Demons of magic

Hello! Is a demon of magic by Gordon winterfield a good book? I have his book but havent start reading yet. Thank you so much!


Short answer: yes

Long answer: yyyyyeeeeessssssssss. :rofl:

When I first bought it I had gone ~24 hours without sleep already, and I stayed up another entire day so I could finish the book in one sitting. Reading it felt like someone had just handed me the keys to the universe. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: did you try to invoke demons?

you are welcome. the book deals not with “invocation”, i.e. inviting the entities into yourself, but rather has these three rituals: petition, partial evocation, full evocation.

i have tried and succeeded with all three, to greater and lesser degrees of success. :slight_smile:

It’s a great book and I’ve used it more than any other system. and it is (personally) the #1 book I’d recommend to beginners wanting to work with demons.


Since you are experience with Magick I was wondering, isn’t it better to do it directly, like a direct petition, a direct evocation instead of using the book ?


Thank you so much! I’ll read it. Btw is it okay if I work with demons and angel?

“Better” is subjective, if it works for you then go ahead. I have done it both ways, and I found that not using the DoM rituals gave faster results but they fizzled out more quickly. Some people argue that the DoM rituals “force” the demons to work for you but I don’t believe this to be true at all. The rituals are structured and provide clear steps to connect with the demons which also helps to ensure you’re contacting the actual entity and not a parasite/imposter.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: and yes it is generally fine. The DoM book uses angelic names/powers in the opening ritual and in each specific ritual to connect to a demon. There is no general problem working with demons and angels at the same time, although be specific and let them know if you are asking them to each work on the same outcome. Or you might want to use “Magick of Angels & Demons” by Henry Archer which uses the Goetic demon and it’s Shem angel counterpart. Some angelic and demonic energies can clash/not work well together.


Is there anyway to know if the demons/ entity is impostor or parasite?

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I don’t have much time to reply in depth currently, but if you search this forum you should find a good deal of information on detecting imposter spirits.

I would also search for (on this forum) “the seal of manifestation”, print or draw a copy and keep it in your ritual space.

Also search for the thread on @anon97554939’s servitor “Luna” who can help with spirit contact :slight_smile:

Good luck!


Veil said it pretty much. I found a lot of success in personal growth from that.

I only use petition rituals as I don’t have the need to converse with a demon or see one. A lot of guidance still comes through with intuitions if you pay attention.


Will this seal assist in manifesting desires in practice of hoodoo and candle work or is it just used to keep out trickster entities

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Its purpose is to keep any imposters or parasites from intruding on any work you do in your ritual space.

The full thread is here:


Takes a bit to read and awhile to formulate your notes and set up for ritual but it’s well worth it in my estimations.

I go ahead with the connective evocation and really enjoy that.

Before I worked with demons exclusively but I doubt I’ll go back I enjoy the structure and angelic constraints in place, they compliment each demon.

Thank u so much

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I bought and read this book recently and took my notes on performing my ritual. Done 2 so far, the past few days. My first ritual the energy was amazing during . This is a book I’ll work with a lot.