Afterlife of our pets

Oh, also, where i live the prior owner & his dog still linger (for reference they died about 40 years ago)

But all the time my family have been there when we don’t have a (living) dog his old one appears. We have only had mostly white jack russels, and his dog was a long tail black labrador. Its comforting to know the dog likes to still guard the house, and also that he is content that our dog is “good enough” to look after his house


After death they live their desired version of heaven, ( may be ur bedroom ) for some time and then take birth into another species. climbing the evolutionary ladder.


No past life on any living thing. One makes the most of this life and reach immortality or dies. There is no third option.


It makes me sad to think my babies will be reborn and not have me to protect them :frowning: I am sure my current Dog has been here before though, I always joke he is really a human with a furry jacket on as he is so clever.


U can help him/her by helping his astral body, doesn’t matter where, in which form he/she is. Offering water gives them peace, food a sense of fulfillment and strength. Incense can be offered too. If U wanna give him/ her protection them infuse water or food with energy of any warrior diety, angel and then offer it the the dead animal. YOU NEVER EAT IT LATER. they will absorb the energy with the offered item.


Sorry for your loss. :heart:

In my experience cats and dogs have the exact same kind of afterlife as humans, insofar as it is complex: some will pass right on through seeking their next incarnations, some will move onto different and higher spiritual planes, some will remain in spirit form for a while.

They also have the same “architecture” of the soul as humans, when approached using basic core shamanic journeying: an incarnated self (your normal pet), and a Higher Self that has knowledge and power, for example.

I mentioned making a link with the HS of your pets in this post: Dogs and energies - #4 by Lady_Eva.

I am as certain pets have an afterlife as I am certain of anything, physical or spiritual, in this world. :+1:

And I don’t have time to tutor people in the core shamanism method right now but if a group of people on this topic want to learn it together to contact pet’s Higher Selves (alive or passed on) shout me up and i’ll set up a group PM with the tutorials where you can swap notes?

I know exactly what you mean, again making contact with their HS may help, and often pets seem to get some kind of boost to their own ascent by helping us, so not all will come back - but some want to, I had this experience with a pet a while ago. :heart_decoration:


Robert Bruce shares his personal experiential knowledge and understanding as it relates to the pet afterlife in one of his courses.
He spoke of astral projection experiences involving a pet. Both the observation of pets astral adventures while sleeping as well as after passing.
My understanding of what I listened to in the kundalini course seemed to indicate that his cat had constructed a personal heaven like astral kingdom involving all his favorite things, such as foods and past times. It was a very positive perspective on such matters.


About a year ago, I fell asleep on my couch after a long day at work. I was dreaming, and somehow I ended up running into my dog that had passed away 3 years prior. I saw him and was immediately overcome with joy. I ran up to him and he was so excited to see me. He was yelping and crying while jumping on me, and just vividly happy. I stepped back and looked at him, and said “wait a minute…your dead…which means, im dreaming”. I went lucid, looked at him and smiled and flew away. He looked sad when I left…so much so that it still bothers me to this day that I didnt stay with him longer. I regret that my excitement to go lucid was stronger in that moment, than was my desire to see an old friend.

I really believe it was him.

You’re a good boy Saco…


Thank you and sorry for your loss. I loved my 2 Babies so much in life I found it hard to let go. I will look not his, thanks again


Thanks everyone for the condolences.
I’m also sorry for each of your losses.
I hope all of this gives hope to everyone who is through this stage of life, or is going to.

I guess most of cats version of heaven is a simple box, or at least, mine are.
Also, the offering ritual for protection, is a very interesting thing.

It makes me think that we may have been animals in some of our past lives.
Animals as bugs, or just for the believers of souled trees, into trees.


Hi Lady Eva, could you send me that tutorial?

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So sorry about your cat–each time you lose any animal friend but especially a cat, it’s just like losing a child. Personally the feeling of loss can be as intense as when you’ve lost a person close to you.
I definitely believe that animals have an afterlife and that our familiars find a way to come back to us, if not reincarnated in another animal then in spirit. I’ve felt my dead cat familiars hop up on the bed many times and have seen them too.


It’s your real pet companions, I’m sure of that.


Years ago I had an astounding experience with one of my deceased cats. I love himalayan persians so I had eventually brought home another himmie kitten after my sweet boy passed on. One night I got up to go to the bathroom and I thought Sally (now full grown himmie) was weaving around my legs purring. When I was in the bathroom, I thought it was Sally because what I saw was solid looking with a luxurious coat of fur…when I reached down to pet Sally my hand went straight through the cat and hit the tile floor and the cat vanished! In that instant I realized that it had been my deceased himmie boy who had been with me.
His spirit manifestation has been one of the strongest and clearest that I’ve ever seen.


I feel for you. I just lost one of mine two days ago. I miss her so much!


Can you tell us more of what Robert Bruce says about the astral projection experiences with pets?


I’ll shout you up on a core shamanism group tutorial!


To be honest, it has been a while since I viewed that section of the course. I will have to review my notes from the material, and follow up with that info.


thank you, that would be great.

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My other cat FUZZY just passed in my arms. He was a 1/2 maine coon.