Dogs and energies

Hi there everyone! Since my “external” life situation is changing once again, me and my girlfriend have been thinking of getting maybe 1 or 2 dogs in the coming 1-3 years. It’s a big responsibility, so we are doing our research early on because the breeds we are interested in are those who generally are much more demanding than the typical “walk around the block” dog. We have come to a point where we actually see that there might be a possibility to make this work, with all the changes it would bring, and before proceeding any further there are some things I need to know. Since dogs are VERY sensitive to energies, there are some questions ordinary forums and even the most experienced breeders can’t answer because they are simply not doing magic of any kind… So my question to you guys is:

Do any of you, especially pathworkers who have sigils and gates open in your house at least 2-3 weeks or permanently have any dogs living with you? How do they react exposed to this energy? I will start pathworking the Qliphoth as fast as I get a home large enough to have a separate temple room, and that would of course mean that the animals would be exposed to demonic energy in some extent. That type of working also deals in a LOT of invocations, which means that I myself will radiate this kind of energy strongly from time to time.

As for now, animals of all kinds love me because I’m a very calm and harmonic person. I’ve always been that way, and now after 6-7 years of consistent void meditation that state of being have improved. However, the only animals I have/had is a big wonderful Maine Coon/Siberian cat that doesn’t seem to care that much of those kind of energies and my previous experiences with them, and a shit load of spiders, scorpions and snakes, which, if they are affected at all, seems to be it on a very subtle level.

For example, I sometimes merge with Qliphotic forces and the dead while sleeping, and many dogs out there sleep with their owners. Considering the nature of these beings and what they feel like, I really can’t imagine that this would go unnoticed to a dog sleeping next to me.

In what possible ways could a dog react to this? Start barking, waking me up and interrupting the whole important experience? I really want at least 1 dog since I’m getting more and more bad and uninterested in people as time passes, but if they can’t handle these kind of energies then that is not a possibility because for me, there is no compromise. Enlightenment and spirituality always comes first and I’ve already chosen my path as it have chosen me. So, please people, share all your thoughts and experiences owning dogs and working with these energies at the same time!

//Best regards

My dogs don’t seem to be bothered by much. I walked out of my temple room still under partial possession and they just looked at me like “You gonna feed me?” Love my two furry companions. One is pit bull/rat terrier (took more after the rat terrier but has it’s mother’s markings) which I’ve had all her life and the other is an American Bulldog which I straight up stole off a meth head. Poor guy was a walking skeleton when I got him. Fat and happy now.

That is so nice to hear! Hate it when animals get abused because of weak people! I ended a drug abuse in my early 20’s and started doing magic instead, and over the first 2 years I slowly drifted apart from the few friends I kept close after the destructive life I lived, much because of the inevitable change that started to occur inside of me opening myself up to these forces. The older I get, the harder it is to make new friends so for the last 6 months or so my interest in dogs have increased very much. They are loyal and honest, unlike most people.

Our dog sleeps on the bed, and I have permanently open portals to all kinds of beings/realms, including demonic, in the same room.

That demonic element is new-ish, insofar as it’s only been the last few years I started working with entities labelled as such - before that it was usually nature spirits, gods, deceased people, and the kind of beings you meet with spiritual healing and so on, but I had stayed away from the Xian-style designated demonic (though it’s also relevant to state that some may have been known to me under other names/masks, prior to this).

Our dog is old, previously had been abused, and is very sensitive, but he seldom cares that much - all spirits I work with, if there seems to be the slightest chance of a problem, I do so ONLY under the condition they protect his safety as they would my own, because IMO pets are basically family, part of the unner circle at that, so I ask them to treat him as such.

He’s occasionally started getting weirded out, off the top of my head these are the main things that bother him:

1/ when I do DEEP trance journeying, and appear (according to human observers) to be basically dead, obviously still breathing but like there’s “no-one there” - he’s not a fan of that at all.

That’s been an issue with a lot of pets, ours and when I’ve done healing journeys for people with their pets in the room - they don’t always dislike it, but they do usually react in some way;

2/ when I conceived a (spirit) Child with a demon, I think because of the transgressive nature of taking living seed (which looked like a kind of plasma) from a demonic King, and bringing it to this realm to create a demonic new life within me - I posted about it here, the relevant part is this:

"As the day progressed, I felt the air in the room beginning to thicken – the blinds were drawn, TV and computer off, and I had just one lamp burning in a corner on the floor.

