Detecting LARPers

Good thing I’m just an npc.


“LARPers” can be identified through them claiming to know the intentions or motivations of the various Acausal species exoterically know as; entities, demons, angels, and/or god(s).


Ah shit good point, I will add this.

Oof I cant. :sob:

I’m not in a relationship with any spirit (not that I know of) and I always thought about this. It can’t be that easy, just sex and fun all the time.

Heck, being in a relationship with a human is difficult… and you can touch them, see them and communicate clearly…
And then there are spirits whom you can’t see or hear or feel unless you are trained, wich makes it even more difficult to have a functional relationship.

I always wondered how people could get into relationships so easily without even being able to communicate… I think it’s kinda reckless but yeah


You’re my npc so sayeth the LHP doctrine


I feel this so so so badly :pleading_face::pleading_face:


I am here for a mission that is important, it is mundane but important just like everyone else it serves some purpose and if I get off track I get redirected, which happened once.

I don’t have a demon/spirit romantic relationship because I believe for me it is important to focus on living life here to the fullest I can.

I know I’m watched and protected from afar which I prefer because if I’m in the process of being protected it means I’m in danger again.

I also started this path because my ex was infested with parasites and I had no clue what was going on, in many ways I still don’t know what happened but it was not a pleasant experience.


If ya ever wanna vent my inbox is always open. I hope things get better for you Velenos

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This! While I’ve only worked with King Paimon(thus far) in the Goetic spirits and those that are called demonic, I noticed an influx of my own personal self-awareness of the ego. Went through an ego death so to speak and while ego death is romanticised as a “you become so aware of the universe” it was more so for me “hey, I’m gonna die one day and that’s fine” and as a result I’ve been more akin to being in the present moment as opposed to “oh god I’m gonna die” or “oh god woe is me from my past”. Hell even in the night while I was trying to sleep there was no “sex dreams of bae”. It was me wondering, “what my great grandfather would’ve seen those 49 days in the bardo” as well as my grandmother.

Since I’ve been working with King Paimon, I’ve actually been curious about summoning the rest of the goetia and learning from them. The Occult is a science. A spiritual science I guess.

P.S You want “amazing sex” that’s what creating a servitor is for or making a contract with an Incubus or Succubus but even they still demand respect and to be respected.


And if you want to go traditional with your Goetia summoning, I’d recommend studying Poke Runyon and his work with the Goetic spirits.


This may be true to a larger degree.

Before I got my first results I was bashing myself thinking everything I do wouldn’t ever be enough. Today I’m more inclined to believe it was more of the natural learning curve and not that I’m the worst even at failing, but still.

Add to that that no matter what are you doing, you’ll always find at least one jerk who wants others to fail, and whelp, you get the idea of how can it be.


I’ve almost completely quit Reddit over the deluge of stuff like this. Too many of the occult/magical subs are full of it…and armchair masters…


@norse900 I used to be on those subreddits as well. It got so annoying and over the top, and totally invalidated the great place it was before the influx of LARP.

Thank you for your responses! Because sameeee. I’ve had demonic entities around me my whole life. And only recently came to know who the main one was hiding behind the rest. And like it’s been a few months and I don’t have that type of relationship people say… like he scared me the f out as a kid and so he’s taking things easy from what I can read. But even then I don’t have crazy experiences.

