I’ve been meditating for 2 days for developing clairaudience. My ears are gonna be feeling weird today even the deaf right ear is feeling something.
When I was listening to the the frequency part of the video I only hear two but not the rest only pressure against my ears though.
I tried the spirit guide part but I hear just a short ring sadly but I still heard it so that means it clearly working right? Tbh I only saw a golden circle even though I was supposed to be focusing
If anyone got some practice tips that would be helpful for my journey
Time and patience. This isn’t a 2 day process, like building muscle in the gym to deadlift 400lb isn’t a 2 day process, it comes slowly and you get better and better over time. Sounds like you’re on track and you’ve found a method that works for you so I’d say keep going. Do it for a year and see wat happens
Today was a good progress in my opinion, The frequency practice I had in the video was very interesting. The Hrz I’m listing is how it was for me
1,000: Hear it clearly bc it’s the first easy one
5,000: hear it as well
10,000: Can hear it
15,000: can hear it
20,000: (just a faint ringing)
30,000: (faint but slightly better)
40,000: can hear it
50,000: (nothing at all)
60,000: Can hear it sharpingly piercing my ear clearly (very loud too)
That’s all I have to document so far but at least it’s better than my last practice. I couldn’t hear much then verses now.
Mode note: @Tae I merged your posts as these are all part of the same journal, and it helps keep us organized and your audience clear if you keep these things together.
So I read a topic on Belial last night and I swear I felt immense sadness from what I just read
Yea…I was bursted out crying saying sorry over and over again. I wasn’t even close or even know about him much but that hurt me. It reminded me of the dream I had Sunday about the old lady grabbing my arm and pulling out his energy to me to absorb it. She said “There, no harm done. See he’s safe” I knew she was specifically talking about Belial too.
I just don’t understand what happened to me, I’m so confused and still a bit sad
I’ll talk about that dream in another post bc it was kinda everywhere
Okay so I’ll just explain it the best I can as it’s been a day.
I come out of a car into a green garden with a beautiful arch way leading to the old woman
I don’t remember much on the talk before but I do remember her grabbing my arm with a smile
(Old Lady): There, no harm done. He’s safe
(Me): huh? Who?
(Old Lady): Belial, I gave you some of his power. It’s alright doesn’t even matter. I have him grass as a payment
(Me): I don’t think that’s how it works
(Old Lady): it’ll be fine
Then I woke up and whispered Belial confused why that happened
I’m not even connected to him at all, Is that supposed to be happening to me?
There doesn’t appear to be a question for discussion here so I have moved this to your journal in the Journals section
Please stop making non-discussion posts outside of your Journal - this is not a social media site, it’s purpose is to discuss magick with others, and we don’t really want journal posts cluttering the main question/discussion areas. We use journals for people to have places to put stuff that isn’t necessarily up for discussion.
I have asked you this above.
Maybe try using the bookmark feature so you can find it again, or feel free to make more than one journal - maybe a dream journal as well as a progress journal and let me know if you need things moved around.
It’s not really day 3 or 4 but here we go.
I’ve took a break on practicing as I don’t want to get overwhelmed on too much energy and I had to banish something as it caused me to have a mild psychic attack. Now onto the progress I got today.
I listened to a new video that was just music/Audio for Clairaudience and my ear popped when I first heard it. It was a pop when you get driving in Virginia and have to chew gum to stop it. Now all I’m getting are ringing that sounds like it’s there then goes away for a few minutes.
I even tested moving back and forth to check if it’s not tinnitus, The ringing was closer when I leaned forward but faint when I lean back
Hi, hello, been a while. I had stopped on developing my Clairaudience for a bit. Just felt the need to take a break from it.
Though good thing is, I sometimes hear long ringing at times in different places near me. I walk away and go back to it to make sure it’s just that spot. It was.
I’m moving in with my grandmother as it’s more quiet there and My sisters are just yelling toddlers so I can’t get any practice done as much. Only at night or very early mornings if I wake up very early. I also want to make a Goal for me to buy a plot of land to build a house for myself when I get a bit stable and got better at feeling Energy as well.
That’s all the updates I have for now.
Have to start packing now, Hope you have a nice day lovelies
Okay quick update at night, Sooo I did a meditation for clairaudience. It was a different video. I just laid there on my bed. I was concentrating very hard as to tune out my sister yelling.
I did hear a voice saying my name twice at different times. It was very faint though, I had a feeling it was a male voice to, idk why but I do.
Holy smokes!! I wanted to Document this so bad. While trying to meditate on my Astral senses, I made myself Narrate in my mind talking about my inner self going deeper, Deeper and deeper inside me. Up into the black clouds in the sky with the moon goddess shining from above showing a dark temple. It was very big too. I saw many things inside.
A big library of books about Angels, Demons, Ect. The. The other side had a lot of Grimoires. Let me just say the grand half was a beauty. Many painted glass depicting many mythologies. Inner me took me to a door A.K.A a secret chamber. It only had on purple Grimoire inside but it was locked. She told me I wasn’t ready for it and wanted me to return to the physical realm. When I opened my eyes and looked around me I saw a white feather on the ground behind me. I was so shocked because there was nothing behind me at the time I got to meditate. But one thing during this was I felt something pushing my back so I wouldn’t fall as I was so deep in a meditative state that my body wanted to fall back on the ground.
I did a meditation from YouTube around 2pm. I was listening to the frequency part but I couldn’t focus as I kept hearing a loud ring with my ears feeling very heavy, idk how to explain it. The loud ringing almost felt like my ears were popping. I had to stop the frequency video to check if it was from it or something else. It was something else.
May I like to add at 4pm when my grandmother was going in the room to eat I asked her if she heard someone say hey twice.
It was like a young male but not child-like at all. I’m guessing around my age or up is what I’m getting.
I meditated for a few minutes and I think I made a servitor to help with activating my chakra. It was like a baby snake slithering in each point to my crown chakra. It grew enough to absorb the access I might have expelled. I had felt the weight on my shoulders of it around me, it had grew enough from my power. It was black as I know and I felt the nudge on my face. I used him for helping with my Chakra, Protection, and banishing. Very cute black python baby
Did a nice meditation, I’m more relaxed now and feeling very protected as I keep re-enforcing my shield. I made it a deep blue , So when it gets less power in it the light blue starts to show.
I did ride my black python to my astral temple, He grew a lot for me.
Him being a servitor I had forgotten to name him. I just felt the need to call him Prometheus, Prome for short.
He such a cutie pie. He is protecting and scaring off any unwanted imposters or just evil intent spirits. I know he’s around, my senses are getting better. I can tell.
FYI his eyes are green
Okay on a different note, Inner me told me a few seconds ago I can move in a throne in my Astral temple. It was because I was imagining myself looking down at the imposters/tricksters in a golden throne giving them a choice of the Spiritual pew pew or dagger made of hot gold for them to get . It was a very interesting imagination I know, very fun too, I was just in a silly mood.
I had not the thought to update this yet lol, I’m focused on the Mammon rite and just watching something to keep me distracted.
I feel my energy be used as I’m always tired after doing the practice of the rite. I still feel happy and somewhat light. I’ve been using a red candle as I didn’t have any good white ones. I hope it doesn’t matter the candle as I can feel the energy inside the green one I had before and when it broke it was gone
When I was looking at the sigil for 8 minutes straight my eyes saw green but not much as I did draw it on a green sticky note too it was slightly moving with my covers. It’s fun. I only got 2 days left now