In the next hour or so, my dog was becoming restless so I shooed him into another room, and tried to stay calm and focused. It started feeling kind of like the dentist’s waiting room, in hell."

I’ve already placed wards around the second bed he has out back, and I sent him through for this and also, during some of the work I did with Ahriman & Azi Dahaka, which was similarly brining a very heavy and dark feel that he didn’t like. I haven’t worked explicitly with Qliphoth energy though, so I’m not sure whether the two things have anything in common;

3/ any kind of work where I do NOT want to be distracted at all, again he goes through to the back with wards, and some extra food or something.

Other than that, I’ve evoked demonic Kings, gods, deceased people, La Santisima Muerte, and all kinds of other spirits with him right on the bed next to me (I’m lazy and work from our bed a lot!) and he’s been fine with it, but like I said, he’s considered family so I ask spirits to undertake to basically not interact with him in any way.

It’s possble that because he was in such a bad situation before, and because all the time we’ve had him, I’ve been doing weird stuff (my old man’s a chaos mage and doesn’t work in the same manner, with spirits as real evoked entities and portals and so on) so he just accepts it, it’s not harming him and he never knew a different more normal kind of life without portals and stuff.

You may be able to create a talisman for your dog/s collar? I haven’t done that recently, because it didn’t feel necessary, but I know some healers in England who created various small charms for their pets so that any negative energies didn’t go near them - this is especially useful if your furry pal’s elderly, frail, sick, pregnant, or recovering from surgery (like neutering).

One very useful thing is to form a working relationship with the Higher Self of the animal - you may not be able to converse with their daft everyday self, but their Higher Self will be able to communicate with language, symbols, and/or gestures, and understand concepts.

You will also, in my experience, save yourself a small fortune in vet’s bills for tests, because the HS can usually tip you off on what’s wrong with the animal, and then you tell a small white fib that an out-of-town vet had diagnosed X as the problem, and suggested starting treatment, or at least testing, there - I see this small deception as more positive and benevolent than making a sick animal undergo what are often invasive tests, with general anesthesia and a night in a cage at the vet’s, when you can just ask the HS what’s hurting and what systems are affected.

(Bit off-topic to what you’re asking, but this has helped us a LOT, vets are fumbling round in the dark and we can help them with that kind of knowledge.)

Other random things you didn’t ask :slight_smile: - we switched to mostly-raw meat, with a grain-free supplement last year, and his breath and overall condition improved a lot, there’s a lot of fuss online over feeding raw (akin to the human vegan vs. paleo palaver) but at the very least, look for the highest quality dog-foods, which will not always be the ones marketed the most - some of the smaller companies that make excellent food don’t have the budget of animal-torturing big players like Proctor and Gamble, aka IAMS. Searching round online should get you some useful suppliers in your area.

And please research the issue of over-vacconation - I’m not an “anti-vaxxer” across the board, but they are way over-used, it’s a known problem in cats that vaccination-site tumours occur, for example, and an Italian study also states that dogs are affected in the same way (do a search for “tumour” in this page).

This is an actual vet talking about the problem, from that link:

Mike Kohn, DVM: “In response to this [vaccine] violation, there have been increased autoimmune diseases (allergies being one component), epilepsy, neoplasia [tumours], as well as behavioural problems in small animals.” (13)

Also written by a vet:

This is also really sensible:

And finally:

The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) have announced publicly that annual vaccination is unnecessary and can be harmful.

But they do nothing to stop vets from vaccinating more often than necessary.

If your worried your dog is being over vaccinated, we have a free download you can print and bring with you to the vet. It outlines the immunity research by Dr Ronald Schultz and it will help you and your dog’s veterinarian come to a healthier vaccination schedule together.

In my years of veterinary practice, I’ve witnessed hundreds of cases of serious vaccine damage to pets, including death.

Despite what your veterinarian may tell you about the safety of vaccination, I’ve seen it cause dangerous, sometimes deadly, vaccine reactions and lifelong chronic illness … including autoimmune diseases and cancer. Click here to grab the Vaccine Guide now.

