Does Use Of Pornography Harm One's Magick?

Then you are an idiot for not signing a prenup if you have assets to lose. I am not victim blaming, I am pointing out the obvious.


Women’s criteria hasn’t changed inherently, they just have easier access to chad now because of dating apps so they aren’t forced to settle. Which is good in and of itself.

Which is fine in and of itself but a society full of incels usually becomes violent. Incels are a problem for everybody. This is one reason why you are seeing more and more mass shooters. It is not good for a society to encourage men to be weak but that is what it is doing. It is not good for anyone to have a society full of incels. I respect your opinion on this but it is more complicated than just incel genes leaving the gene pool. Incels have rights and get to vote and help shape policy and shit. Incels would have to fight in a war if there was a draft. We should not be encouraging weakness.

I have just realized we’re getting off topic.


There’s no weakness in being an incel, except that they don’t have sex even if they want to and complains about it to everyone. Scratch that part, and they could be great and awesome in everything else.

Strong men can generally get laid


Facts don’t belong to a state of being or ideology.

Don’t expect there to be no ramifications for a huge subgroup of men unable to reproduce/sex.
Ever wonder why some people blow themselves up for 72 virgins? Nature is a battle of will.

In a modern, technologically advanced society without war, the male population should be artificially reduced.

It’s difficult to have a society with an equal number of men and women - porn and technology extenuated this.


End goal of decreased birth rates, you think?


In a sense I agree, but we all live in society together, which is the main issue here. So when a huge number of the population has in issue, its everyones problem.


Like all things-Porn needs moderation
You rewire your brain to need porn sometimes rather than being able to fully visualise something. Just as you can rewire your brain to want nicotine and alcohol as well.




Kinda ruining any point you might have had there. Now you just sound like the crazy sort.

Porn isn’t nearly as big a problem as it seems. There are generally two types of people. The drones that are effectively npc characters following the same pre programmed routines and then the more self aware consciously evolved group which is able to break out of the programmed routine and exercise their will to incredible effect. There is no changing this it is just the natural course of evolution. We all start off as just biological machines until eventually we build up enough mass to become self aware. Those drones will throw themselves to serve anything and anyone to insane extents because they can’t do much else.

Religious and political ideology that has been the same for hundreds of years without change will do that to you. [quote=“anon636077, post:53, topic:69593”]
So when a huge number of the population has in issue, its everyones problem.

It is only your problem if it directly impacts you or you make it your problem. If you don’t like it then use your will and work towards changing how it effects you. Generally unless it interferes directly with my will or desire I’m all for letting people do whatever they want however immoral or noble it is so long as it does not interfere with myself and my will is not a desire to change it for my own use.

It all falls to a very individual level of how much are you going to let yourself be affected and how much are you going to follow old programming rather than make your own.

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Let the fire burn itself out. It may take a few decades, but will happen. Alternatively we can all do our species a service and curbstomp one of these pathetic rabid bastards on sight.

(For legal purposes, Banjax does not approve of these means of violence no matter how satisfying they may be, and such comments are for entertainment purposes only)


Can’t forget the the poisons in our foods and water that’s lowering test, and alternative lifestyle propaganda.


This whole talk of incels like for fucksake, no one is entitled to sex. Man and woman alike and consent is always key. I don’t give two shits what someone wants to do in the bed so long as it’s consentual and not rape and so on.

Hell, I practise astral sex a lot but I’d never actively go to someone I know in real life and fuck them astrally because that’s still rape.
“Men can’t deal with temptation”
I’ve been dealing with that from my teen years-you think I actively try to fuck people just because I’m tempted to do so? Fuck that-only if we both wanted it

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What about the chemicals they’re putting in the water that’ll turn the friggin frogs gay?


Frogs are pansexual last I checked. They can only be turned straight.


What I personally find weird is the pretty incessant pushing of incest-themed porn. Look at Pornhub’s top ranked videos and it’s hard to find one that’s not about banging your surrogate daughter, sister or whatever.


I does sound a bit radical, but there has always been an unequal proportion between the sexes, and I believe it will eventually work itself out one way or another.

I like your npc analogy :+1:

In the United States there’s an opioid epidemic. I have known a few people who’ve died, but it doesn’t directly effect me per se. However, the massive increase in crime and health issues do.

I do admit we can’t fully understand how much a problem porn is, because we don’t really have a way to measure, but I respect your opinion.

Im not going to comment on this anymore thought, because it can start sliding off into politics.


That’s based off of the kink developing as a child. For instance, it could be one of two things from when you’re younger. Say you see your older sister changing, you don’t see it sexual at first but later on when you start to develop sexually, you see it as something that turned you on or in context to that-it could even end up being you develop a lingerie fetish from seeing their underwear lying around a lot or seeing them change into lingerie

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Definitely agree. But for all of history when a foreign army would come in they did not care about consent.

So when you have this large population of guys - who do not care - it shouldn’t be approached as an intellectual argument, because they exist and do not care.