About King Belial this is a hard post

Right off the bat there’s a few curse words AND some stuff in here that might piss off a few concerning the Jewish faith and I apologize if I do. So, if Lady E and the censorship gods skim my post and can make edits that better suits our community so there isn’t an issue I’d HIGHLY appreciate it. I am only trying to explain a full blown trance and what happened.


So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. A lot of shadow work, facing my own demons and trying to dive harder than I have up to this point instead of trying to mess people’s world up. They can do that on their own. I figured if I can screw myself up the worst then how can someone do it with their best effort. I decided it was time to pact for more movement and Belial pretty much stole the show and stalled me out. This is where shit gets pretty weird. It’s taken me almost 3 months to write this and Belial went silent over a month ago because I’ve been hesitant with what I’m about to explain. This is also him pushing me out of my comfort zone and learning not to give a fuck about opinions and trust my intuition better. He’s basically hit me with “Ok, you wanna be silent then so will I :man_facepalming:t4:.”

So fuck it, it’s time I earned some flames and hopefully not get banned.

Part of my journey is to find out hidden/unknown things about spirits. What Belial showed me was insane and part of why the old school hardcore members still left in the Jewish community are scared shitless of him if this has any truth to it. I prepped my area and went into a light meditative state solely focussed on King Belial with only one intent: “what could I learn about you that the world does not know? How far are you willing to go with me?”

Out of nowhere I became enraged with pure hatred. All I could feel was 3 things I know extremely well which is deception, betrayal and a broken heart through failure. I got locked into a full-blown trance and was physically(in a mental sense) right next to him and saw why Belial chose to leave heaven. On the day of Jesus’s crucifixion was the conversation that Belial told Yawheh to go fuck himself. I couldn’t hear everything but what Belial said shocked me:

-Belial: You will not do this! You will not sacrifice my charge, my godson to lift these deceiving desert trolls above those in the West! He was given to ME to protect, to learn the ways of this world so that all could rise NOT the deceivers. This is not their home and their blood(genes) is tainted. I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!
-Yawheh: and who do you…
-Belial: BOY… you better watch your mouth before I remove your head. You only hold your seat and title because of politics. You… the greatest deceiver of them all. I AM THE STRONGEST, I AM ABOVE ALL THERE IS NONE ABOVE ME… would you like to challenge that boy? The elevation of this species is far greater than you maintaining your fucking title.
-Yahweh:It’s already been decided and it’s being carried out as we speak. This is my will and it has been done. His sacrifice will help them have a permanent hold in the shaping of this world. They’ll just do it like they’ve always done: behind the scenes like the little web weavers they are. All this time arguing with me you left him with no protection. Is that a spear I see inside him?
-Belial: I will return and when I do, I will burn your heavens to the ground before I eat your beating heart while its still in your chest.

Belial left the heavens and pretty much did the whole Rainbow Bridge teleport thing into the earth and created a shock wave that created a lightning-filled sandstorm and went on a killing rampage. No disrespect to Thor but Belial’s hammer is fucking INSANE. anything that was humanoid and not allied with him he killed including angels, demons and other spiritual beings. He shifted in between dimensions and planes layering our and slaughtered everything that was an enemy. Eventually all the archangels and high ranking demons with their legions showed up and Michael blocked Belial’s hammer and locked up with him.

-Belial: You KNOW you cannot best me! Not even all of your armies combined can stand against me!!!
-Michael: We know this but this needs to stop your destruction will be irreparable if this continues.
There will be no home left for any.
-Michael: I know and I’m sorry but this couldn’t have been avoided. Yahweh used this to solidify his
existence until this species, if he gets his way, eventually slaughters itself.
-Belial: How can they allow this, this wasn’t supposed to be!?!
-Michael: They knew what he was doing but needed him to go too far…politics at it’s finest. They’re letting him have his fun until it’s time to pay up.
-Belial: FUCK POLITICS! I will scour all of existence in every plane and remove their bloodline and all that is of them for what they did!
-Michel: And you shall. You’ve been given permission and authority to do it. But, it will be a while before this happens. You have the support of the heavens, the pits and all others from the cosmos to see this through and take the Deceiver’s head. You forget this world is mine to protect? Part of its creation was made with my blood and energy. I hold the strongest connection to this place. I, like you, Satan and others see the things that go on in the name of this false god. But, again, politics.
-Belial: I have all of eternity to wait. There’s no where he or they can escape. I will see this through.
-Michael: I know you will, brother.