Vaccines Are Risky

Vaccinating annually is an extremely high-risk procedure … and it doesn’t make your dog any more “immune” from disease.

Yet in the US, about 60% of veterinary clinics completely ignore this research (and their association recommendations) and still push their clients to vaccinate their dogs annually.

^ That last link has some really useful links and data. We don’t have mandatory rabies shots here, but afaik there’s an option to get this every 3 years, not every year, and again that’s something to research.

Past that, if you search over-vaccination dogs you’re going to get the usual range, from vets greedily eyeing the annual income, to really fringe sites claiming all kinds of things, but please do research the topic, and see if you can find a vet who’ll offer antibody titre tests (spelled titer as well, esp. in the USA), to check if immunity is still present, before submitiing your pup’s body to an annual onslaught.

These have been the hard-learned lessons of several generations of pet owners in my family and immediate circle of friends, many of whom had pets that developed tumours at the usual vaccination sites, or auto-immune dieases, and the heartbreak (plus cost, disruption of life, sleeplessness, and expense) of a sick pet are best avoided, even if it seems a lot of hassle upfront!

I LOVE dogs (cats as well, in fact all critters) so apologies for the essay, I wish I had known some of these things when I first got a dog, and that my parents had as well. :slight_smile:


Wow thank you so much Lady Eva for taking the time to help me this much. Really appreciate it!

Sounds like I could get dogs in the coming years then :smiley: I’m not sure about Ahriman but I know that many who works with the Qliphotic spheres also work with the persian demon gods so my guess is that there are some similaritys.

I’d hope so - Ahriman is actually anti-dogs, they’re kind of allocated to the “other side” - Ahura Mazda - within that system, so throughout that work I took care to make it very clear to both Ahriman (which was actually more a current than an entity in most ways) and also, Azi Dahaka, who appears to me as a distinct peronality with real characteristics - that doggy was not involved in anything, was my baby, and to be left alone.

(This is also why researching as much as possible is very useful - people may not immediately know all the major attributes of a spirit without doing at least a little historical research.)

You could ease into things by getting some house plants, or a fish - I know that sounds silly, but you’re going to have a life depending on you, and getting those, in that order (plants, then fish) ups the ante in a manageable way, and you’ll get a good idea from them how well you can handle the very real burden of having a helpless critter that depends on you for everything.

The first dog I owned, totally alone, as an adult was a very different level of responsibility from having them as family pets, and I won’t lie - I went through more than a few anxious times feeling I’d really screwed up, because I loved that dog so much the minute I saw him, and yet I was siddenly kind of tied down to him and his needs in a way that had never happened before…

It worked out great, but I wish I’d done the fish test first, it would have helped me adjust psychologically. Or maybe that’s just me being crazy! :slight_smile:

Yes. Dogs are a huge responsibility. Training is key. You need to be firm and consistent. Be ready to dish out some money. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on vet bills and am looking at spending an easy $1000 for my big dog. He tore his ccl and is needing surgery. It’s either that or let him go crippled which I’m not about to do.

[quote=“Tsalmaveth, post:1, topic:9367”]Hi there everyone! Since my “external” life situation is changing once again, me and my girlfriend have been thinking of getting maybe 1 or 2 dogs in the coming 1-3 years. It’s a big responsibility, so we are doing our research early on because the breeds we are interested in are those who generally are much more demanding than the typical “walk around the block” dog. We have come to a point where we actually see that there might be a possibility to make this work, with all the changes it would bring, and before proceeding any further there are some things I need to know. Since dogs are VERY sensitive to energies, there are some questions ordinary forums and even the most experienced breeders can’t answer because they are simply not doing magic of any kind… So my question to you guys is:

Do any of you, especially pathworkers who have sigils and gates open in your house at least 2-3 weeks or permanently have any dogs living with you? How do they react exposed to this energy? I will start pathworking the Qliphoth as fast as I get a home large enough to have a separate temple room, and that would of course mean that the animals would be exposed to demonic energy in some extent. That type of working also deals in a LOT of invocations, which means that I myself will radiate this kind of energy strongly from time to time.

