Demon to help me get back into demonolatry community quickly

hello …

so , since last year , i was part of this huge demonolatry group on reddit . actually , i think it is the only community on the internet so far that openly practices and focuses specifically on it . and that place … really meant a lot to me ! it was the only place where i truly felt welcomed and accepted , with no one judging my beliefs … it felt like a second home . every time i posted something , i got many upvotes , views , and everyone loved my posts … kind of a silly comparison but i felt like one of those popular kawaii idols during a concert …

however , at some point the mods noticed my mental health has kind of gone to shit , and put a 6 month ban on my account . i was okay with it , because hey , at least the ban would expire at some point wouldn’t it ? i waited and waited , and right a month before it was suppossed to expire , they made it permanent . it was very sudden and a bit scary … no warnings , no talking with me about it , no nothing .

tried contacting the main moderator about it but she just keeps blocking me everywhere . i thought it was some kind of mistake , but my older brother reached out to them about it and they just told him that he’s just " ramping up the drama " and it " confirms that banning this account is the right decision " and muted him . i’m super worried because those mods are among the most forgiving ones on reddit as well , and i’m really wondering what could i’ve done to offend them so badly , considering that i haven’t been able to post on there for months and they said that they won’t ban people for things outside of the subreddit either ꒰ not that i would have caused any trouble outside of it anyways ꒱ .

so i was wondering , is there any demon or at least ritual that could help me get back into it as quickly as possible ? :(( it was seriously my only source of constructive social interaction , and banning me will only make me even more distant and isolated . i promise to not slack off and that i will do anything the demon asks me or that the ritual requires .

ps : i am not a troll

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Well, Orias can change the decisions and thoughts of someone.

However, why resort to needing to do a ritual for this? Especially considering they are likely occultists themselves (I say likely because well, Reddit is full of armchair practitioners).

You rather need to look into why you find yourself seeking this so much, the fact that you are showing desperation to get unbanned there is a sign that you’re almost deriving your sense of self from it. At the end of the day, it’s just a community. Idealising and pedestalizing it in your mind is not a good idea in any way.

It might seem harsh, but the fact is this desperation itself would likely impede on anything you try to get unbanned. How about instead, doing work to lessen your attachment to it and having a more whole sense of self? If it’s your only source of social interaction, then maybe working with a being who would be able to help with that would be a better idea than returning there.

As a sidenote, I would not suggest considering Reddit or practitioners on there to be of any serious help throughout your path, you’ll get a lot of misguidance and honestly a lot of roleplayers who want to gatekeep magic and say it must be done in a certain way.


Try Dantalion or Paimon to influence their thinking and persuade them that either you’re fine now.

I guess it depends what you said exactly, but speaking as a moderator here, and in all transparency about how we do things here, if it looks like your participation in the forum is either causing or contributing to severe mental health issues, then most mods have to ban you for the forum’s safety. We have the same policy here. Former members have even claimed the forum actively put them into a “psychotic state” - their exact words - at which point it would be irresponsible NOT to ban them.

The reason for this is to limit harm happening to them because of forum exposure, but also limit legal liability for the forum. It you were to do something like self-harm or harm others, and it traced back to any group that they knew something was wrong and allowed the community to keep feeding into whatever caused you to act out, then they could face prosecution.

Maybe they just didn’t like something you said and calling it drama is an excuse, but if you looked like you could blame the forum for your mental health, they will most likely act to shield the forum from adjacent blame or harm by banning you.

If there’s nothing obvious that comes to mind, it may be an overabundance of caution. Either way I wouldn’t take it personally.

You could do what many people try and create a new account using a VPN , but then you have to pretty much change up your personality, how you talk, what you talk about, to not be recognised, and go “grey man” to blend in and not attract any attention. “When in Rome do as the Romans do”, and all that. I don’t know if that cuts it for you. It’s not much of a community anymore if you can’t be yourself, in which case maybe it’s just not the right place for you.


king paimon has been on my mind these days a lot honestly … even tho i’m a little afraid to work with kings …

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also … thank you for this . the last part hits incredibly hard . i thought of using a vpn , but there is no way the mods wouldn’t realise it isn’t me . i do have a pretty " unique " aesthetic for these kind of communities and not to mention my typing quirk . like you said , i would have to become an entirely different person . it would ruin that magical feeling …

thank you

The antidote to the mind-poison of fear is knowledge and understanding, imo.