I came out of the trance mind fucked calling bullshit on the whole thing and when I went to stand I felt 2 different energies place their hands on my shoulders. I felt the blue flame of Michael on my left and Belial’s stern fatherly-like grip filled with one hell of a tempered anger on my right. I asked if this is true and heard them both speak in unison:

" The narrative of scripture has always been falsely written to keep those meant to energetically evolve past this existence crippled through enslavement of the mind. The mind IS everything. All that is spoken on has been twisted to control those not willing or afraid to seek knowledge meant to liberate their physical vessels. These “virtues” of self-inflicted torment and a forced “lack mentality” is cause for the very thing all forms of scriptures speaks against. This is how they feed the beast, the Great Deceiver. You see the world around you, you have always seen the deception. This is a gift, many of which you’ve been blessed and cursed with. This is a birthright, one of many. Your birth was forced too soon, another one of Yahweh’s machinations to try and stop what’s to come. Relaying this message will be one of the hardest things you have ever done because your a private person and being mocked and ridiculed is painful when you believe in what you’re doing. From here on out once you speak of this vision shit is going to get harder than it’s ever been. Fuck faith in us we’ll always be here, just keep diving into the unknown and you will understand your purpose and help others reclaim theirs. Keep pushing to earn our faith in you."

:sweat: :man_facepalming:t4: :man_shrugging:t4:
Again, guys and gals sorry AF if anyone takes offense to anything in this post

Also, learned that yeah Lilith DID come first because she was here before the creation of Adam and Eve. She is part of the sister thing with Hekate and the spider queen but there’s a total of 5 sisters, 2 that’s been kept secret or just hasn’t been found. They are possibly the origin of the concept of the pentagram. Eve was created to mimic her but they sooooo fucked that model up and made an evil, vindictive, defiant monster worse than Yahweh and slept around as bas as Zeus. So, Adam was created as a target for her anger. But, the D is the D and she chilled out enough to make some babies. She definitely did cheat on Adam and yeah Cain is not Adam’s kid, he DEFINITELY did kill his half-brother and yeah he did go to Lilith just like step daddy did.

I don’t know how factual this stuff is but everyone I’ve spoke to about all of this has done some things that lead to other things and spoke to spiritual things… and pretty much said 90%-ish :ok_hand:t4:


You should make this a journal, because it you don’t, it’s going to get torn into as you fighting your own demons and that’s really all it is.


Pretty cool. I don’t see politics in this, that rule applies more to current affairs.

The only thing that would bother me, is the manipulation where you’re being coerced out of your comfort zone by Belial witholding contact unless you do what he says. That’s an emotional abuse tactic that I feel is beneath him, it would piss me the fuck off and I’ll not do a thing to capitulate, personally.

Stand up for yourself and write posts because you want to, not because Belial gets pissy.


This is fascinating. Interested to hear what others think about the “explanation” of events - the riff between Belial and Michael, the "Eve " take, etc…

Belial coercing people out of their comfort zone is nuthin’ new.

I understand what Belial is doing and yes it does bother me some. But, growing up people would push me into “my” comfort zone in order to keep the peace. Later realizing it was their comfort in my silence. He’s pushing me out of comfort zones not mine in order to create my own if that makes sense. “Helping” me create boundaries and thresholds that are solely mine and not ones others placed on me or put me in. I know for most people this seems shitty but in all honesty as much as I hate it, there’s no comfort in things that don’t help me grow or things that keep me complacent.

Think of the old saying “children should be out of sight and out of mine” or “A silent child is a tolerable child.”

So many of us through family, friends or spouses have dealt with this crap. If we mind our p’s and q’s, then all is well but God for bid we stand up for ourselves or speak our truth. What’s the course of action most take?

They either pacify us with degradation or tear us to shreds and humiliate us and knock us down a few notches so we’re right back under their heel. Some get violent.

Boundaries help us determine friend from foe by asking for mutual respect.


I salute you for having the courage to post. It was an interesting read. Thank you for sharing.


I may have personal bias against the idea, but then again I dont know everything and am taking this world one day at a time until the crossover. Interesting however.

I’ve known for a while that he has some connection with Jesus, but also has this real hatred for “religion” and says things like “you don’t need religion.” I tried to figure out what exactly he meant by that. If you look at really old medieval religious paintings, sometimes you can even see his energy there. There is also defiantly some of that in certain religious symbolism.


If you correlate Christ to “Logos,” and compare the effects of Christianity on any society (eg it’s the ONLY religion capable of ending slavery, it has done so twice, and don’t give me any Old Testament bollocks because by definition, that was non-Christian) with the effects of paganism (slavery was the engine of the ancient world) or Islam (which still permits slavery), etc., you may reveal some interesting things. :thinking:

And no, the OP isn’t political enough to cross that line, it makes a passing reference but only because that’s the region monotheism began in.


As someone who is surrounded by Christianity and was formed by it in alot of ways while I think the organization of Christianity is fairly shady I think the actual individual Christians are fairly amazing in terms of being kind and loving. Im interested to see if there’s a way to bring magick and its philosophy into Christianity. My main problem with Christianity has always been the way the Deity in the old testament treated people as well as the fact that a major tenet of the religion is the idea that we are all inherently flawed and have to beg for forgiveness. It seems fairly abusive imo from a god who supposedly loves me🤷‍♀️