Do currently active forum members curse others here?

If so, why would that be?

Are you talking about forum members cursing other forum members?


If you mean forum members cursing each other I’m sure there are a few but I think it’s against the rules to do so


Wondering,. Some posts seem coincidental, or someone could be BSing.

It happens, but it is against forum rules, so I doubt anyone is going to own up to it.


Got it. So it is in our own best interest to use wards and shields and such.

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You should be using wards and shields as part of your basic spiritual hygiene anyway.


No, and if they tell the forum they did that it’s a banning offense. Not because we assume it will work, because people that ill disciplined usually don’t do great magick, but because it damages the culture of the forum and counts as attacking another member a much as a verbal insult, which is against the rules as DarkestKnight mentioned. Which is why even if the person they say they attacked doesn’t care and nothing happened, they’re still not welcome here.

Yes, or attack back, or eat it, or redirect to to a target of your own, any number of the usual tactics.

If you could flag a post that bothers you that would help. It may be nothing but better safe than sorry :slight_smile:

You’re a Regular, and have been here and studying magick for several years, you know a lot and if something sets off your bs meter it’s part of how this forum works that you can flag it and help keep it real.

All members, and Regulars and up even more so, are all encouraged to muck in with the rest of us to look after the health of the forum. :+1:


probably secretly, but its against the rules to announce it

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No, it’s against the rules to DO it, but hearsay is not going to get people banned, they have to confess to the deed. Whether trolling or truth the damage is done.

Not forgetting, the forum is not without it’s protections which also cover members here. Mr. Silvera is the forums egregore and the combined consciousness of the forum also plays a part. Having good spiritual hygiene applies to man made entities as well as people. :slight_smile:


Yea verily, be not led astray; the forum gods will not be mocked!.. for what a man may sow, that also he shall reap!



Honestly, I’d love to curse quite a few people – both on these boards and elsewhere. That said, effective cursing takes time and effort and I’m busy getting on with my existence and doing the long term Magick I’ve been doing for years, so my opportunities are limited. I’m frying bigger fish – a lot bigger.

Truth is that my life doesn’t revolve around what others think of me, whether on the street or online. I know my strengths and appreciate my weaknesses. Seriously, to get upset enough to perform Baneful Magick over what some pimply faced teeny bopper (with a few years’ experience) posted online would be to lower myself and become degraded.

In pedestrian life, that’s a completely different kettle of fish. But online? Plus, the terms ‘brother’, ‘sister’, ‘frater’ and ‘soror’ should mean something or at least these do mean something to me.



True. I was centered today on the possibilities of cursing my workplace, but that downside would be the job hunt, which I do every week anyway, I know of three places nearby at the least, on my side of the area, that are hiring.

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Doing a regular reversal once a month (or when something feels off) would probably be good preventative maintenance if it concerns you.


If you can get into your bosses chair, drop a huge Magickally charged pile of shit, where the boss sits. It’s not physical shit, but with enough intention the poor bastard will be sitting in it and this will affect performance. This is an old Chaos Magic(k) manoeuvre. Have fun!



I think most people are better than that. It takes a special individual to curse random internet people.

But it has happened there was a member who was in 24/7 LARP mode, he’d go on about being the god of destruction and ruffled quite a few feathers in the process.
He has a venom avatar but I forgot his name.

Hopefully no one like that comes back, I prefer a laid back forum where everyone is chill and having a good time.


I tried this but it didn’t work, so I ended up just taking a real shit.

You should always have your banishments refreshed, your shields and wards ready. You never know whose going to throw what at who.

I have a working I do with king Bael on full moons for defense and also talismans and jewelry that have protective stones.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


You’re spot on here I neglected protection around last year or half assed it and paid the price.

Also invoke the energies of spirits into your wards and shields.some offer almost bulletproof protection.


With wards and shields, how much energy via dancing, MMA, middle pillar, wi gong, tai chi, etc should go into wards and shields?
Also, how much of it is visual?

Shields - I visualize my room in a blue energy bubble, clearing parasites like a bug zapper on contact.
I visualize the pentagrams and circle in various forms.
I visualize drawing a white flame circle around me, drawn clockwise, and closed counterclockwise.
Mirror suit deflecting negative energy.

Wards - four with a possible fifth:
Vine suit - choking and constricting any negative energy
Tornado eye suit - all negativity lifted into the whirlwind.
Diving suit - negativity is plunged into ice cold water and pulled up into a burning lake of lava.
Phoenix suit - all four in one leaving me positive energy

So, how much visualization actually does the intent proficiently with full force?