Death deity who is also connected to lunar energies?

@C.Kendall Posted somewhere a conjuration for them

Banshees are fae spirits, some serve various tribe of Gods (as celtic isnt a singular pantheon but different tribes of Gods from irish, welsh, scottish, and some Ghaul Gods are in there too) but banshees also serve various human families.


It’s funny you say they’re Celtic. I’m Cornish, from the county of Cornwall in England which is deeply rooted in Celtic history, magick and folklore. The guy who attacked me in this particular attack used a local cemetery.

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You spend a lot of time combating others. Is there a reason for that or? Maybe rather than combating so often, combating the why you are attacked would be useful?


Yeah, it’s been an ongoing issue for a while, primarily because of crossed conditions, plus there was a huge buildup of momentum prior to that. It is dying down now, and what I’m dealing with now is just the tail-end of what was a long period of endless bad luck and conflict.

I’m healing myself and cleaning up the remnants of the baneful magick that I was the target of (hence my questions here). Spent the last 5 months healing the trauma, and the spirits told me it would take up to a year to heal everything.

I know the reasons for being attacked so often before I did the Gatekeeper ritual. It was largely not anything to do with anything I did, per se, but more to do with the pain I was carrying in me, the rage and hatred that I couldn’t resolve, and it was attracting what I didn’t want.


Technically (emphasis on Technically) Lilith could fall under this category. Lilith is associated with strangled and stillborn children (as well as devoured children), which is, of course connected to death and the act of murder.

Lilith is also largely considered Lunar, however those associations above are actually connected to Lilith Kronia, which is basically Lilith’s more Saturnian side.

Again, this is kinda technical, depending on who you ask.


Lol. You know, somedays I could kiss you. You just filled in a blank for me-I was wondering how she was related to the path I just dived in on.

I was like, I can make loose connections, but what is it hmm… How does she fit with this- but that explains it based on the grimoires I chose to work with for the operation. They are heavy on the Saturnian side and that death/change is not necessarily bad or destructive.


Why just “technically”? I think she can totally fall under this category as Lilith is considered the “dark side of the moon”.

Mmmm Lilith is the ruler of Gamaliel, Gamaliel corresponds to the dark side of the moon and represents death and sexuality (often in a rather…odd manner). Entities under Gamaliel include (beside Lilith) Hel, Persephone, Dionysus and demons such as Gamigin.


Az jahi the Queen of the bloody moon.


Because not everyone actually associates that with her. Not to say that I disagree, more like I am trying to dodge arguments. I am also more so referring to the death association.


This is very true!


Santa Muerte?


Artemis is goddes of Moon and death.

The most powerful Death Demoness related to the Moon is of course:

:heart: Abyzou :heart:

Ps: advanced practitioners friendly!

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@TheBlondeBrujo you have surely very important Info and insights for this thread


Yes, I agree Rav, with you are looking for an entity associated with the moon and death,for aid in acquiring the end of someone, the Demoness Abyzou is amazing.

Be warned, Abyzou is not for beginners and demands respect, also if you do call upon her, she may not make her appearance known for a while, but in actuality, she will be there but simply observing you.


Not to my knowledge but I think the moon could be a good representation of the other side.

Thank you all, I’m leaning more towards Hekate, purely because she is more well known and popular, but we’ll see. Lilith is associated with the Underworld, not necessarily to do with death or the graveyard itself - she isn’t a deity of the Dead afaik.

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The Great Godess Lilith ist connected to the moon, especially the blood moon and she is also, but not only, a godess of death. Lilith is the Great Godess, the godess of darkness and godess of light. Life is sacred to Lilith, but death is also.

All hail Samael.