Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for work with The 72 Demons by Gordon Winterfield

Has any one read Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for work with The 72 Demons by Gordon Winterfield, and did you find it useful?

All the reviews on Amazon are positive, but I thought I check and see if anyone here is familiar with this work!


I was actually about to get that book


Really? That’s a cool “coincidence”! The further I read of the Amazon preview (I’ve been reading it but by bit throughout the night), the more I’m thinking of buying it too!

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I have worked with the 72 angels by the Gallery of Magick and the results where phenomenal
so I’d imagine the author would introduce a system like the 72 demons to work just as well!


Working with crockell now


Awesome! Good to know, thanks AlphaC. I’ll have to check that one out too!

can someone tell me where to get the book?
i am in indonesia, from amazon it must be a month delivery


Try the Kindle version. You can read it on your computer or smartphone.


Where can i get it?
Any link?

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Kindle is through Amazon.

It’s a digital book, and the reader software is free to download.


Ok, thank you

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Lol I’m reading the book right now.

Lol strange, this is quite the synchronicity as I was just looking up Gordon Winterfields book on wrathful angels a day ago.


I got the book from Amazon and is planning to do ritual 1 and/or 2 during the summer when I have some more free time.

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what a pity there is no avaiable kindle version for me, i just purchased one paperback from Amazon
have to wait a month for the book


That is too bad. I’m sorry Kindle isn’t available for you. I thought it was available everywhere.

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I just bought it on Kindle, i have to read through Evoking eternity first.
Thanks for the advice.

I’m going to to perform the 1st ritual in the book. But kind of have a question. Do I have to do the Core ritual first because it sounds like a time consuming process and complicated to me. Second question is what phrase is he talking about when calling the demon?

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Thanks to this thread I’ve purchased the 72 angels book. I really like anything published by gallery of Magick, it’s short, brief, to the point and hardly any filler. It is my third GOM book. I own the 72 demons book but really haven’t practiced any of the rituals being I prefer EA’s simple sigil gazing method instead : )


Was my first introduction to Evocation and the Goetics. Fantastic read and full of wisdom. I’m a big fan of Gordon and Adam Blackthorne.