Demonic gods....and psychic abilities?

Been done. The military scientifically proved remote viewing with the Stargate program. It is no longer classified and anybody can check out the results of their experiments but It didn’t usher in any sort of evolution because few are interested in it.

Neither did the experiments done at Duke and Princeton university that scientifically proved human consciousness is capable of altering matter, even retroactively through time. The only people who seem to care are New Age Law of Attraction aficionados.

Again, it has been done. See my above comment about the Stargate program. If I remember correctly, their best viewer had an 80% accuracy rate.

They have better things to do, like building their lives the way they want them to be. Unlike mystics, we don’t isolate ourselves from the world, but develop our power while living in it so we all have jobs, families, and other things that require our attention.


The stargate system has failed as far as I know.
Anyway it seems that we see multiple different sides but it was a great conversation after all.unluckily it will be pointless to argue for no reason.thanks you for your time.good night

The military uses civilian contractors for remote viewing these days. It was more affordable and effective to outsource it to private companies.

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This is a great company to work for I hear,

I knew a guy who was a contractor for the remote viewing program at the military bases on Oahu Hawaii where I used to live he was as real douche bag.

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Thanks man I really appreciate that

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Nope, it didn’t fail, but it wasn’t 100% accurate either.

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Lol honestly if @AdamThoth stopped talking to you he probably answered your question 50 times and got tired of you not listening.

There is plenty of evidence here but what kind you seek seems to be out of disbelief and doubt, which is inside you. If you have that much doubt you won’t see the evidence even if it’s in front of you.

As for levitation, sure there are plenty of people who state they can; I don’t doubt you’ve seen it either.
Science as well shows our bodies are capable of incredible things.

I would say just relax a little and look more. I’ve never seen you in any of those posts before. Most people are pretty talkative here so I find it surprising people just don’t reply or ignore you unless they’re tired of answering the same questions? That is a possibility.


Honey it was the first time I asked such question.
I have never mentionned that I dont believe in such phenomenons nor the existence of demons.what I said was that people here are just talking .there is no pure knowledge.I still a beginnerbut when I see people here screaming that they talk to demons and they visited them everytime on their dreams,but they cant do any shit in reality…wow that made me laugh.99 of members in this forum are not magicians or living gods.


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He has. Quite profoundly actually.


What’s your definition of magick? … to keep it simple, it’s that invisible force that “gets shit done”. Clear enough? According to that definition, the majority of members here are true magicians. They use magick to make things happen.

Psychic abilities are completely different story. You don’t have to have psychic abilities to do magick. Magick or witchcraft is a simple skill that anyone can learn and practice. Mystics on the other hand, can’t see this distinction. For them, one must have those abilities to do magick. That’s what you’re talking about… not entirely accurate.

Today, kids can learn few law of attraction tricks and practice witchcraft thinking it’s a new age thing or secret science or whatever they call it… it’s witchcraft in it’s most simple form. And it works if you know how to do it correctly. Even if you’re a 10 years old and your only psychic ability is to get your parents pissed off at will.

If you’re looking for X-Men who can fly and melt steal with laser beams coming out of their eyes…you won’t find that. But you’ll find very real magicians.

I suggest that you read about magick and witchcraft, try to practice it yourself. Then judge others and what they’re doing based on experience… not based on watching someone levitate! It’s like going to a hospital yelling on everyone and claiming they’re not real doctors because you watched your friend heal with herbs and holy water.


You don’t understand what that phrase means, most don’t at first.

If you are so “new” you shouldn’t be condescending to others; don’t call me honey again.

Your actions show you do not fully believe in the Occult. To believe doesn’t mean be a blind follower but demanding physical proof of EVERYTHING shows you doubt your own ability to see the truth.
That’s not the world’s fault.

Now this is a forum, talking is what is done on a forum fyi.
As I said before, just because you can’t tell if someone is authentic about their Magical experiences does not mean the fault is on them.
I’m sorry you can’t see the successes that happen here, really, but that does not mean there are no Magicians here.


Facts :slight_smile:

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Wow thanks you have enlightened me after reading your commentary.just kidding

I know that adam has some interesting knowledge and experience,that doesnt mean he gave any evidence

My principle point is that magic is more than just practicing the law of attraction(which basically any ordinary man can do it easily).magic is much much deeper than that,but unfortunately I still havent seen anykind of high conversations between true magus,especially in these new forums

You’re condescending aren’t you? No wonder you’re getting negative reactions on here. Don’t be a bitch, sometimes it’s not wise to say whatever you want.

Well, no shit. Do you honestly expect to have everything handed to you on a platter? Knowledge is earned and worked for, especially in the occult. Magick is natural not supernatural. Occult power is a hidden face of nature, astutely put by an author I’m reading.

Since you don’t like it here, why not leave?

Since you seem so high and mighty, let’s hear your knowledge. I’m genuinely curious.


I do.but if you think that magic is that simple,you’re wrong.members here made me remember the JoS members somehow.

Magic is not just about making invisible effects on the material world,it’s based on understanding and controlling the universal laws for your own benefit,including the spiritual ascent which we can observe as supernatural abilities in the physical realm

Calm down,I’m not here to have a fight with any of you.I have no knowledge,I’m seeking for it.

Just be honest with yourself,the majority of you are trying to convince themselves that they have reached godhood and they have the ultimate truth about still believe that you’re spiritually awake?come on lets stop lying to ourselves.we still ignorant when it comes to spirituality .PEACE!!

I wouldn’t be surprised if people started posting videos (similar to the ones on YouTube from magicians achieving superhuman feats- there’s a hermetics guy that is pretty good with his demonstrations; his videos have unsurprisingly few views, in spite of their obvious authenticity) and blocked you from viewing them, after seeing what your attitude is.

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Oh? And yet you have the nerve to talk to people like they’re beneath you? What a joke.

You’ve already started a fight don’t bother.

You’re probably apart of that 99% percent right? Yet, despite that, you came here with a negative and condescending attitude towards the people that helped you. That’s the point. You’re likely on the same level as they are.

Have I claimed that I know absolutely everything without a single doubt? Come now. Enough of that.

I think you’re looking in the mirror.


Then stop saying what we say is incorrect.
You simply do not understand anything i am trying to say and i will not waste my time trying to help you anymore lol. All you want to do is insult people while saying you are new and know nothing which is just funny. :sweat_smile:

No, no we don’t LOL.


Witchcraft/magick/occultism it’s not defined, it doesn’t have an actual form, a way in which it looks, it’s like the air. Can you see the way the air looks? So, it’s false to say that someone knows everything about it or as you said “to have the ultimate truth” (it can take whatever form it wants), even if that phrase was used in an ironic context. Or did you were aware of that? - in that case that post it’s useless