Does anyone else not trust tarot/pendulums?

I feel like its not that accurate. Ill do a reading on myself and ask a question I know the answer to and wil get a wildly polar opposite answer.

Just curious if anyone else has this issue or is skeptical on how much to rely on it.

Same with pendulums.


Yes, I also have not met people who have these systems working 100% accurately. Any systems of mantics or predictions are based on reading from the energy information field and its interpretation in the form of visual images or symbols. Therefore, I do not think it is possible to read this information with one hundred percent accuracy at all. Perhaps this can be achieved only with the help of clairvoyance or some other psychic abilities. Divination methods are just crutches that help us accept and understand information from subtle worlds. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Yes there are issues with all types of divination. Confirmation bias seems to be what you’re describing here.

Here’s a collection of handy tutorials that will assist you in finding what works for you :

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Yeah, I’ve had that. However, imagine asking me what 2+2 is. Perhaps I’ll also answer “5 of course!”. I think that divinatory “tools” like a Tarot deck and a pendulum are sufficiently alive (i.e. not actually tools but rather spirits) to take offence at being asked trivial questions.

My advice: Only ask questions that you really don’t know and really do care about. No “Are there more than 3 sweets in this box” if you can just open it. No “Is my name Peter”. If you want to know how your pendulum answers, ask “How do you show yes”, then “… no”, then “… I don’t know” and then “… I don’t want to answer”. After that, only real questions.


I don’t consider tarot or pendulum’s alive. Nor do I consider they can hold grudges for “real” / “fake” questions

Test questions can be important to gauge the accuracy of the tool / magician in question

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I believe in tarot BUT there is a difference between reading for yourself and getting a reading done - bias. The message will always be the same but steps followed will be different in the cards. I have experimented with this a few times and I would like to say maybe your higher self is hiding information, for your sake. Until you read for yourself.

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I got an evil spirit I had to cleanse after getting a reading done so hell no they’re not useful. The reader didn’t cleanse herself after readings! She gave something to me & put people at risk. Think about that.

Years later I got another done and another years later while learning, but not useful. All false. If you’d like to scam people set up a tarot business.

Poker is cool though. At least learn cards that can earn you money like black Jack. Numerology and other schools can be rewarding. Tarot is hogwash.

Did the ancients use it? I see no evidence that they did so far. Save your money and always keep Sage and salt in your house.

You’re entitled to your opinion so what works for you doesn’t work for others.

Tarot began in the mid 15th century approximately. Hardly “ancient” but still a useful tool for some magicians.

The evil spirit you refer to is a lesson for all magicians to cleanse their tools.

It’s healthy to approach magic with a degree of skepticism but it’s quite a wide generalisation that all tarot readers are scammers

This forum encourages you to do your own work and readings and not rely on others…. If you’re not happy with the readings given by others then do a reading on yourself or not if you don’t believe in divination

In my experience (as a sort of Anismist, belife that all beings have a soul but for me everything has a energy signature you can latch onto)

In my main deck i have bonded with the “soul” in the cards, i speak to it as a being. And its sworn to never give me a false reading, to the point if i take a card out and its whats needed ill just appear in it or the card will change to what its trying to tell me

Tl:DR they are as accurate as how much time you spend with them

Next time meditation before a reading and learn the energy signature and let your mind guide you, thats how spirits tend to give info in inspirations not always vocally

Sometimes we pick a positive card but feel shit goes down… Intuition is more important than the cards.
For example:
„Oh, ace of cups upright- in this context it almost feels … too much , I am getting a no.“
„Oh Sun, upright… maybe egotism of person A has led to a situation where person B felt drained“.

I don’t believe in clear meanings, or cards being clearly positive or negative. I believe cards tell us more details about the initial impulse of intuition. I work with them that way.

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Pendulum and tarot cards are external representations of our own powers.

If the message is messy, it’s because your mind is messed up.


Since ancient times the practitioner of divination - attempting to foretell the future or explain portents - has been found in ALL cultures. The methods used include everything from the casting of sticks or stones, and the examination of tea leaves and animal entrails, to palmistry and tarot readings. Some forms of divination rely on a "sign’ of some sort to answer a question, such as a pendulum swing to the left or right, while others are more complex and use systems of symbols and configurations that need interpreting in order to arrive at an appropiate conclusion.

The use of a pendulum is a form of dowsing. The diviner asks a series of simple questions and the direction the pendulum moves in signifies the yes/no answer. Everything happens for a reason. To why it swings one way or the other isn’t beyond reason, but within.