As for now, animals of all kinds love me because I’m a very calm and harmonic person. I’ve always been that way, and now after 6-7 years of consistent void meditation that state of being have improved. However, the only animals I have/had is a big wonderful Maine Coon/Siberian cat that doesn’t seem to care that much of those kind of energies and my previous experiences with them, and a shit load of spiders, scorpions and snakes, which, if they are affected at all, seems to be it on a very subtle level.

For example, I sometimes merge with Qliphotic forces and the dead while sleeping, and many dogs out there sleep with their owners. Considering the nature of these beings and what they feel like, I really can’t imagine that this would go unnoticed to a dog sleeping next to me.

In what possible ways could a dog react to this? Start barking, waking me up and interrupting the whole important experience? I really want at least 1 dog since I’m getting more and more bad and uninterested in people as time passes, but if they can’t handle these kind of energies then that is not a possibility because for me, there is no compromise. Enlightenment and spirituality always comes first and I’ve already chosen my path as it have chosen me. So, please people, share all your thoughts and experiences owning dogs and working with these energies at the same time!

//Best regards[/quote]

Make sure your girlfriend is in the circle with you working with the Qliphoth, I did a summoning and watched the spirit head in my gf’s bedroom.

The fights and energy changed in the apartment, just be careful you know what you are doing, closing and banishing at the end of rituals, even if you didn’t get a response.

All I can say is, the energies involved can affect even the healthiest of minds, keep your partner safe.

On dogs, major responsibility, if its a house dog cant be left home alone for long or they get anxiety attacks and depressed, you always have to know where they are like a child, they cost so much money if they get hurt too, really measure the pro’s and con’s.

I’ve had two two dogs that are the same breed - Newfoundland. After
living in a house for a while I was told by the real estate agent that
there was well known history regarding a famous horse and rider that
that were ghosts who lived on the property. Whenever my dog went through the garage he barked like crazy. The ghosts must have stayed there and my dog was incredibly perceptive - humanoid.

My present Newfoundland is a Grand Champ show dog, seems to ignore
all energies in the place we are living in now but for us.

Bottom line - test the dog before bringing him home as to how sensitive he/she is. I

I’ve noticed that animals react funny to magick. Nearly every time I do an evocation the coyotes in the field behind my house go nuts.

Thanks for all the great answers people!

I’ve had some past experience having animals dependent on me. Some of them were cobras, rattlesnakes, gaboonvipers and other various types venomous snakes, and I had very healthy, beautiful and good looking snakes so commitment is not an issue :smiley: I’m a real geek/nerd and I’m the kind of person who actually spend money on good books and a huge amout of time on the web reading about the animals I’m working with because I find them so fascinating.

The economic part of owning a dog will come in later when I’m sure of what breed I want, so I can make a more “precise” estimation of things, as this will probably not happen during this year.
My already poor social life will probably just end up benefitting the dog(s) instead, which I certanly have no problems with :smiley:

As for having my girlfriend in a circle everytime, is not nessecary because:

  1. The Qliphothic forces are far too ancient and powerful for being contained inside a circle, or being kept outside of one. Circles are pretty much useless in these types of workings.
  2. She will probably just protect herself, and help me strenghten the protection of our animals in some way :slight_smile:

Closing and banishing is something I will be VERY careful with though!

FraterMagni it’s interesting that they feel it all the way out there! It must be nice to have animals so close by the house. I live in a suburb but I’m a nature person to the core so I just long to get a house in, or at least near the woods!

I was looking into keeping hots for awhile. I was really looking at agkistrodon contortrix, crotalus cerastes or bothriechis schlegelii as a first hot. I put that project on hold for awhile as I have a few priorities which will have to come first.

That is fun to hear! It’s some great starters, I had some schlegs and C. cerastes laterorepens (Sonoran desert sidewinders) for a while. Now I don’t have any snakes at all, sold all the hots because music took over my life to a degree that I didn’t feel it was worth the risk, because even losing just a finger to a bite on the wrong hand would make it impossible to play guitar. I still visit a guy I shared the hobby with though, on occasions, so I can still be close to alot of snakes, like puff adders, a PNG taipan, Bothrops asper and so on. Now in Mars he will get a pair of black mambas and forest cobras I’ll visit :slight_smile: Snakes are great animals! I really miss them but music is after all more important so I had no choice. Thinking of getting some Helodermathidae later on, and expandig my at the time small scorpion collection ^^ Monitors are so cool but they require ALOT of space, and food!