Why not try a little “Preparatory Immersion”, where you basically research everything you can find about Paimon. From youtube videos to posts on here, check out the Thanking Spirits thread for what he’s done for people, and get a better feel for who his is as seen through the eyes of hundreds of people working successfully, as well as any warning stories, and go from there.

Baby steps - first get more info and hold off making your mind up until you learn more. Try not to scare yourself with negative speculation before you even get there, just keep an open mind and stay flexible.

You can go to any thread here, hit the search, and tap “In this topic” to search all the posts in the topic for keywords: Like this …

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so an update …

apparently my account is permanently banned from the whole site now . received the message right on christmas too .

for my results i did receive responses from both the mods and admins , while they were negative , i still think it’s better than nothing .

thought of working with more demons , like dantalion for the changing minds and seere for the fast results .

still , if there is anything else i can do ꒰ there HAS to be ꒱ , i’ll gladly accept it . i just want everything to be back to normal . there HAS to be a way …

Why you feel the need so desperately to go back to a place you are not welcomed anymore?

You can go your own way, you know.

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because i felt welcomed at first . and i need it . i need it back . i need to be part of that beautiful community . i still love and care for those people

So to recap:

  1. you’ve got a goal.

  2. you came to a magick forum to so for solution ideas

  3. You’ve been provided the most obvious solution idea: Paimon, banish and cleanse because you’re cleatly sick with parasitses causing addiction, and work on your mental health.

  4. you’ve done nothing

  5. you’re still complaining saying you’re afraid to work with paimon

  6. but you DO work with Paimon because you posted enns elseehere so that’s incorrect

I think it’s piss or get off the pot time.

You can’t complain that nothing is changing and you want different solutions if you won’t even try the most common ones available.

NO solution with do anything with this attitude because you’re self sabotaging.

Why should we spend time on this when you won’t and you’re the one who asked?

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" you’ve been provided the most obvious solution idea : paimon , banish and cleanse because you’re cleatly sick with parasitses causing addiction , and work on your mental health .

you’ve done nothing "

I literally did both .

" you can’t complain that nothing is changing and you want different solutions if you won’t even try the most common ones available . "

i literally just tried them .

" why should we spend time on this when you won’t and you’re the one who asked ? "

i’m literally spending time on it ? it’s the main thing i’ve been focusing on fixing these days .

i tried : contacting the mods , having a more positive / hopeful thinking , working with paimon , doing the lbrp , and now working with dantalion + possibly seere .

so unlike everyone is ꒰ wrongly ꒱ assuming , i did , in fact , do something .


Ok that’s great, there there more than the 3 things I mentioned not two but that’s fine - I didn’t see that you told us that - so what happened? Which working did you do? How did the rituals go, did you sense changes in energy flow?

At this point it’s only been a few days, it’s probably too early for the mods to start softening, and over the holiday period they are probably distracted with real life.

This is starting to look like “lusting for results”. Adding more because your doubt the working will sabotage the magick.

Here’s some info on this saved from E.A.'s old YT channel, also called the “law of reversed effort”


" didn’t see that you told us that - so what happened ? which working did you do ? "

for the working i simply meditated to paimon’s enn + sigil , ꒰ tried ꒱ invoking him and made some little offerings . i don’t know how else to work with a demon either … i also tried the lbrp for the first time ever .

" how did the rituals go , did you sense changes in energy flow ? "

i’m not sure honestly . when i invoked king paimon on the christmas night , i’m not sure if he listened , but i did get extremelly hot while chanting his enn for 108 times . i was hot even the next day in the morning , to the point where my mom thought i had a fever . another reason why i’m afraid it didn’t work it’s because i did get intrerupted by my dad in the middle of it and had to start everything over . for the lbrp , i’m also not sure if it worked because after a short time on the same day i fell on the floor and had a crying fit like i never did before . and just kept feeling horrible . and for the energy flow , i’ve been terrible at sensing that lately . i don’t know why . i wasn’t like this when i started working with my patron , Murmur .

