Demonic Initiation [For Those Starting To Work With Demons And Even For The Adepts]

Many individuals are transitioning from working with angels to now going on to demons.
Many individuals are transitioning from the RHP into the LHP and want to really work with the infernal forces.

For many they just try and find a demon, look up its attributes, find its sigil and enn and then evoke it like any other race of spirit.

You can do that yes, but let me tell you it you don’t properly align the self with these demonic forces first then it might not end well.

So this is for those who want to deleve into real demonic power and begin building relationships with Infernal beings.

Delving Into The Abyss.

There are certain items you will need first, by the way I want to point out this is actually great for adepts too. This isnt just for starting with demons, it’s also away to become the vessel of more infernal power. Receive demonic blessings, initiate yourself into a deep layer of the Infernal empire, align the self with the forces of hell etc.

Anyway below are the items you will need.

  1. Five Black Candles
  2. Five Red Candles
  3. Frankincense or Dragons Blood or Copal incense
  4. Sigil of a inverted pentagram, in red and black
  5. Blade suitable for bloodletting

Do this rite in dark room at night, best if done at the ninth hour. If not then the witching hour or anytime at night for that matter.

Begin placing the candles in a circle in this order, black, red, black, red. Once the circle is done place incense in all four corners of the room.

Place the inverted pentagram outside the circle in West. Next light the incense and the candles, sit in the centre of the circle.

Close your eyes and with your inner sight observe the black candles. Visualise in the room the darkness in the corners and the lurking shadows.

Begin whispering in a hissing tone.
“Darkness rise, Darkness Come, All Powers Of Darkness Close In On Me” repeat this over and over.

As you do this visualise the darkness in the room begin to surround you, with a inhalation feel it be pulled closer to you with a exhalation feel it push away from you.

Do this for a minute or two becoming familiar with the powers of darkness present.
Now once you realise all it takes is the breath and the will and visualisation to move the darkness closer and father away.

You can then just use your breath and visualisation to push the darkness into the black candles. See the darkness almost like the symbiote from the venom movie, it’s a sentient dark mysterious force.

See it attach to all the black candles, don’t just see it funnel into the candle. See the actual darkness attach like a leach on to the wax, see it attach to the wick the entirety of each candle.

Keep pushing more darkness into the candles until even the particles of the candles are being forcefully charged by the powers of darkness.

Then simply say

“Darkness rise” say this over and over rocking back and forth reciting it quietly in a hissing tone and visualise the darkness enters the flames of the black candles.

Now the darkness is fortified and solidified in the circle. Inside of us is lust, rage, sin these traits within man are the signals which can be used to amplify our range to connect with demonic beings.

So here’s what I want you to do now the black candles are charged we are gonna charge the red candles.

Just simply sit there and focus inwards, think of what arouses you, what really gets you going, what makes your dick hard and your pussy wet just embrace it.

Once you think of it, that thought will trigger emotions, thought and emotion combined changes the vibration of one’s energy.

Allow that sexual power to rise, feel the lustful animalistic, crazy urges rising in your root chakra.
Once the energy is raised inhale deeply and exhale pushing the energy up through, inhale again and exhale, pushing it out your hands into the red candles.

Push the power of sexual urges, lust and animalistic gratification into the red candles.

Once done it’s time to tap into your rage, think of what pissess you off. What gets your blood pressure rising, think of that motherfucker you hate. What is your life shit right now, good get angry rise that rage into your core and use it for something productive.

Really think about it, allow the anger build to the point of rage, until your almost foaming at the mouth, your heart rate is faster, body tempature rising.

Until that murderous bloodlust, killer instinct which is in all predators rises inside of you in a whirlwind of rage.

Feel that emotion and thought trigger a huge spike in like red electric energy, coming from everywhere the heart chakra to the root, the aura everywhere.

Push that energy into the candles just like before, your funneling your lust, rage, hate, bloodlust, sexual energies into the red candles.

These energies are some of the core vibrations of many, many demons on the infernal empire.
Keep pushing until the candles can’t be filed anymore and the flames become red.

Now the circle is beaming with the perfect atmosphere allow the energy to flood onto the entire temple. Creating energetic shifts not just in your external environment but also within you.

Now face the west begin gazing into the inverted pentagram and open it like you would a sigil whilst reciting.

“Itz rachu mantantu, vespacha kaltamu, itz ranta mant Kala, mant atzu belt azu, vaskalla itz rachu Kantantu velchatza” say this a few times until the symbol opens with that force of ancient dark magick.

With the symbol on the ground visualise above it, still in the west is a miniature black sun.
Close your eyes and visualise it, simply say.

“Ahriman, Amaymon, Amun, Come
For I open the gateway of the black sun
Ahriman, Amaymon, Amun, Come
I summon the black sun”.

