Discussing The Nature Of Light & Dark, Do Science & Magick Crossover?

Darkness Eternal is the first emanation from the void, Darkness absolute is the void.

Two Primordial Darkness Forces.

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In my gnosis there are two versions of Light, There are also Two Versions of Darkness.

Just Like we have matter we also have anti-matter, in my gnosis everything exists in two’s.

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Also i don’t have faith because faith is fucking idiotic, faith is literally belief without proof, i’ve had my proof, my experience.

I adopt anything that seem’s potent, something that works and something which makes sense to my own godhood and gnosis.


@Myrddin Our discussion was on spiritual Light and Spiritual Darkness, Dark Energy And Dark matter were just examples, i said as a spiritual force i believe Darkness is more potent and dominant than light.

This has gotten out of hand :joy: as i’ve said i’m god and your god, you are the observer of your reality so you make your rules and your reality, i am god and i’m exactly the same.

But i merely mentioned darkness should be embodied as it embodies power, unlimited potential.

Were as light is wisdom, enlightenment and things of that nature, this isn’t me saying this, its detailed in the Daeva Cult, The Zorastrain Religion, Also Demonic Legions have revealed that to me, Also when i connected with Emptiness, it didn’t speak but the darkness surrounding it did.

I believe in balance but in a certain productive way, my thread was becoming darkness, while having the light of creation to fuel the blackened fire of self, empowering, freeing, ascending, rising the consciousness of self.


That we are brother

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In my Gnosis Darkness Eternal and Absolute is this …

The Primordial space which has no light, no color except abysmal black, this Darkness Eternal has been called many many things, Some call it KeK, Some call it Ahriman, Angra Mainyu etc.

This Darkness Eternal is the unlimited nature of all, embodied in a abysmal blackness, the reason is because light is limiting, so it takes the form of blackness, or darkness.

Even Ahriman When summoned doesn’t like to take a anthropomorphic form, because it limits darkness, which is what darkness is against, when i say darkness and void are the same, they are, but their also separate.

They are separate forces but both are unlimited in power and possibility, i believe in ’ all is mind ', i believe they touch upon this in modern science that when we observe something it changes, like it or not, Darkness and the Void are the same and separate this is why ’ Words ’ can’t describe it.


So what i’m saying is basically everything is up to speculation, but i understand as a black magickian that Darkness is unlimited potential, so that’s something amazing to embody and become.


Even what i say and what you say should be taken with a grain of salt because words as i understand can’t really grasp or explain everything.


We do sorely need new words for a lot of stuff… :thinking:


I agree but our words have meaning meanings which can be taken out of context, so when someone says darkness do we mean.

Absence of light or A primordial force, or unlimited possibility embodied or evil forces or negative energy etc.

Or is it beyond that.


This is why i’m a big fan and user of backward understanding and Evil Speech or Dark Staot, words which have no meaning but they are templates of power and intent.


New thread for this? List of words we need new ones for, replies for proposed ideas?


Good idea actually because we associate words with many context’s and meanings.


You are human and subject to the same subjective filter of one. Any proof that we have is only definitive in our minds, because our ability to perceive 'truth’is also subjective. I guess I am just saying that I have experienced proof of absolutely nothing in my entire existence that I could not question, because I am human, and I have an absolute distrust of humans.

Correct. Speech cannot, but a mind can, albeit not neccessarily a human one.

I agree wholeheartedly. For all you and I know we are thinking of the same thing, but our words are serving to confuse the communication of ideas more than they are enabling it.

Only partially. I am just saying that when we write books or make recordings using words we have to be very careful with the words we choose. In a way, words can create reality from an occult viewpoint of expression. When the meaning of words is lost then things tend to start going screwy. Just look at society.

Just for clarification: are you meaning dark matter, or something different?

No, I hear you there, but does that not at least imply that on some level there have to be questions raised, even about our own proof and evidence? I used the word faith, because faith requires no proof, and refuses to be questioned, which is where I was going with that.

I was really just saying that I would never consider the nature of a sword over the wielder as a metaphor while I was on a roll about the darkness thing, lol. I was not presuming to know the specifics of your situation.

But, on void. have a concept of it in my own mind, but I definitely do not see it as an absence of anything, or as a blank canvas of infinite possibility, and most certainly not the source of all. That is a designation I leave for true infinity, whatever the ultimate meaning of that concept turns out to be. Probably a dream of some sort, or something like a dream.


But my saying that’s odd…

I was just being sarcastic …

I think everyone is going a little overboard here

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Exactly we are probably talking about the same thing but words are bastards, we are probably on the same thing only difference we have is opinion that darkness is not void but emptiness.

Which how i see darkness it’s emptiness and all embodied.


Yes these energies if you will are beautiful and breathtaking and wise etc. and the tool we have to try to communicate or explain this is words. And they are bulky and unwieldy as hell. They are totally inadequate to relay such things. Did you ever notice the best and truest communication is looking into someones eyes or communing w an spirit? In a split second more is “said” than if you tried to express it in words for hours. All too often we all fucking agree as a ppl and are talking about the same thing, but because we use different words we think we all disagree. So in essence, ideally words would be discarded as a medium for communication. We would move past them because theyre NOT REALLY NEEDED. And we will. And are. And have.


? Of course they are needed. If they served no purpose, and all you needed for communication was the eyes, then we would have never developed language and animals would make no sound. The reasons words are not functional in these kinds of exchanges is because there is nothing concrete to anchor the word to, because this is the realm of ideas. The words do not yet exist. Hell, even if we invent new words for our ideas they will only ever be truly relevant to our understanding of it. Words are absolutely needed, but not in every case.


I agree word’s are needed most definitely, like you said we just cannot anchor them, another problem is can we have words that describe the complexity of something beyond our understanding, even if we invent the word, this word will be changed, abused and taken out of context or new meanings will be adopted with that specific word.


Still worth trying IMO. :smiley: