Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for work with The 72 Demons by Gordon Winterfield

Well. Honestly I found a different winter field book when researching a demon I planned to work with. I had never heard of the gallery of magic and downloaded the pdf, performed a ritual which lead to interesting dreams with the demon in question. Lol now I see this…honestly never occurred to me to search for the book for sale.


What kinda book, if i may ask. You download illegaly, right? What about the curse, something funny happen?

It was called magical attack, and there was no way to know it was illegal. I just clicked a link because it came up with the demons names I was looking for and it opened the pdf. I saved it.

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That’s exactly what i do before find this topic thread :laughing: thanks for sharing. It does bring you result didn’t they

Knock on wood nothing negative. I’m still pretty new though and like I said it didn’t occur to me that it was something that should be for sale until after/ this morning when I saw this post. I have since looked it up and downloaded the kindle version which is prettier anyways but. I mean idk, nothing negative so far/ and idk how as someone new you would know. There’s 100s if not thousands of magical works available in pdf everywhere, hell some of saved for verifying legitimacy later when I know more.

I recently purchased this book in a bid to begin working with the Goetic Demons. Having practiced the Occult for 4+ years, I had always been somewhat hesitant to work this king of magick. Well, I will genuinely say that I am blown away. I performed the first ritual (Petition for Results) with Seer, and after 3 months of looking (unsuccessfully) for a job, I received 6 interviews two days after, and an offer from the job that I wanted 1.5 weeks later. No this is not a spambot typing this, I am just genuinely blown away with how phenomenal the results were. I will caveat, that you cant just buy the book and jump into a ritual that moment, it is relatively complex and time consuming (versus the traditional Goetic rites yes it is simplified) so I would suggest taking a day or two to read the book and understand what you need to do, i made 3 pages of notes, and did a few dry runs before I felt comfortable performing the actual ritual. So all in all I would suggest using this book. I would also suggest understanding what Demon you are summoning beforehand, there is alot of credible literature online explaining each of the 72 Demons. Seer for instance is amicable and felt easy to work with, and his results were immediate, so I will be continuing to work with this Demon! Happy to elaborate on my experience!


Thank you for sharing your experience with the ritual. Could you kindly explain what rituals are involved, what Spirits are called on during the process, what you felt/see during the ritual, etc…

Its arguable that the Goetian ‘demons’ are fae or djinn anyway.


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And also @drewm8 what do you guys think about “binding” the demons and calling angels to constrain them as instructed in that book?

I think intent matters. It’s not so much that you call the angels to constrain them, but you call the Shem to give guidance/focus to the intent, so the demon can better accomplish the task you’ve asked them to.


What if you want to ask the demon to help you and guide you in your spiritual ascent? Does it still need an angel? See where I’m going with it?

Yes. The system in the book uses the angels as an overseer for the demon.

You don’t need the angels, but if you exclude them, then you are not using the system in the book, and may not see results.


I think that book is a good guidance, gives some good info about entities but if you try to evoke an angel or a demon without one or another then it appears no matter the system in the book isn’t it?

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The system is specifically set up the way it is for a reason. If you remove any part of the equation, like the angel, then the ritual won’t work because you will short circuit the process.

It is the reason why, when working a new system, that you are advised to work the system as it is taught, and not to make changes, until you are at least proficient in the way it is meant to be used. You have to learn how all the pieces fit together, before you can subtract parts and add new ones.

If you want to evoke an angel or a demon on its own, then use another method, not Demons of Magick.


Currently following as described, went ahead and paid the few quid for the Kindle version. Some of my workings from this have worked and others are very clearly in the process of working. Awesome stuff.


I just read this book. What I really like about this system (and what I think makes it so effective), is the entire system really focuses on the art of building a sort of tension between you and the spirit which progressively intensifies as you proceed with the ritual. Nobody really explicitly mentions this in any book I’ve read, but forming that psychic tension between you and the spirit and then finally giving it a good TUG is what makes evocation work.


I have read the book. It seems simple enough, but I haven’t tried anything from it yet. I have other Gallery of Magick books that proved to be useful, though.

Would be interested in the experience of others. :thinking:

I hope this is true. It’s the only reason I have yet to try any of the spells. I thought the demons were being restrained and forced to help.

Hey, there, @DruzyBB. I see you joined us back in August of last year, and have made three posts so far, but have not yet introduced yourself. Please go to the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us a bit about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a rule of this forum, and failure to do so may result in the suspension of your account and removal of posts until you do.

The info in your profile does not count. Your intro must be posted to the forum proper.

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Done. :yellow_heart:
Thank you.