Say the above conjuration a few times, feel the forces you just called descend into the room as a presence and with your Zeal Chakra push the light down your right hand into the black sun.

This pushes all the powers of the black sun to rise within the construct you’ve created for it to operate more efficiently in the area.

Now stand in the centre of the circle, feel the darkness surround you and emanate from the black flames. Feel the lust, the rage, the hatred, the wicked and sinful energies in the area and emanate from the red flames.

Feel the ancient powers of the dark arts of magick in the air, awakened from the powerful symbol on the ground. Feel the force of the black sun everywhere, for the black sun is rebellion, power, chaos, darkness, destruction, death etc.

Feel all these energies just mix together creating the most demonic environment possible within you and the area.

Now stand in the circle and say this incantation it’s a bit lengthy so you can read of paper.

" I stand in this darkness, in the mist of lust, passion, rage and the diabolical urges within.
For I awaken the beast within he who lays dormant in man.

At this hour on this wicked night, I command the Infernal brotherhood to open the gate, Belial worthless ons rise and come, Azazel Black satyr rise and come, Abaddon the destroyer rise and come, Amaymon the dark defiler rise and come, I (Say your name) command the pit to rumble beneath and awaken the fiends of the night,

Brotherhood open the gates of hell, may the Infernal empire rise.

I summon the Infernal sisterhood, The four Angels of prostitution, Sirens of the deep, the four dark goddess of the qilphoth hear me.

Eistheth Zeninum, Keeper of the black seed of the Qliphoth, the fierce sister Rise and come.
Agrat Bat Mahlat, Demoness of dreams, the wicked roof dancer, rise and come.
Naamah, Lady of the gate, the red scarlet whore of the beast, rise and come.
Lilith, Queen of the night, the dark mother, mother of sin, rise and come.

May the brotherhood and sisterhood of the infernal covent rise, brothers open the gate of hell, sisters of the black bloody waters, call on the fiends of hell.

For I call out to all demons, Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquise, Presidents and Knights alike all legions of hellfire hear me.

I stand before you great me as your brother/sister and come, great me as a friend and ally, for I form an alliance between me and you, just like the ancient coventant made so long ago.

Surround me with your presence, fill me with your power, expect my call for I align my being with the fate of damnation.

By the words of the ancient covenant I form with hell, Alash Tad Alash’Talashtu’ so it is done".

Spill blood onto the ground sealing your alliance with all the forces and beings of the underworld, of hell and of the infernal planes.

Sit there consume all the power that is given to you, for those with attuned senses, there will be many interesting powerful demons lurking around you.

Take its name or its sigil maybe you’ve found a new ally. Hope this helps, I have been doing demonic workings for several of years and I still do stuff like this trust me it helps.

Infernal Blessing To You All.


That’s fairly intricate. You offer up many interesting rituals that are quite a pleasure to read through. Gratitude my dear.


Glad it was to your liking


Quite. :wink:

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I don’t know why E.A. hasn’t hired your ass yet.


In the process brother :wink:


Yep, this is going in my grimoire.


That was quite an elaborate post and ritual. Did you create the ritual or what sources did you put together for the casting and ritual?

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I created it yes.


make it first page lol

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I definitely want to do this with Lucifer. I have his rites of Lucifer book coming in tonight and I got a pedant of his sigil just now. He’s the first spirit I’ve ever worked with and we’ve been around each other (consciously) for a little over 2 years. He’s Basically my mentor and initator.


this was well thought out ingenious work



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You will enjoy the rights of Lucifer emmensely, I’ve been working through the Lucifer chronicles and The 2 books changed my life and kickstarted my spiritual ascent


How does one open a sigil? I’m learning and have never heard that term before. Thanks in advance


Thank you again!! :smiley:

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Dang how am I just now seeing this? Great job @C.Kendall! Your rituals are always well laid out and very helpful! I’ll be giving this one a try soon.


Hey! So sorry this is a bit late, I came across this while scrolling through, haha. Heres a link to a page I still appreciate to this day, and I used it when I first seriously started working with sigils. Opening, aka activating, can be a very personal experience to the person using the sigil, and thus everyone can have their own way of doing it, but some basic themes are usually there. Hopefully, this helps!

Personally for me, along with visualization, I will trace the sigil with either my finger or a corresponding crystal, and usually, as a unique touch instead of paper, I use thin metal sheets. In working with demons, I highly respect them, and if I’m able to go “above and beyond” for them in even the slightest way, I will.

Good luck on your journey, my friend! Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.


Waite not to be mean or rude, so i got a few spells to gain power using demons, spirts, etc, even one in a circle, and salt, and mirtor using demons, another use hecate and liith, even some, books require you to iniciate bfre u star working, you mean infernal power, or espiritual power frim what ever source?