Demonic possession of a parrot

I was wondering what if someone were to place a spirit demonic or not into a bird with talents of speech, such as an african grey parrot. Would this be considered immoral to the general public of LHP? What are your opinions on doing this. If we temporarily set aside our moral and ethics, placing a demonic spirit into an animal with speech capabilities could prove to be a potent catalyst for spiritual communication.


I have no problem with it, I would just wonder why you wouldn’t go with a method where the spirit would have an easier time rather than through a bird

I feel like someone such as myself who has problems hearing spirits, if I were to give a demon a body to function in they could speak to with “physical” sound waves.

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I personally wouldn’t be okay with this. The number one reason is because I love animals, and they can’t even agree to something like this. Number two, Demons have powerful energy, which, if inserted into an animal, can lead to all sorts of problems for the animal.


I agree with Tenebrous, why make an innocent animal suffer for your laziness in not wanting to develop your psychic senses?

The spirits will not respect you for that, when the ability to contact them, to see, hear, and even touch them, lies within reach through a little mental self-discipline.

Here’s a cautionary tale for you:

You could try this if you’re hellbent on not doing the work:


I agree the morals of it are wrong. But putting aside morals you’re saying the demon would not appreciate it?

Demons are huge on us “doing the work” so in my personal opinion, based on experience with many diverse spirits, this wouldn’t go down well.


Even if a demon agreed to it and wanted to? Some other force would disapprove?

If you can’t hear the spirit, jow do you know what it agrees to?


I’m not saying I’m going to do this. I’m just curious about what would happen :confused:

Yes. Neither the animal nor the Demon would appreciate it. Keep in mind, what we call Demons are Pagan Gods (most of them, anyway) - to many of which, animals are sacred.


Thank you! That’s what i was looking for! I appreciate both your opinions on this topic.


I strongly suspect one pissed-off spirit and a parrot that tries at some point to peck your eyes out. The demon may even aid them in this, if they’re annoyed enough.

I think the Devil’s Toybox idea has more going for it, and it will also be much cheaper.


I’ve already put in the work and have been putting in the work for senses. BUT I am tempted to try the toybox lol.


ahahaha hears the pitter patter of feet on the floor. Looks over a little bird is on my bedside

Yeah but then you’ll get better results because you’ll be able to check that the voices are real, by asking the spirit directly.


I couldn’t help myself :joy: The Devil made do it. :joy:

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