everybody did here before lol.


Still being a newbie btw, I thought that during a physical evocation everyone in the room could see the evocated spirit and interact with him