I’ve been able to discern my thoughts from theirs. He usually always will come and play with my hair but it’s so so gentle. When he scared me as a kid he was pulling my blankets away and I’ve hated that since. But he came by after I figured out who it was and ever so gently moved them from my face. The dreams are like memories. It’s like actually being there. But they are quick even tho I slept 18 hours 2 days ago. Yes I slept 18 hrs straight. I sleep a ridiculous amount and see a lot of shit. But when I see him it’s different from a dream. It’s far more realistic. Like I’m there. I recently astral projected in my dreams and have been trying to do so again.
But anyways the most sexual encounter would probable Have is feeling my body hair move in weird patterns while naked. As if someone was running their hands across my skin.
Beyond that idk why people are saying about having crazy experiences. Yes they put thoughts on my head about spirit sex and about some very bdsm very graphic things. But nothing has been acted on. Thought I was like broken or something. But they just wanted me to learn more and be more in tune with my gifts.
I recently drew the image that’s been stuck in my head for a week. Seems it was him. And he was very happy with it haha. So much so that when he was playing with my hair it felt far more real than before.
Like I only feel love from them. But they’ve never asked me for anything. They’ve tested me for sure not doubting that. But most people I see with their experiences I doubt. Because they are far different than mine. I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for 18 years… while people he here for 3 weeks already fucking the one that’s with me… makes me question things. Because I even doubt the thoughts that come through sometimes. But seeing people talk about full blown wild sex is like wild to me. Like how brooo. I’ve been at this 3 months. (Since I found his name) and years and years of me questioning it and everything I felt. I don’t understand some of people’s experiences here they seem far to realistic and more made up than anything


Well, yeah but I really did kill Michael while having a 3-way with him and Jesus.



He should have used lube :rofl::wink:


was he refusing to be part of the flames of the pentagram so you could have the six rayed star inside you?

Thank you so much for posting this, I personally am a noob and this is really helpful.


I used to lurk in Occult and steer people towards the LHP/Witchcraft subs that were small and active, where appropriate. I even went so far as to delete my referrals replies to them to keep them a little smaller and reduce the glut of Insta-x people. realwitchcraft is losing this battle slowly to the larpers, armchairs, and moralists. Demonolatrypractices is holding out because it’s so small, but it’s showing some gatekeeper vibes.

@Becca @anon88521623
We all progress at different rates and through different experiences. In a few cases, I’ve been discouraged (by trusted Deities) from going down certain routes because they wouldn’t really be best for my personal path or because the timing was off. My path was simply different from the stories I read about.

Sometimes the lessons and instruction we’re given doesn’t line up with someone else’s. Maybe the language that was used wasn’t very flowery or the info was given in small parts over a period of time (weeks, months). Maybe the encounter lasted a few minutes and the Deity felt it was time to leave.

They’re all experiences I’ve had and while some left me scratching my head, they lead towards becoming better in their respective areas (evocation, character development, harnessing inner divinity, offense/defense).

I have had some dramatic encounters, too. In my experience, these were typically tests. In essence, did I learn the lesson(s) I should have. Did I learn to not take unnecessary shit from Deities I admire/respect? Did I learn to grab hold of my inner divinity to “command”? Did I learn that it’s not my job to save everyone else (from their own lessons)? You get the idea. But that was how I had to learn those lessons at this time. You may not need them or may learn them in different, non-dramatic ways.

Hope it helps.


At the end of the day or whenever I am home with myself and not a forum. Impressing others seems hollow when it comes to magic unless that was my intention. It never has so I really don’t try. I can get overly influenced, envious, or jealous of experiences by others working with similar spirits. It makes me ponder how much is imagination. Is it all? Are dreams just reflections of my day?

Things happen but in a way for you to question. I’d say a way so you always question. I recently watched an entire video book of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Interesting stuff. I wonder if it was abridged. It was 12 books but seemed short. I’ll have to read a physical copy.

The problem with philosophy for me is it always leafs to questions. Magic too can lead this way. Perhaps the set it and forget it is best. Do the magic and then apply yourself fully to your other crafts/feats. If it be magick then how awesome. If it be just you… how awesome it be you can do what you thought not to be possible.

I should have taken that approach from the onset and just kept the AWE of possibility with imagination take sway. While the science in me would like hard coded gestures, sigils, incantations and reagents and tools to flawlessly show the working procedure 100% of the time if done as indicated; I know that it may not and cause doubt to creep in.

Its not like a game or D&D or the movies/tv. … not to my experiences at least. Not at this time and perhaps never. Again, if results and gain are netted and acquired even at a snails pace then there is gain. If i learn more and be become adept everso more then GOOD.

LARPing is Lies Achieving Ridiculous Posing or something similar. I wonder how you can live action roleplay on a forum. Maybe vidchat. Ah well… tl of a ramble.