Does drinking coffee regularly actually affect your astral senses?

Start by boiling one cup (250 ml) of water in a small pot or saucepan.
Next, prepare the parsley by rinsing off 1/4 cup (15 grams) of fresh parsley and chopping it up.
Alternatively, you can use two tablespoons (1 gram) of dried parsley.
Add the dried or fresh parsley to the bottom of your cup and pour water over it, allowing it to steep for 5–10 minutes.
Finally, use a mesh strainer to remove and discard the parsley leaves before enjoying your hot drink.
Parsley tea can be consumed as is or flavored with a bit of honey, lemon juice, or sugar.

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Thanks the measurements help, next time I’m at the supermarket I’ll look for some,

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Happy to help :slight_smile:

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Hopefully it gives me a rush. Did you know when you mix honey and cinnamon together it opens doors for healing not found in either only when combined.

They both are very healthy, but I believe it’s not sufficient evidence to support the idea of “curing almost every disease” with honey mixed with cinnamon, it’s a myth probably.

Yea I don’t believe cure all. I just know it does alot of healing. What’s good for getting your arteries unclogged?

A diet only with vegetables and fruits, no animal food. Berries, beans and tomatoes are the best and aliments that contain cholesterol are the worst.


Well, I wouldn’t exactly drink a strong espresso right before meditating. :wink:

Wowowow no.

Parsley is medicine and never should you treat it as "you can eat/drink as much as you want just because it’s a plant.

It is strictly forbidden for people with inflamed kidneys, because it can increase the problems, it strengthens the effect of diuretic medications to the point that it can lead to poor nutrition, and it can even lead to heart rhythm disturbances and if you’re pregnant it can lead to premature birth.


oooh, thank u, you are right! sorry i wasn’t informed enough

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well it depends how natural and pure your coffee is

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Yes it’s an oldschool shamanic tool, same with tobacco

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actually your both right they are two very different things but i see the connection

ya ill take a chalice of ayahuasca :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

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So everyone takes it at different levels because I’m in the same boat :sweat_smile: Simply haven’t noticed any changes as I take a brew from the mornings while taking my second at night which is usually when I conduct my works if the time is right. Then again I’m not much of a sugar person so I hardly add any in.

Yeh ok but try not taking it one time… if you notice you’re more tired then usual well that’s the caffeine addiction… does it effect magick … I doubt it , unless it’s intentional

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And bread and carbs convert to blood sugars aswel , thats why people do Keto … and carnivore… etc… normal white sugar is processed and actually pretty bad ,better use honey :metal:

I dont think any of this really has to do with magick unless one makes it about it.

I know what you mean :call_me_hand: I should have stated I don’t take my brew on an everyday basis. In fact I’m more of a tea guy but a good coffee is my weakness so I take one on mornings an another at night but at certain days where I’m in the mood for a cozy night. I could never have a caffeine addiction because going as far into such a thing would most likely hinder my abilities going into that extent. I have heard plenty of times about using honey in coffee. Might do a little shopping for a good one as I ran out of using it on my tea :laughing:

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does Honey count?

[quote=“Alahimavatara, post:87, topic:135306”]
does Honey count? [/quote]

@Alahimavatara Depends. Honey is bad for diabetics and it’s bad for your teeth if you don’t brush after. Also now in days they say don’t give it to babies and toddlers under 3 or 4 (I forgot which it is 3 or 4 and I got no idea why but it’s supposedly bad for them). Other then that… I’d say it’s personal preference.

Add: I think I must have botched the quote it shouldn’t look like that but oh well that why the @ was added to be sure the questioner Alahimavatara gets my answer

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