Demon gives the opposite of what you ask so what's the point?

Do you think that it could be the person making the request that is the problem? Perhaps they didn’t really understand what they were asking for…

Like when a toddler says “let me do it myself!” So you grant that wish & then they make a mess of things because they weren’t ready for what they thought they wanted. If you allow it - things get messy but they learn. If you don’t allow it, they get mad at you because you won’t give them what they want because they are not mature enough to understand that you are doing what is in their best interest.

Maybe when things get messy, its because we weren’t ready for what we thought we wanted

Just a thought…

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Out of curiosity, did you act this same way to Santa Muerte? Didn’t you say it was a bad relationship in your intro?


Have you consider your own inner demons at work? I find that subconscious resistance can impact the magick work you do. Just my two cents.

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On the basis of your work with Santa Muerte and of EA’s “Book of Azazel”, try dedicating yourself to a God of any religion or to a spirit.
It can very well be time consuming to “experiment with everyone” so scroll the sigils of Lucifer, Azazel, Belial etc, while actually taking some moments to read about each entity, feel for possible affinity and whether the sigil seems to call you.
Then come up with ideas for the words of a pact or simply contact daily that spirit, both for evocation training (or invoke him/her into you) and channeling of information. Continue to study and do other types of training, while giving yourself to the Spirit, to the point of not caring for results: that’s the point when “miracle happens”.

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The "demons that dont give you what you ask for, are probably evil angels. I curse them to the lake of fire

I’ve been searching for that thread but I can’t seem to find it. I want to know what changes they did to manage to make it work.

If anybody can share the link, I’d really appreciate it!

Username, activity, topics, search, search posts by username for: I give up:


THANK YOU!!! It’s exactly what I was looking for!


Aw well… that’s all =/


From my experience as a beginner still learning magick, its largely about mindset. Sometimes the thing we want we already know is bad for us and those feelings can leech into the magick. The subconscious mind can be stronger than the conscious one at times. And its very strong during magick. So subconscious desires and thoughts should match with the conscious desires and thoughts. When i finally got my results using furfur, i was fully committed to what I wanted. I wanted destruction of my target and i got exactly that. The truck was totaled. I really wish i had taken pictures but i didnt want to be weird or too openly gleeful. My target and i were still living together. But i got what i wanted and it felt good. Im still working on getting my subconscious and conscious minds in sync, especially when cursing, but i have seen magnificent results and can say demons do what you ask if you know wholeheartedly what it is you want. And theh definitely deliver.


A similar thing happened to me, i’ve asked to doing well in an interview and get the job, not only i did not get that job but the interview never even happened.
The recruiter did not present to the online meeting which they scheduled.

To what I wrote previously I add that my impression is, when “switching entities” there might be such a period of time before success.
Apart from that, an Italian hermeticist wrote that a working aimed at a certain goal will at first cause the opposite result; the magician, according to this author, is supposed to keep doing the ritual.

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I can say; I have only asked for simple things from the Goetia. I have given them that of equal value. the law of equivalent exchange if you will. I have asked King Paimon for his time and had a QnA with him back in 2019(my most popular post for some reason) and I can say that I got what I wanted.

Hell, I even asked for help with my exams in 2019 and passed; all they did was tell me “Study. Do that which you have procrastinated.” They can only help those who are willing to help themselves first and foremost in my experiences. They can directly push your energy to get that what you want but if you disrespect the spirits and start demanding results; they’ll find ways to fuck with you. See them as a fellow collegue or teacher. How would you feel if someone was demanding results from you immediately?

Why don’t you just ask those demons how long will it actually take? Once you get an answer, you need to remain partient, love matters are quite complexe and I don’t know where did you read that “70%” of love Magick fails but in case there are huge results, it usually take 8-12 months! This is not a mater of few days or weeks. After doing my own research this is what I found out.

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Spirits want what is best for us. Maybe that ex is not the right fit

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I too have never received the opposite of what I asked. Well…I did receive certain things that could be looked at as the opposite, but in the end it wound up being exactly what I needed. Not everything you ask for is the RIGHT thing for you. You have to understand that these beings are far more intelligent, far more powerful and do in fact make the effort to point you in the right direction. They aren’t servants that are just going to do what you ask for either. Ask for guidance above all, ask why you were pointed in the direction you perceive to be the opposite.


Those aren’t the spirits you call on to return exes.

To get someone to return to you, call Agares.

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yes, I have been a bit surprised why there is less representation of agares in return ex spells. He is known for returning people.

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Ok so, I need to weigh in on this. especially this part.

To start let me just say, there has been times when what I wanted and asked for from a demon was not given and even the opposite manifested. In each of those instances that turned out to be for the better.

I have been studying for about 10 years now, sometimes out of the public eye and sometimes in. I was only comfortable coming out about my practice online about 3 or so years ago. When I did I wanted to appear as novice as I could to get different perspectives and it did assist me greatly.

For a good majority of the time, my study did not come from the internet but from spirits, entities, demons and from books, and from my mentor, who I will always adore and respect.

Now, on one of the incidents where I hOT The opposite of what I wanted, I wanted my ex back with all of my heart. I did a huge ritual and never got him back, instead I found out through an angry woman that he had been cheating on me the entire relationship and had STDs. She was his fiance, so apparently I was one of the other women. I wasn’t the one who gave him STDs but I was lucky that he did not return to me and that my ask was not granted. I remain std free and now am quite happy he’s out of my life for good.

On the somewhat different note there have been times when I have asked the demon for something that sounded completely illogical. Something that should infact be impossible. For instance, when I was younger suffered from ovarian cancer it was stage 3, I beseeched Lilith and she sent her son unto me. I made a pact with him and I’ve been cancer free for many years. I’ve had a few scares where we thought it was back so I still go to the Dr to monitor my levels, and keep a sharp eye out for any signs of reoccurrence but, still I’m alive!

I may get laughed at or called crazy but I believe it was Lilith and her son Koler who helped me defeat cancer. So please, while demons may not be completely infallible and sometimes they cannot or will not do things as asked, they are still very powerful.

i believe my will to live and their power was enough to turn the tides, so it really does matter about willpower, belief in yourself and them, as well as understanding that they are NOT tools/slaves/servants/pawns to just grant our every beck and call. They are beings, like you and me, with their own wants, desires, wills, and preferences.

If you come to them with the notion that they are evil, or going to serve you, then the likelihood of things backfiring is strong.

If you come to them with respect, confidence, and the will to follow through. If you come to them as someone who will work with them to achieve the manifestation, instead of someone who wishes things done for them with no work on your part. Well let’s just say, I am a strong believer that you get what you put in. If you just want things done for you and you don’t put in the right amount of effort or time, then like with any product in the physical world you get what you pay for.

Demons, entities, ect have the right to say no, that they don’t want to or that they will not or cannot change the situation or manifest a certain outcome. If you come to them not respecting their consent, then that’s on you.

I’m not saying that anyone here would do that, but I’ve seen it happen to more than enough people. I’ve seen what havoc disrespecting a demon can do to a person and their life.

P.s. in my specific belief, demons are basically deities/entities that have been vilified, slandered, or forgotten. They are quite powerful if you can properly align with them and their vibrations.

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What you perceive to be the opposite of what you asked for may be what the demon feels is the best path for you. I have asked for many things from various beings and either received exactly what I asked for or at times it shifted in an unexpected, different direction that ended up being the much greater path for me. Talk with the being you are working with, get to know them, just don’t reach out asking for things without having formed some type of relationship with them