Discussing The Nature Of Light & Dark, Do Science & Magick Crossover?

How so?
What experiences can you provide that made you think that?

Do you really want to know why people attempt to “rationalize” the supernatural?

It’s very simple, why do you want to ask that question in the first place?

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Lol. Because they don’t understand it.

I’m sorry. I don’t need to provide shit to you.

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That’s fine, and I can simply say that it’s okay to rationalize the occult, and you can’t say anything against that.

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial this is more of a philosophical statement


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I could. But I can choose not to.

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Why though? Why is Truth something to have people decide for themselves? How can you say that without without appealing to a lack of Truth as the Truth itself?

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Past experience and belief defines perception.

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Past experience and belief? Then you’re relying on rationality to create that perception lol.

You just don’t want to call it rationality because you think that experience and belief are extra-rational.

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In other words, people choose to believe in something. This is their “truth”. That’s their reality.

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You misunderstood.

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But what is the Truth that allows people to define their own truths as the reality?

Are we not living Gods?

Or is that not the Truth that allows people to define their own realities?

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Even the experience of Void is not entirely extra-rational. Rationality is not just a product of the Human Mind.

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Against the general consensus of this forum many people have yet to reach that.[quote=“Epsilon_The_Imperial, post:51, topic:26265”]
But what is the Truth that allows people to define their own truths as the reality?

Truth is just a perception. It’s what somebody believes. One’s falsehood is another’s truth

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Then how do you feel about over rationalization or “over thinking”

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Its not rationalizing its demonstration through rigors tests done over and over again as proven by telekinesis parapsychology and electromagnetism among others. When a person uses telekinesis for example the EEG will read a large spike in the gamma brain waves every time showing a clear correlation. Its reliable and not conjecture.

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The what

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Electro-encephalogram. Electroencephalography - Wikipedia


Oh ok. He’s using big words. LMAO.


Thank you Eva. :ok_hand:


So what you’re saying is when we, for example, do a ritual our brain waves spike? Help an interdimensional fool understand what you’re saying?

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