Discussing The Nature Of Light & Dark, Do Science & Magick Crossover?

I don’t know but I know that thing yesterday didn’t want any part of my of sword to the point he gave me his name and sigil.


because utter darkness is both darkness and light, its infinite and both our light of creation is false light of limitation ergo we become total darkness consume the light of creation allow it to fuel our blackened fire and shine with true light and pure darkness in one.

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To be honest at first that’s not how it sounded at first until you explained it that way.


because darkness is a living paradox.

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It still doesn’t explain to me how …entities fear a sword of light if they are darkness. …

How my light has been used by the magician who holds it for numerous healing works… and I know he does because I feel it when he does.


Is this person Velotak?


Actually no… Arcane


I haven’t heard from him in so long. Not since neploth.


I talked to him about a week ago and he confirmed the pulling feeling I was feeling coming from him was him working with my light doing some healing works.

He’s just low profile right now.


Demonic light forged from infernal dark fires, Azazel and Lucifer know of this

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Why do I feel agitated all of the sudden.

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It’s been a while since we talked before last week.
He’s always been mysterious so it doesn’t bother me. He usually comes around when needed and Azazel , Arcane and myself agreed it was safer protected by Arcane than being in the astral


Idk I just had this short spark of anger and the it left. I felt it but it’s gone now. I’ll just keep cleansing.

Hope he’s doing ok.


This happened before I knew I was a nine and I think before you joined the forum

Arcane was the right one for this …

He truly was.

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No, we’re cool. I have faith that you most certainly understand what I meant, I just clarified the point so more of the same weak readers I mentioned in my rant do not misunderstand us. I think we are both on the same page. True science and mainstream science are often two very different things.


I say we are in a paradox because by our own understanding of science, natural observations, philosophy, etc, the universe should not even exist, yet it does. So, we are literally existing in a paradox, at least in our capacity to define one.

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In my opinion science and magick are not mutually exclusive. Science is simply an explanation or understanding of the physical realm. Is there much more out there not a part of the physical? Of course. And the truths cant be explained or in some cases understood by virtue of our physical limitations. That, in my opinion, is the essence of magick- the trancendence of such limitations. Tapping into your own existence that exists beyond this realm. Communing w others on that plane (what are called demons or gods or angels etc.) Can magick exist in the physical realm? Sure, but it is so bigger than that. In my opinion that is what makes one a “living god”. Resourcing that part of ourselves that is so much bigger than physical existence.
Please understand these are only my opinions based on my own experience and learning. So far. In my opinion learning is NEVER over- it should be an evolving or progressing that is about the journey, not the outcome.

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Here’s the thing, though. Darkness and void are two very different things. I really wish we would let go of this dark matter example. There is nothing dark about it, and it was a choice of wording that is commonly misunderstood, like right here in this thread. IT IS ALL MATTER and ALL A PART OF THE SAME ENTIRETY. Let us remove the polarity of light and dark, good and evil. Let us break the word down. Darkness is a descriptive, and much as many would like to think otherwise, it is a denotation of the absence of light. What you perceive as the dark matter and blackness of the universe is actually quite well illuminated outside of the limited scope of human perception. Darkness only exists as a concept because we cannot see in the dark with our naked, imperfect human eyes.

Void, though, is an absence both light and dark, and at the same time it is the totality of dark and light combined. It is an entirely encompassing sphere in which all things, all debates, all philosophy has no meaning, because the closest a human can come to perceiving the concept of void is exactly that; a concept. How could something like the differentiation of the presence of light and darkness be possible in a void, unless the same void was both of those things at the same time? How can you say light leads to stagnation, but darkness does not, when the void which you equate to darkness is also the fount which makes stagnation a possibility? Also, one would have to assume that if infinity is actually a thing, then that void exists within a void, which exists within a void…so it is not the be-all-end-all of anything, and certainly not enlightenment.

I’m not trying to shit on the Ahrimanic path, but it is a religion, and as such is subject to all the failability of any other one in existence.

I actually agree with this, but not for the same reasons. The light is only a symptom of that limiting factor. A side-line, if you will.

There is nothing odd about it. It is all part of the same whole. Why would you not be able to use a sword of light? What is the value of a sword composed of anything, light or dark, when compared to the hand that wields it?

Not true in my experience. For most entities, absolutely, but I have encountered one (more?) that did not require my presence in the equation at all. Consequentially, it cannot be banished in any way I am aware of. It is little things like that which keep me from stepping into the unhealthy realm of absolutes.

Here we have that wording error again. I know, I seem to be being a dick by arguing symantics, but wording is one of the chief causes that makes our magick as well as our psychology fuck up. Void is not the same thing as darkness. Neither is absence. Void is a proper word if you consider it to both be an absence of and encompassing of all at the same time. Void means without. Without can denote an absence, or it can be used in the context of everything around you apart from your self, and even then it is shaky because that line of reasoning still denotes some degree of separation, which an all encompassing totality surely could not have. These are nothing more than ideas used to make sense of the subjective human experience, which is an angle which is not terribly different from any religion you could easily mention.

As brash as this may sound, I cannot honestly consider Ahrimanic faith LHP in spirit, simply because it deals in absolute concepts, which are an absurdity at this point in the human existence and antithesis of what LHP means to me. Explore away, but how can you tell someone of enlightenment and ascendance in one breath and in the next breath explain it in terms of absolutism, when there is a 100% chance that you do not know for sure outside of faith?

I do get that this thread is predicated on personal gnosis; I am not trying to criticize so much as I am trying to ask relevant questions for which we do not have answers for. It’s in my nature. Hell, give me long enough and I will question that 2+2 does not actually = 4 because bacon, lol.


So basically your argument is wording, Physical Darkness as we know it is absence without light but Darkness Eternal, is a spiritual source of darkness that has a abysmal blackness this darkness is an actual spiritual substance, if you work through energy work and kunda yoga and ahrimanic alchemy you’d understand that the human speech and language cannot explain this force.

This is why when we talk about this all of us in some way are wrong because our pathetic monkey minds, our man made vocal language and logic reasoning is our down fall, because those components get in the way of explaining a primordial force.

Plus Darkness is actually the void think about it from this spiritual philosophy.

The void is supposedly empty space, that has no heat, no cold, temperature what so ever, it is void of sound and light, no matter, no solids, no gases, even unreadable frequencies, this is the surrounding of the source.

It is empty space that has a abysmal blackness, it is infinite possibility, it is empty space, which is dark energy, you cannot tell me dark energy is darkness, because the primordial darkness, is a power source which has a abysmal blackness, so darkness is a source of energy or power that is black or abysmal depth of darkness.

This is Darkness Eternal and known as Darkness absolute.


I think you misunderstood what I was saying…

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