Dream about hell - I need help

Hello all,
I had really strange dream recently and I would need help with interpretation.

The dream was about hell and demons in hell… At the begining they were researching blood of random people and as a cover they had some museum or attraction where they told people some information from their blood. Me and my husband went there, and give them our blood but from my blood was created a moldavite (in real I have moldavite engaged ring). Then, they invited us to hell, we had to slide down on charred wood, it was a little bit uncomfortable, and down there they make for us tour through the hell in the end we went to some demon office (really nice and friendly). There they have been talking about moldavite and why it is really important for them, and why is for them important blood of people who have “moldavite blood”. It was mainly about energy, and balance in hell, their own power etc. I gave them more of my blood and they didn’t want more. In the end of the dream, i wanted go away with husband, and they were trying convinced me to stay with them, but I told them “I will return one day, but not now, thank you for everything” and I go through hell gate and woke up.

Whole dream was really peacefull, lovely, happy, and when I woke up I was happy and calm. I have been working with Belial for the last year, who has really helped me and I have a lot of respect for the path he has laid out for me. But this kind of dream I have first time, and the feeling after was different. I was in peace.

Do you know if it have something common with Belial? It was really strong dream, I had feeling Im awake, too realistic and the calmness I had after is strange. Can have connection with pregnancy?

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I think this tells you what you need to know, that all is well. It doesn’t sound like you have a problem.

What what do you need help for I don’t get it? :thinking:

If you mean, in interpretation, eh, it depends what these things mean to you. They won’t mean the same things to me so anything I come up with is probably going to be wrong… I don’t believe in the aspects presented, so they would not symbolically occur in my dreams: I’m not sure which religion’s “hell” you mean but I assume the Christian ones, but I don’t believe in hell or heaven from any religion (though the Shinto ones are pretty cool and suitably graphic). I don’t believe in demons either and I think that term is at best useless and at worst insulting.

So what YOU mean by the religious fictional concepts of “hell” and “demons” is what you need to know to interpret this and what it means to you.

I think a lot of people do, he’s got a lot of aspects humans relate to for sure. Independence, strength, protectiveness, desire to not be enslaved or coerced by anyone or anything. If you’re Aquarian, fight for the underdog, believe in fairness, then yes you have something in common with Belial.

Not in modern usage that I’m aware of, but he is actually a god of fertility, as that’s his orgin it’s said, so maybe that does make sense.

(It was common practice for warring tribes to demonize all enemy gods on principle, we are left with that legacy even though we don’t practice that religion - it’s so embedded in our society few question why they believe in these things. I do, and I don’t believe in it I think it’s historical junk left over from a bygone era. )

Sounds like me :tired_face:I have so many unpleasant dreams about fighting with family members, dying, being killed & sometimes going to Hell. One dream was So awful & real. Even while dreaming I wished it was just a dream! I ended up in hell & was in a row with other people getting horribly tormented by demons & my turn was coming up & I woke up before that. Plus I yell out a lot of Obsenities & hit & kick stuff off the bed & act out the dreams because of R.e.m. sleep behavior disorder