Discussing The Nature Of Light & Dark, Do Science & Magick Crossover?

Can someone please explain to me why everyone is so hell-bent on finding the “one true god”?. Be. You. Focus on. You. You don’t need the “one true god”.


What is the difference between the Void and the Source?

If the Void is the center of all, then what does that make the Source?

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To me, in my personal practice, they’re about one in same, at least I haven’t come across anything to deny it.

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It’s also the centre of nothing however

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Also my intent is not to destroy everything but my inner limitations. I was referring to more the frustration i get from being oppressed by the laws of physics… Also i’m not in the seeking of a true god since i know there isn’t one… People seem to think that by mentioning the void the way i did that i must have a god figure on top of a pyramid so yeah… How else to put it so that it is simpler?


The Void is Everything and Everything is Nothing?

Therefore, the Void is and is not?


Yes. I believe this has been covered on here several times…

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Void by definition is nothing, Where as a source is something. My guess is its electricity

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The All (Source, whatever) is One, Void, and Manifold, which are just words to describe a thing which cannot be defined, because to define a thing is to say it’s NOT something, and the Source contains all poissibilities and can hold all paradoxes.


Another question, why do some (not knocking anyone off) tend to attempt to rationalize the supernatural/occult with science?


In my estimation, that thing precisely is the Void, because the Void contains everything.

The Void is not negative and only appears empty because it transcends Creation, or what most people call God. They call the “Source” God, when in fact it makes the most sense to call it the Demiurge.

This is because in Gnosticism the Demiurge is not the small worm that most on BALG call the Demiurge, but that Source which is the Source of all Creation.

It makes sense because many traditions refer to the Void as a “pregnant” Void from which all of Creation is born. I.E, “Source” is a lower emanation of the Void which is all of physical Creation “within” the Void.

That’s why some gnostic-inspired sorcerers have referred to “God” in the past as being “Absolute Being” and have downplayed the Void as being “merely empty”.

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In what regard?

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In every sense of the word

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Where some have attempted others have succeeded. and occultist who don’t care about science I feel would rather it just stay mysterious because its easier that way.

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The thing is however, it’s not. Think of the very essence of tiamat.

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To say that to rationalize is to be wrong is to be irrational, but if it is right, then irrationality is true. To come to that conclusion through rationality, using rationality to destroy rationality is entirely possible, means that rationality is true.

The problem is not irrationality, the problem is our finite minds. The problem with that notion is that our minds aren’t merely finite.

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Not to be rude, but the word play is completely in applicable. I didn’t say to rationalize is to be wrong.

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Truth is something for someone else to decide for themselves.


I’m not saying that the Void is merely empty.

Nor am I saying that “Source” necessarily is Absolute Being. On this, I’m not so sure, because you can merge with “Source” to an infinite degree.


Oh I know. I’m just stating thoughts as you’re basically speaking.

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