꒰ i suspect this is a sign from the universe that i don’t deserve to have any spirit help me or have my banishing rituals work ꒱

" at this point it’s only been a few days , it’s probably too early for the mods to start softening , and over the holiday period they are probably distracted with real life . "

might be my hopium speaking , but i think so . i feel like they just act like they don’t care just to get rid of me for now . however now i have bigger problems as i have to convince the admins to unban me from the website as a whole as well . though i don’t think it’s gonna be too hard as i can send an appeal every day and at some point they’ll probably just get bored of it and unban me just to shut me up

By the way, to highlight text as a quote, either select the text and tap the quote option, or you can manually ass a "> " - a right facing angle and a space - and the text editor here will provide that formatting. It will make your posts easier to read and you don’t need to add quotes, then.

Ok so you know what you DON’T mention in here, is the meat of the working itself? When doing magick, the most important part is where you visualise and focus on the feeling of having the outcome. This is “how to do magick 101”. You can do magick just with this, you cannot do magick just with anything else, it’s not optional.

So, what were you focusing on mentally while chatting the enn and when he was invoked. ?

If you only chant and enn, and don’t put emotional effort into feeling the outcome, then this is like making a phone call and then when the other person picks up not saying anything. Entities don’t speak English or any language, they speak telepathically in thoughts and feelings, images and sounds, kind of right-brained.

and made some silly little offerings

Stop doing this. NEVER diminish your working by calling it silly or assuming it’s not enough. You are fucking up your work for no reason than ego. If you think it’s silly, don’t do it. If you think it has value, respect it and it’s value and do it with sincerity.


" by the way , to highlight test as a quote , either select the text and tap the quote option , or you can manually ass a " > " - a right facing angle and a space - and the text editor here will provide that formatting . It will make your posts easier to read and you don’t need to add quotes , then . "

sorry , it is part of my typing quirk

" so , what were you focusing on mentally while chatting the enn and when he was invoked ? "

i - i’m not sure … i tried " talking " to him telepathically / in my head like you said … !

I thought you hadn’t figured it out. If you’re aware it makes your posts look messy and harder to read and doing it on purpose anyway then that’s up to you. I would suggest you don’t bother to apologise for doing a thing if you’re just going to carry on doing a thing, it comes across as fake… unless you want to look fake in which case that’s also up to you.

Ok, so in this case I think you didn’t do any magick. This is good, as all the lusting for results does no harm. You should go ahead and do a new ritual with proper intent. Your INTENT and your ATTENTION are the most important thing - show Paimon what you want the outcome to be by envisioning it. If you have aphantasia then feel it.

Try this - follow the instructions in this tutorial using Paimon’s sigil, and this time make sure you really feel and imagine what you want. Imagine the mods thinking about you, deciding you can have a second chance and that you will not break their rules again, and unbanning you, or whatever else you want.

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" i thought you hadn’t figured it out . if you’re aware it makes your posts look messy and harder to read and doing it on purpose anyway then that’s up to you . "

to me it makes it easier to read from some reason …

" i would suggest you don’t bother to apologise for doing a thing if you’re just going to carry on doing a thing , it comes across as fake … unless you want to look fake in which case that’s also up to you "

idk , habits like typing quirks can be a bit hard to control …

" ok , so in this case i think you didn’t do any magick . this is good , as all the lusting for results does no harm . you should go ahead and do a new ritual with proper intent . your INTENT and your ATTENTION are the most important thing - show paimon what you want the outcome to be by envisioning it . If you have aphantasia then feel it "

thank you , also thought i should remake the invokation ! this time i will try my best to put my true feelings into it !


Sounds like a plan, good luck! :smiley:


nevermind .

i don’t think it works for me … i tried again today and had severe anxiety attacks after like two hours . my parents also had a fight again when they haven’t had one in multiple days . i think i did nothing but somehow attract even more negative energies . can someone tell me if i’m doing anything wrong ? please … ?