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I find divivnation to be useful but not always perfect. Candle divination is also a useful tool for me.
My yes and no’s are different than what I read in a book. It’s obviously the spirit controlling the
candle flame and has nothing to do with me having to touch anything, ie. so my arm having a
muscle twitch has no bearing on the answer.

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My pendulum predicted when i get my orthoscopic I would be left handed for 6 mths of therapy, and I just got out of surgery 2 hrs ago and it was correct. I won’t be going back to work any time soon. The most exciting thing I got cooking, is when my limit order sells I will have a small fortune of free coins, but I expect to be waiting 2+ weeks for this to happen. Time will tell, but I am obviously optimistic. At the moment however I will be learning to become left handed

“Why were Injust00’s tarot readings in the past inaccurate?”

In the past, your heart was so entwined in the need for victory and success, that what appeared as a failure to you was actually the occasional of like, obsessive emotional self-imprisonment.

In other words, at the slightest sign of inaccuracy, you collapsed your confidence and rewrote the outcome. Because you believed the opposite in hurried panic. Instead if you would have relaxed and acknowledged that victory was just taking an unexpected avenue…

You would have seen the arrival of your expectations.



Aww thanks. As long as someone does cleanse between readings and don’t have powerful, negative spirits attached or picked up from clients without doing anything I’m for it! I got that experience hours after. I don’t think anything bad about tarot. I bought a deck years later.

Some magic orders and secret societies require learning tarot. The tree of life does. Other systems as well.

People should be warned that using a tarot deck is using magic or opens portals as well & to Ground and cleanse. I see people not mentioning that. I learned (told & by experience) that calling upon forces for divination is still magic.

Tarot is respected. Of course. It’s history is also super cool.

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Of course! That’s the only way I USE tarot. These cards are not alive. I explicitly and deliberately connect them to the energy of an entity present to me that chooses them for me. I don’t treat the cards as entities, they are just occasions for entities like angels or guides or familiars to express how they perceive energy. In pictorial language. Then you listen to their explanation.

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I’ve not seen someone mention connecting to the energy of an entity to present cards. I’m happy for you that you can do that. Very cool.

Some say they connect to an oracle or someone’s ancestors, but anyone can say that. Who might an Oracle be? Which ancestors. Even I could say that. You can get cards read online for free using an oracle backed by some software.

I wish I’d met a talented reader. Your pull was good. One I met years ago was kind, but didn’t help with what I needed. “Imagine the perfect job for yourself” I already had good jobs and skills. This didn’t help. What was needed is applications. 100s if needed. Anyone can do that.

Working with entities directly helps with that I found out. When I’ve asked entities for assitance stuff happens. I am so grateful. It’s almost scary.

The missing piece is how some learn from entities & spirits. They say entities can instruct but I don’t see how if they don’t speak to instruct besides helping with things asked.

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For me it was literally about relationships first. I didn’t learn tarot conventionally. I formed a friendship with a spirit and read the common interpretations. Then I would take out a card and lay it down and say- “Show me how this reflects this idea.” I would also ask questions like- “Which card reminds you most of yourself? What is your favorite card? Which reminds you most of me?”

One of the techniques that really helps to show the connection you have is to say what theme you would like a reading about and ask the spirit you have connected the deck with, to name off the cards to pull from the deck as counted from the top. “Pull the fourth, seventh and eighteenth card from the top and lay them out left to right. This will be about x.” Then listen to their interpretation and lay out clarifier cards.

I find this relational methodology really really helps with developing intuition and coming up with creative intuitive insights.

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Thanks for such a thoughtful and insightful response. I need time to digest it & learn more. I apologize for harsh judgment & leave that here after saying tarot is not useful. It is useful even if I had a tremendously bad experience then cautiously dipped my toe later. Others should be warned of course. That was the most harrowing experience of my life…fighting evil that chained me in a lucid nightmare then woke me to be seen in my room in a frightening manner I could not escape without leaving my home.

People should not get a tarot from just anyone. I can’t stress being chained in a dream after dream in one dream then forced awake after a trial with it in my face. It felt ancient or older. I’m retraumatizing myself by mentioning, so this is the last time I mention it.

People can seek their own experiences. Yours sounds very rich. Thanks for sharing :smiling_face:

I do wonder which spirits are good for this. I’ve read some are known to lie when asked about future, past, and present. Connecting to a client’s ancestors seems good and personal/helpful if one can do it.

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