Disappointed with Duke Bune

@Borgy It might depend on how bad OP’s liver problems are. Acute or chronic. I dont know a lot about non medication remedies though. I did hear that vitamin c is good for the liver, too. What I’m finding strange is OP has managed to get diagnosed with liver problems, so why not go to a doctor for help? Agreeing with what @HermesHorse said. OP needs to go to A&E or walk in centre. Liver issues are not something to ignore.


Because i live in Adelaide Sth Australia, i only pay $50 AUD a year Ambulance cover, and that cover as many trips to the Hospital from anywhere in Australia.

I don’t know how you health system is set up, as i live in Australia i got Medicare & Bupa

Our Medicare covers depending the types of cover i have.

Treatment by doctors, specialist, and nurses.
Tests and examinations such as X-rays and Blood tests (pathology)
Eye tests by a optometrist
Surgeries and other therapeutical
procedures performed by doctors
Some dental surgeries
Cleft lipand palate scheme treatment
Some allied health services (e.g. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, chronic disease management)

Bupa cover i have silvers extra

General dental unlimited
Major dental
Chiropractic and Osteopathy
Antenatal and postnatal
Natural Therapies
Health management
Mental Health (includes Psychology &
Podiatry excludes orthontics
Speech therapy
Eye therapy
Occupational therapy
Home nursing
Health aids and appliances

Depending the level of cover i have.:black_heart::+1:

@Bowling270 It’s the NHS in the UK. I’m not going to go into detail about it as members have explained enough already. We’ve tried to advise the OP, so we’ll just see what happens. :heart:

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First off. I am not eligible for benefits. Don’t think I hadn’t tried. Benefits are not something that is so easy to take. We are before Brexit, a lot of things changed, benefits is not that easy given to people from my country. Also I can’t use my address for any benefits, as this is also important. And moving in not possible at this stage.

As for doctor when I said I hadn’t went to one? My liver is not bad because of a bad food or alcohol, like everyone thinks obviously, but because I fell and hit it.

Food bank and neighbours I am not gonna comment.

Also I had never asked for millions. I do not need millions.

I am grateful for this 4 pound I give her by that time incense for them, but really the money were gone shortly after. Ungrateful would be to say she hadn’t given me anything.

I am done with the topic. None of you knows me and what is exactly the case, as I had written everything as short as possible.

I do not have bad feelings for her, disappointed, ungrateful and hate and what’s not are different. I am grateful, I had given offerings for the help, it is just that I did expected more based on all the good words as no one says the bad. I had just said what happened.

What everyone seems to miss and what is actually disappointing me is the fact that people say she had helped them given them what and what in a week time after watching a freaking YouTube video on a joke with no offering and anything. Just playing around.

Like I said I am done with this topic, so do as you like.

@Becca . You are a nice person. Thanks for everything.


Thank you. Glad you appreciate it.


I tried working with Bune and I got the complete opposite of what I asked for. And ended up with less money than I had before! So it’s not just you who didn’t get results. I’ve had results with other things with other entities but never got anywhere with Bune. And evoking her made me feel really sick. So I gave up on working with her. Not everyone will work well with every entity I guess.

Maybe try someone else instead? I hear Clauneck is good for money matters. Or try an Abramelin square.


I have always called the demon Bime but bune is another name as well. My experience with the demon has always been more masculine. But I don’t really care much for the gender of a spirit becuase they appear however they like.


Hi I don’t know you but I’ve tried to give you some tips, directions. I really wish the best for everyone here on the forum that is good of heart and many I know here are. I do have the impression you are a good person. So I hope you will get back on your feet. If you have interest of working with the Genie, Angel of NAP you can let me know @Tatsu


We are listing to the OP View the spirit side of the story so we are quite honest. Sometimes feedback comes on a bit harsh but people tend to walk in here with the thoughts that we can solve everything in two days. So ignore the the harsh side and do something with positive feedback


Can you get home, then?

To your family, whatever charity or welfare or faith-community provision is there?

I’ve used both, though before food banks were as big as they are now, and I was much younger when I had to hit up barely-known neighbours asking for food on a caregully crafted story. Apologies if this was too humble for you though.

Can you find a community centre for whatever country’s ex-pats you come from in the UK? Is there any faith community here?

Street beggars make in the region of £40 - £120 a day tax-free, it’s a job - you trade pride in seeming self-sufficient, for making strangers feel pity and charity, and you accomplish a warm glow of going home with their lifeblood (money, traded for time and life-energy that can never be recovered) so it’s something to consider if you’re truly fucked. there are probably gods and demons that favour beggars, it’s one of the world’s oldest professions.


That’ll be my last practical suggestion, the UK is brimming with free food, spare cash, and other opportunities, but there are rules, and expectations attached to almost all, if those cannot (or will not) be met, then I can’t help.


OK @Tatsu you go ahead and do a ritual and complain your loudest to Duke Bune about how terrible the service is, how badly you have been treated, and what you agreed with the entity.

You do that as loudly and as passionately as you can, really putting your all into it and I can guarantee that the entity will probably ensure you get exactly what you deserve for your gratitude, attitude and patience.

You see most of us don’t have to spend our Saturday’s helping you for FREE, no, no we don’t - I don’t need to use my resources checking whether or not prescription charges apply or whether walk in centres are open. @Mulberry doesn’t need back talk from you - don’t you tell me… Thanks @becca for the credit.

@Lady_eva isn’t paid either, none of us are - surprise!

No - I think just as you walk off now having had your requisite amount of attention we can walk off and ignore you from now on.


@Borgy I do not know the site and I don’t think there are pm here so I don’t have other choice but write here. If the proposal still is up I would be very grateful. Thank you. Sorry.


I’ve set your account to have PM access.


Well you are back, good :slight_smile: . On the upper right you see your profile. The envelop is PM. Please send me a message back, if you received my mail/pm @Tatsu

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Thank you for everything.


Bune may be patient and still working for you, but yelling at her doesn’t help. Bune for big stuff, like getting a new job or a raise, and Nitika for the money you need right now. Nitika is a good friend to have.

However, when working with these spirits, you have to be willing to be creative and to hustle. Look for opportunities, sign up for everything, start selling something, whatever. Once you do a ritual and a spirit agrees to help, know it’s coming but that you have to clear a path or give them material to work with. This is difficult when circumstances are are dire as yours, but you have to try, to the best of your ability, to let go of fear, if only for a few minutes a day to start.

Right now, I think you need Nitika’s help for the short-term. Any help you get invoking him, go for it.


You are right. Some spirit didn’t work for certain individual.
I think OP actually get caught by bad mojo or spiritual blockage and everything didn’t seem to work.
Try Angel Opfaal, he is awesome in breaking and freeing individual from any type of blocks. For health,try Archangel Raphael or Och, Olympian Spirit.
Not all people reasonate with pantheon gods and demons.


And so it’s done :wink: