Dating people who are only into Magick?

Haha my first love was a black witch after her saying. I got her quickly on an festival, she had an total crush and did the first step. Things gone on I worked a bit with rituals to get her closer to me and stuff. At some time we took divided ways and after 3 month I was torn back to her with every thought. Went well for another 3 month and then I did a final cut. After some time. Literally 2 weeks ago I am torn again very powerful to her. I found out that she was bewitching me somehow ^^. Now Iā€™m counterspelling to get her back. Is this really my intent?? :sweat_smile:.
Iā€™d say itā€™s very very dangerous cuz, if somethingā€™s going wrong magick can fly shortly over your headsā€¦

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Satanic mingle says otherwise :triumph::ok_hand:

Yeah, selecting magicans only is dumb.

Plus if every chick you put a list spell on KNEE you put a list spell itā€™d probably be really annoying. Same goes with influencing friends or colleges.

Donā€™t make your whole identity based upon who you command to build your empire.

It really do be like that sometimes, witches be cursing bruh. :man_facepalming:t2:

A mage just trynna move on, witches want to get their soul shattered I swear.

Be indifferent and just protect, sucesses is your best bet my friend :ok_hand:

I find if your identity of being a ā€œmagicianā€ or a ā€œblack magicianā€ controls your life to a point youā€™re literally a ā€œif they dont practice I dont want themā€ kind of person, you are headed towards the cringe part of the rabbit hole lol.


Yessir :rofl:

:sweat_smile: Not every one is that bad tho! I had the wonderful luck to meet awesome witches.
I donā€™t colorize magick anymore, but we have a store in my town from white witches and they can lift curses and everything ^^ it depends very heavily on the character!


Iā€™m ā€œguessingā€ the black witch ex doesnā€™t fall into that category?

Itā€™s a fine line between love and hate bro.

Success is the best revenge,
:ok_hand:quit the ex.

Protection and success, ditch her forsure.

:prince: Stay up king, no simping.

P.S. imagine if Lilith broke up with an ex, is she the type to curse and then ride your dick again. Probably not, sheā€™s probably riding the sick go round to feel empowered err something.

Stay logical and unemotional bro.
If the thought of that pisses you off just react with success and indifference.

The purpose and money will get you much finer chicks bro :ok_hand:

Lust spells work great on common chicks.

ā€œCanā€™t get over youā€ :rofl:

Never that

So sad. She didnā€™t understand you.

Welcome @eeramos I see you joined us back in March but have not yet introduced yourself. As it is a rule of this forum, PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Iā€™ll try my best ^^

ā€œDo or do not, there is no try.ā€ - The green wise puppet alien.


Just really depends. Iā€™ve never dated anyone that was like christian or anything, honestly because Iā€™ve attracted weirder people all my life. They werenā€™t like practitioners but they knew of some things and was pretty much okay with me, but it wasnā€™t like Iā€™d talk about demons or even magick all the time. It isnā€™t really necessary, anyone that does that maybe has nothing else going for them, so the relationships were always okay in that department. People that are attracted to me, even if weā€™re not in a rs, theyā€™ve always been okay with me and more interested than anything else and since Iā€™ve started practicing more, Iā€™ve been attracting more people that are similar and even more okay with demons and magick because theyā€™re into it to. Some more than others. Also, it isnā€™t because I made myself seem more attractive with magick, itā€™s this weird thing that always happens to me. People like that always find me, now like itā€™s in second gear or something because theyā€™re a lot more attractive now lol

I practice magic you practice magic. Are you up for a relationship ? Let me know.


Iā€™ve always been into the occult to a greater or lesser degree. I work with spirits and consider myself a dark magician. Yet , the women Iā€™ve had throughout my entire life have been the non initiated and more often then not " Christians" . Itā€™s something I do but isnā€™t required they do. When they love you they really donā€™t care what you do. It just scares them a bit until they see how balanced and responsible I am with my life. Most of my friends are normiesā€¦ most people just donā€™t practice occultism. Especially demonalatry or invoking spirits lol. Itā€™s kinda like bodybuilding. Your a lone wolf most of the time.


Some good Ole transformation path working could be a order here. Yes , people are assholes. The ones we love hurt us the most. Sometimes we deserve it and sometimes we donā€™t. Spiritually I truly believe things happen the way they have to happen to further your evolution. Not saying itā€™s fair but if life was fair I think the majority of us would be dead lol. Fortunately you are not dead. With that revelation , there is SO much opportunity to re create yourself . I doubt youā€™ll attract another sick basterd like that once you align your self with what you want to attract. Set up a foundation to protect yourself and be the strongest version of your self. The world responds to your effort EVE. Good luck