That’s an impressive list of hots. I learned about the Asian forest cobras through viper keeper on YouTube. Feisty serpents! Right now I have a few ball pythons and corn snakes and a modest tarantula collection. Love me some spiders.

Naja atra are fun :smiley: Was about getting a pair before I decided to stop. VK have great knowledge but in my opinion he is a shitty handler that has a very limited amount of understanding about his snakes.

My mother still has my first snake ever, a ball python. I have a few spiders at home. Avicularia versicolor sling, a large Avicularia sp. peru purple female, a VERY large Lasiodora parahybana female, and a Heteroscodra maculata female. Tarantulas are great, but the scorpions of the buthidae family fascinate me even more, and you get to see them a bit more than most of the tarantulas (at least the species I’ve had…). I would like some pokies again though…

I agree with you on VK. I would never take the risks he does. I don’t know how his wife puts up with it. He is entertaining, though.

We both have the same avics. I have one large A. Peru Purple which I haven’t sexed yet, but judging on it’s growth rate I will guess could be male. If it does hook out I could send him your way if you’re interested.

[quote=“Tsalmaveth, post:11, topic:9367”]Thanks for all the great answers people!

I’ve had some past experience having animals dependent on me. Some of them were cobras, rattlesnakes, gaboonvipers and other various types venomous snakes, and I had very healthy, beautiful and good looking snakes so commitment is not an issue :smiley: I’m a real geek/nerd and I’m the kind of person who actually spend money on good books and a huge amout of time on the web reading about the animals I’m working with because I find them so fascinating.

The economic part of owning a dog will come in later when I’m sure of what breed I want, so I can make a more “precise” estimation of things, as this will probably not happen during this year.
My already poor social life will probably just end up benefitting the dog(s) instead, which I certanly have no problems with :smiley:

As for having my girlfriend in a circle everytime, is not nessecary because:

  1. The Qliphothic forces are far too ancient and powerful for being contained inside a circle, or being kept outside of one. Circles are pretty much useless in these types of workings.
  2. She will probably just protect herself, and help me strenghten the protection of our animals in some way :slight_smile:

Closing and banishing is something I will be VERY careful with though!

FraterMagni it’s interesting that they feel it all the way out there! It must be nice to have animals so close by the house. I live in a suburb but I’m a nature person to the core so I just long to get a house in, or at least near the woods![/quote] It’s alright I guess. Sometimes they eat my cats. Haha.

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Yes, and he sends people the wrong message with “Black mambas chasing him” when the snake is only stressed out and scared as hell, and it sees his hook as a branch to a tree which would lead to safety…

I guess that could work, depending on where you are located, and if it occurs in summertime :smiley: Winter is way too cold up here in Scandinavia.

FraterMagni well that sucks though!

By the way, does anyone have polar dogs or other wolf dogs here? In that case, could you tell me more about your personal experiences with them, since every individual vary?

Also, does anyone know the pros/cons of German shepherds from the lines that tend to have individuals that get a bit smaller? As I understand it the smaller size will not make them as susceptible to problems with the hips, which is a good thing. But do they get any other problems instead of that, for being smaller?

Scandinavia! Well, I guess shipping a spider to you is out of the question. :confused:

Wolves and wolf hybrids are a whole other animal from dogs. You MUST know what you’re doing. Any situation can go from calm to deadly in an instant if you misread the animal. I have kept both a wolf and a wolf hybrid growing up. They are majestic and primal and demand respect. At all times you must keep an air of alpha about you, and they will test and challenge you which must be dealt with swiftly but not by striking. They are not domesticated like dogs, even the hybrids. I don’t recommend keeping them unless you’re very experienced and have an understanding of a wolves’ mentality.

German Shepherd stock will vary. Problems with hip displasia can crop up with any breed. With you being in Europe, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to find a reputable breeder with a healthy bloodline. Be ready to dish out some euros.