Demonic gods....and psychic abilities?

People who develop their magic powers are not circus monkeys and our “job” is not to amuse less educated people :wink:
Bragging about it is counter productive…compare to a romantic relationship with your significant other…it carries more power if you keep it for yourself and it looses its meaning if you are whoring it 24/7 for everybody to see.
Simple as that


Maybe you are acting as a dump or you really true opinion was obvious.I did not say about them that they are monkeys or any shit like that.STOP twisting and distorting my words.


Levitating to “prove it” to strangers is like being a monkey in a circus, what purpose does it have? How does a few inches off the ground help that persons ascent or advancement in life?

I’d be more impressed by someone who used Magick to pull themselves out of addiction, get jobs, a good home and kept advancing themselves spiritually and physically. The proof is their continued advancement.
I don’t need them to snap their fingers and “poof” a Daemon appears, I can ask the Daemon myself honestly lol.

You cry stop and suddenly everyone will?
People are talking about this, there’s no other way to get your “proof”.


Calmmm peopleeee

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If you truly want proof pursue the powers yourself. Anything can be explained away as a trick if a person’s mind is not ready for it. Control of your own mind is essential and something no one can give you but yourself.
Anything is possible with magick but time for some feats is much greater than others to the point that some might take many mortal lifetimes to develop while others might only take weeks if you are overall well trained and developed so you have to pick and choose which powers are worth your time and can be accomplished in the scale you set. You want to hurl lightning be prepared for a few solid lifetimes of study and practice towards that after learning to carry over flawlessly your knowledge and power between lives.
Wasting time debating here is only slowing down your own progress and truth which is what you should be concerned with and not that of others here.


Haha, I think I’d rather just die and have powers there

You can do that too but even in the astral there are different levels of power and time to develop them but if you choose to develop them without reincarnation and stay in the astral that is also a viable choice. Either way entails hard work and just comes down to what environment you want to be in if you can maintain one or the other.


Now that’s a worthy respect.

You do realise that just because you haven’t noticed these in discussions doesn’t mean they don’t happen, right? Right.

I’ve also seen people talking about learning various psychic abilities from daemons, several times, and I’ve only been here a month or so.

I see people here screaming that they talk to demons and they visited them everytime on their dreams,but they cant do any shit in reality

Oh? The long threads thanking the same daemons for their help, just passed you by? :man_shrugging:

People turn their whole lives around, but to you it doesn’t count because you equate levitation with power? But that’s not important at all. It takes too much qi to be worth the effort anyway. You know what the easiest way to lift something up in physical reality is? Get a body and use it. Hence bodies.

‘Occult’ means ‘hidden’ for a reason. No-one can see for a blind person. You must learn how to see it for yourself. Be still and pay attention, follow the advice you have been given, and maybe you’ll find what you seek.

I still havent seen anykind of high conversations between true magus,especially in these new forums

Sounds like a you problem. Posts such as Nemesis’ above are common here - so why have you missed them? Here’s an idea: try actually reading something… You know, if you’re allowed to stay long enough. You’ve chosen to break the rules with immature, reactionary and rude comments to people that were polite and informative to you. If you can’t control your emotions and calm down your inflammatory tone, you do risk being banned.


Exactly! Wow i didnt even know u were here only a month i swear u sound like a leader of this site HAHA initially i thought that too.


Maulbeere follows the advice they give, reading, be open minded, listen to others and try it yourself.
Always some informative, well thought out posts :slight_smile:


The thing with saying abilities is that most people who dont have it think ur lying. And tbh i think u are expecting too much of it.

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IKR he gives me a strong leader vibe as well and it feels like he has a lot of knowledge

But dude good luck purseing those abilities i truly hope u will master them one day and u can show me them🖤

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i talked with a spirit in my head that he told me that he was satan,
i told him if you are satan why you dont move this truck jeep wrangler 89
and the truck start to shake inmdiately, i got speechless, i would made that spirit my friend but come on
who the fuck accepts someone called satan on his friend list… he even beg me for “be my right hand”
but i declined…

if you dont believe on magicians on here ill suggest “why you dont make a demon your friend and ask him for miracles and magick?”


Praise u! Omg thats awesome no idea why u declined tho but yeah

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So I didn’t read all of these replies on here but I can only speak from personal experience.

While going through the processes involved in being a practicing black magician, evocation, soul travel etc will general increase your psychic faculties I know that’s not exactly the answer you’re going for.

I’ll tell you the spirits that helped me develop my psychic senses from personal experience.

Mepsitahl for one helped me open my third eye for the first time, she also vastly improved my clair audience and claircognizance.

I improved my clairvoyance mostly on my own, I already had an affinity for it because it runs in the family but I hones it through scrying by and working with a lot of water spirits.

I learnt how to manipulate people’s emotions through energy and chakra work and just full in coercion from Lilith and the loa spirit Marie Laveau, same goes with mesmerism.

Marie Laveau also taught me psychometry and I found that to be a missing link in a lot of rituals for me that involved a physical fetish.

When you work with spirits to enhance your psychic abilities you’ll find that a lot of these abilities run into each other to give you access to the information you seek.

For example if I try to glean information from an object. I place it in my hand and I might start to feel impressions that my affect my mood or emotions ( clairsentience ) I might receive visual impressions of whatever energetic residue still surrounds the object (clairvoyance) might also hear voices that might be attached to the owner (clairaudience) sometimes it’s only one of these things or a mix of everything.

There’s are spirits who can teach you if you’re willing to search and ask


i declined him because i didnt have the balls but that spirit was extremely humble and wise


Dear @Mehdi84667, Did you watch to much Uri Geller? In his programs there where so called mentalists who could levitate. Even Criss Angel did it from the Pyramid Casino. Did you look at Magicians uncovered afterwards?

If someone levitates, did you look a the suit they are wearing or some kind of object near them?

One time Uri Geller was invited for a program and they got spoons and broke watches there, without him knowing. He couldn’t prepare. So he said he wasn’t in the right state and didn’t do shit.

Yes, I’ve seen the Vid, genuine.