Doing Magick for a specific Wish once or keeping at it until it happens?

Hi everyone :smiling_face:

A question I find rather under-addressed: Is it better to do something as “one-off” or to empower it regularly?

First, what seems to me as clear cases:

  • If I always want to be healthy, I’ll create a servitor and keep empowering it forever :star_struck:.
  • If my friend has a job interview now, I’ll do some magick to support it now and that’s it.

However, what if I want something specific to happen in the future? On my reading, most sources recommend doing one working, trusting that it works and letting go. Other sources say that it’s okay to add additional “charge” later… what do you folks think?

Reading random Llewellyn articles, I synchronicitously found this:

It’s often recommended to just do the spell and then forget about it, but that’s difficult, given that we are usually emotionally invested in the outcome. Forgetting is also not necessarily the best choice. Spells often take time to develop and materialize and can benefit from regular infusions of energy.

This question ties in with another question: Doing magick with your own power, perhaps ala Law of Attraction or Direct Magick or however you want to call it, or with the help of spirits. I feel that if I’m going to do E.A. style Sigil Flashing or a larger evocation, I can only do it once and then I have to trust the spirit to do its work. Whereas if I use my own power, I can infuse more of it into the intent whenever I want.

What do you folks think about these issues?

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It depends on the reason for the repeat. If you plan it in as a continued working there’s no reason you can’t do that. If you repeat the working out of worry that it didn’t work than that’s called “lusting for results” and as a form of doubt kills the working stone dead.

After that the “law of reduced effort” applies. So, no, have confidence it worked and expect that it did and you are good. Have no confidence so that you repeat because you think your working is a bit shit to start with and you’re not going to do as well.

E.A. explains it here, mirrored from his old youtube channel.

Same, same. Don’t reapply because you think it’s failing… in that case, it already did.

Do a divination for a status update by all means, and if it’s fizzling for unforeseen reasons, like protections on a target say, then you can regroup and form a new strategy, but don’t kill your own workings just because you assume they’re not strong enough.

That assumption by itself evokes the law of attraction and makes it true. It’s NOT strong enough because you think it isn’t.


There are rituals and spells that require regular work such as 7-day candles and those in Angels of Omnipotence. However, as @Mulberry has said, don’t lust for results. This means trusting that you did it right the first or previous time. Magick uses the path of least resistance, and doubt is nothing but an obstacle.

If you’re gonna perform the same spellwork regularly, do it for the purpose of expediting and adding potency to your manifestation. It’s kinda like following up on an order or asking for updates from someone.


As being new to magick, I’m still practicing to develop my clairs and divination and currently I would say there are nearly non-existent. I’ve read here that there are instances that spirits refuse to fulfill your petitions for some reason. So in cases like this, is it still counter-productive to just repeat the working?

Wow, thanks a lot for these answers :hugs:

Yeah, this is how I feel about my servitors.

I’m of course familiar with the concept of “lust for results”, but there are so many different views about it… but still, I see your point about not repeating the working out of worry.

There is a beautiful symmetry here, theoretically: If I want something to stay true forever, I keep empowering it forever. Whereas if I want something to happen once, I do magick for it once.

However, let’s say I did something once and the result has not come in two weeks. Two months. What now? Isn’t doing a divination to see if it’s is alright also worry?

I’ve watched the E.A. video (thanks!) and I agree on his point that after the ritual, one should feel perfectly confident that it will happen. I feel that way naturally when I do magick – it just feels clear and decided :star_struck:.

But in my current situation, the result is not coming… so they way I like to think of it is: I did the working, so it will happen. However, I can add more magick, to make it happen sooner.

Yes, exactly like that :+1:! Otherwise I would find myself in the strange situation that I can do nothing else about this – just sit and wait (or rather not wait and just be confident)? Doesn’t quite feel right to me.

In the meantime I also had an extra thought about the topic of spirits. Why not combine both approaches? So do a spirit based working once, and then personal workings for “expediting and adding potency to your manifestation” – I think I’m happy with this idea :blush:.


Coincidentally, I asked about this just last night.

I think if you’re going to repeat a working you should do it on a set schedule that you decide on ahead of time. If you leave it open then unhelpful things like worry will make you repeat unnecessarily. So you might decide to repeat a ritual every two weeks until you get results. If you feel worry you still wait the full two weeks, and if you feel like the ritual is working you still repeat in two weeks.

For rituals that specify that they are only to be done once I think

Is a good idea. This was the main thing I thought of while reading your post but then I saw you thought of it yourself. You could a full evocation and then monthly candle spells, or some other combination of rituals and timings.

You could also, instead of doing a manifestation ritual or in addition to it, do divination rituals. Like after you do your main ritual you could do a tarot reading every two weeks, and then take action on the readings. Allow yourself to be guided to the end result.

With my servitors I like to charge them every 45 days. One thing I’ve been doing since my first one is asking them to remove one small obstacle. So before I charge them I reflect on the goal they are working on, and decide what is the next obstacle to overcome on the way to the end result. I then charge them and at the end make one small request that would remove the obstacle. My first servitor was one meant to get me through school, so frequent smalls requests I would make were for money, understanding a concept, removing stressors. Once they delivered the small request they would go back to working on their primary objective.

This doesn’t have to be just for servitors. After a specified time after an evocation you take some time to reflect on the obstacles you’re facing. Then decide on one small result that would remove the obstacle. Finally, you can do another evocation, either evoking the same entity or different one entirely depending on the obstacle you want removed.

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Just a piece of advice: divination has to be done very carefully. Scrying for results frequently not only implies doubt but also attachment when you should be letting go.

You wanna ask the right questions. So instead of asking, “Did it work?” Ask, “Do I need to refuel it and perform the same ritual?”


Well, if a spirit refuses to fulfil your petition, then I guess asking again won’t help, hm :flushed:? I’d say you’d either need to change your approach, or find another spirit.

But how to find out if they refuse your petition? If you don’t hear any answer, or completely distrust your astral perception (in this case your clairaudience)… Well, for binary question like this, e.g. “Do we have an agreement?”, you can use the pendulum for spirit communication, I guess :+1: .

Here are two random guides – I’m not saying that these are the best ones and you can find many others. In the end you of course need to find your own approach to it, like with everything :star_struck:

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Thanks for the guides. These are helpful. :hugs:

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It depends on the method.

If it’s candle magick, it usually take 3, 7 or 9 days to be efficient. The fire element being direct but unstable it needs to have an element of stability/repetition.

If it’s earth based (talisman, jar…) you can make it once and hide it. You can occasionally recharge it but only if you don’t do it with deperation.

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How many times should I do the personal workings.

Sound advice.
I would like to add that divination questions like: “is there anything I should do to help it manifest?” also does wonders for me.

You need the mindset of once is enough.

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